Chapter 1017 Tianwu City Emperor Rank Genius, Wu Zhanyang!

The sudden sound also made Lei Tianpeng and the three people stunned for a moment.


When they turned their heads and followed the voice, they saw four young men striding towards the Lushuiling Lake.

The first one is burly, with eyes like tigers, dressed in dazzling golden robes, and exudes an overbearing and powerful aura.

“Tianwu city emperor-level genius Wu Zhanyang.”

Seeing this burly youth headed, the expressions of the three Lei Tianpengs could not help but change slightly.

Wu Zhanyang, one of the six emperor-level geniuses in Tianwu City.

He is also the only one among the five holy cities to become an emperor-level genius with physical strength, and his combat power is very terrifying.

Even if you look at all the emperor-level geniuses of the five holy cities, their strength is enough to be in the top ten!

Obviously, the three of Lei Tianpeng did not expect that Wu Zhanyang would choose this time to come to Lushui Linghu.

Wu Zhanyang came to the shore of the Lvshuiling Lake step by step.

He didn’t even look at Lei Tianpeng’s trio. Those tiger eyes directly locked Jiang Chen in the Lushui Ling Lake.

“This kid actually controlled seven or eight ancient ghost crocodiles, and collected treasures for him in the Lushui Linghu. Is that crystal-shaped lotus root, is it the legendary root of the Liuli Tianxin?”

Wu Zhanyang looked at the crystal lotus root scraped by the ancient Nether Crocodile from the lake, and his eyes showed an extremely fiery expression.

Liuli Tianxingen, this is the treasure of Body Tempering he dreams of.

Ten thousand years ago, the Shenwu Continent suffered a catastrophe.

Countless ancient inheritances almost disappeared in this catastrophe.

And the practice of Tidao that once flourished in Shenwu Continent has also declined in Shenwu Continent.

Today’s Shenwu Continent, physical training is far more difficult than Martial Dao.

after all.

In addition to powerful talents, physical training requires a powerful Body Tempering Cultivation Technique.

Moreover, the cultivation process requires a lot of Body Tempering precious materials.

Ten thousand years ago.

Many Cultivation Techniques in Shenwu Continent have been lost, and high-rank Body Tempering treasures on the mainland have become increasingly rare.

Over time, there are fewer and fewer practitioners of physical training in Shenwu Continent.

Up to now, there is rarely a high-rank physical training practitioner in Shenwu Continent.

Take Wu Zhanyang as an example. He was able to cultivate to the late stage comparable to Shenhai and become an emperor-level genius in Tianwu City, relying on the powerful background of Tianwu City.

Even in Tianwu City, it is difficult to find the resources to support him to continue cultivation.

If he only relies on his own body cultivator training, even if he is given three years and five years, I am afraid he will be better.

If he wants to quickly break through in the body and become an existence comparable to the soul of the soul, he must find a way to obtain high-rank Body Tempering resources.

And the Liulitian heart root in front of him is undoubtedly the high-rank Body Tempering treasure Wu Zhanyang needs most.

“Wu Tuo, Demonic Beasts who control a green lake, I will meet that kid.”

Wu Zhanyang’s eyes flashed with brilliance, and he directly commanded a young man behind him.

The kid leaned on seven or eight ancient ghost crocodiles and collected countless treasures from Lushui Linghu. Even Wu Zhanyang was extremely greedy.

Especially Liuli Tianxingen, which can break the shackles of his practice and practice.

Wu Zhanyang came here directly because he wanted to go to the ancient medicine garden to try, hoping to get the high-rank elixir of Body Tempering in the ancient medicine garden.

Now that Liuli Tianxin has been found in this green lake, how can Wu Zhanyang miss it?

Even if it is at all costs, he will also bring Liuli Tianxingen into his own bag!

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