Chapter 1007 Overbearing disciple of the god wind city!

The relics of Emperor Zhun are opened once in a hundred years.

Every time it is opened, the area that the disciples of the five holy cities can explore in the remains of Emperor Zhun is very limited.

So far, less than 70% of the area where the Zhun Emperor remains have been explored.

The information in Jiang Chen’s hands about the remains of Zhun Emperor was almost less than 30%.


Jiang Chen only relied on limited information to identify the location based on the surrounding terrain, and slowly walked towards the ancient medicine garden.

Along the way.

Jiang Chen also encountered some disciples who were randomly teleported in the remains of Zhun Emperor.

However, Jiang Chen didn’t have any intersection with these people, and hurried straight to the ancient medicine garden.

Not long.

A hundred-zhang water pool appeared in front, and several geniuses of Kamikaze City were fighting fiercely with the two powerful sixth rank Demonic Beasts.

Jiang Chen glanced slightly, and found that beside the water pool, there was a spooky purple-red plant that looked extremely dazzling.

“Is this… the legendary purple blood god grass?”

Jiang Chen’s pupils shrank slightly.

Purple blood god grass, this is an extremely rare bloodline treasure, has the effect of stimulating the bloodline potential and returning the bloodline to the ancestors.

For the geniuses of the five holy cities who have the blood of the emperor, the purple blood god grass is undoubtedly the treasure of dreams!

Jiang Chen faintly glanced at the geniuses of God Wind City, and did not intend to go up and join in the fun.

These disciples of Kamikaze City are not weak, two of them are Cultivation Base with Shenhai Sixth Stage.

Although the purple blood god grass is of great value, there are countless opportunities for the quasi emperor, and Jiang Chen didn’t want to waste time for a mere purple blood god grass.

Taking advantage of own to explore the ancient medicine garden first, this is what Jiang Chen wants.


Just when Jiang Chen was about to skip a few people and move on from the side of the pool, a coldly stern shout suddenly rang in Jiang Chen’s ear.

“Boy, stop for me!”

Jiang Chen stepped in.

He raised his head slightly, and saw one of the Sixth Stage Fans of Shenhai looking at him with an unkind expression on his face.

Jiang Chen glanced at the disciple of God Wind City and said lightly: “Don’t worry, I’m just passing by, and I won’t snatch this purple blood god grass with you.”

“Whether I passed by or not, no one is allowed to set foot in this water pool with a radius of one hundred meters.”

The disciple of the Divine Wind City looked at Jiang Chen domineeringly: “You now have two choices, either go around or go back a hundred feet, and wait until we get the purple blood god grass.”

Hearing the extremely overbearing words of the disciple of God Wind City, Jiang Chen’s complexion couldn’t help but sink slightly.

These disciples of God Wind City are really not ordinary domineering.

He didn’t want to have a conflict with these Kamikaze City disciples, but he didn’t expect these people to come to the door on their own initiative.

This Baizhang Water Pool is located in a special location, just between two peaks.

If he took a detour, he would have to go around two huge peaks, which would undoubtedly be a waste of time.

As for waiting here for these Divine Wind City disciples to take and play with Purple Blood Divine Grass, it was not in Jiang Chen’s style.

“Haha… you deserve to be the disciples of God Wind City, the head of the five holy cities, you guys are really overbearing.”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth raised slightly: “If I have to go by now.”

The Divine Wind City disciple stared at Jiang Chen murderously: “If you dare to step forward, die!”


Jiang Chen smiled coldly, his proud voice slowly resounding in the air.

“Originally, I didn’t intend to compete with you for this purple blood god grass, but you have to force me to do it. In that case, this purple blood god grass belongs to me!”

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