Chapter 1010 Green Water Spirit Lake!


At the moment when Jiang Chen’s figure dissipated, a breathtaking Sword intent also spread in an instant.

Under the pressure of the horrible Sword intent, the two of Feng and Yang lost their minds for a while.

Jiang Chen has the blood of the Canglong Saint Body, and he understands the true meaning of the various Third Stage Martial Dao.


He dealt with the suppression of the will of the quasi-emperor relics, and it was much easier than ordinary people.

With the strength of his current Shenhai Sixth Stage, in the case of displaying the true meaning of the Third Stage Wind Dao and the Third Stage Sword Intent, how can Feng Yang be able to resist it?

call out! call out!

Two weird rays of blood struck Shattering Void in an instant, and Feng Yang and Yang hadn’t reacted at all, they had already fallen under Jiang Chen’s sword.

Resolving Feng Yang and the others lightly, Jiang Chen took away the spoils from Feng Yang and the others, and continued to head towards the ancient medicine garden.

Two hours later.

Jiang Chen waded all the way through the mountains, and a pale green lake appeared in Jiang Chen’s line of sight.

The lake is about a hundred miles in size.

From a distance, it looked like a huge piece of green jade.

On the opposite side of the green lake, there is a huge flat land.

The entire flat ground is enveloped by a thick Spiritual Qi smoke, making it impossible to see what’s inside.

“According to the information given to me by the master, this should be the Lvshui Linghu. And the Ancient Medicinal Garden is located on the opposite side of the Lvshui Linghu.”

Jiang Chen murmured to himself, and then slowed down, cautiously leaning towards Lushuiling Lake.

Although there are countless opportunities in the remains of the Zhun Emperor, every place of opportunity is also very dangerous.

This green lake is also a dangerous place.

after all.

This Lvshui Ling Lake is adjacent to the ancient medicine garden. Nourished by the Spiritual Qi overflowing from countless elixir in the ancient medicine garden for tens of thousands of years, the lake water has long been extraordinary.

In the Lushuiling Lake, not only many rare and exotic treasures have been bred, but also many powerful water systems, Demonic Beasts, have been born.

Jiang Chen slowly approached Lvshuiling Lake, and found that there were already several holy city geniuses gathered next to Lvshuiling Lake.


After these holy city geniuses entered the remains of Emperor Zhun, they were transported to a location not far from the Lushui Ling Lake, intending to try their luck here.

Jiang Chen glanced slightly, and did not find the disciples of Yandi City, let alone Xiao Baiyi and the others.

“It seems that Xiao Baiyi and the others are far away from here where they entered the remains of the Zhun Emperor.”

Jiang Chen shook his head, planning to explore the situation of the Lushui Linghu by himself.

“Lei Guangcao! Look, Brother Tianpeng got Lei Guangcao!”

At this moment, the exclamation of several holy city geniuses suddenly sounded.

Jiang Chen looked up.

In the green lake, a blue-clothed young man came out of the broken water with a chuckle, holding two thunderous plants in his hands, and swiftly stepping on the lake to the shore.


Behind him, seven or eight huge fish-shaped Demonic Beasts opened their blood basins and burst out of the water aggressively.

These seven or eight fish-shaped Demonic Beasts are almost all sixth rank Demonic Beasts.

Two of them have reached the sixth rank late stage, and their strength is not inferior to that of Shenhai Seventh Stage or higher Practitioners!

The space environment of the Zhun Emperor ruins makes the living creatures ten times better than the outside world.

Especially this green lake is adjacent to the ancient Demonic Beasts, and the Demonic Beasts that survive in it are even more powerful.

Even under the same rank, the combat power is much stronger than the outside Demonic Beasts.


Even though the blue-clothed young man had the strength of Shenhai Seventh Stage, it suddenly became dangerous.

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