Chapter 1002 Xuanming Sacred Peak!

The relics of Emperor Zhun are located at the Xuanming holy peak thousands of miles east of Yandi City.

Here, once stationed a powerful existence that was infinitely close to the five-star emperor rank force, Xuan Ming Sacred Land.

Ten thousand years ago.

The Shenwu Continent suffered a great calamity, and all the emperor realm powerhouses disappeared overnight.

Many five-star emperor-level forces on the mainland were either wiped out in the robbery, or their vitality was severely injured.

Since then, Shenwu Continent has never seen an emperor realm powerhouse or an emperor-level force.

And Xuanming Sacred Land is the closest place to an emperor realm that has been discovered in the Shenwu Continent for nearly ten thousand years.

It is said that the Holy Lord of Xuanming Sacred Land is a quasi-emperor who is about to prove his emperor.

For some reasons, Xuanming Holy Lord fell under the emperor’s calamity during the process of proving the emperor, causing Xuanming Sacred Land to be destroyed.


When the Holy Lord of Xuanming fell, he preserved the heritage of Xuanming Sacred Land for thousands of years with a god-tier, and formed the relics of the current quasi emperor.

In the remains of the Zhun Emperor, there are not only the Heavenly and Mortal Treasures left by Xuanming Sacred Land, but also the ancient inheritance left by countless experts in Xuanming Sacred Land.


It is said that the Holy Lord of Xuan Ming still left the method of breaking through the imperial realm in the remains of Zhun Emperor!

It can be said.

Even if you look at the entire Shenwu Continent, the relics of the quasi-emperor of Xuanming Shengfeng are one of the top secret realms.

If it weren’t for the relics of the Zhun-Emperor that was used by Xuanming’s Holy Lord to set up the enchantment, only young geniuses under the age of 30 and Cultivation Base below the Divine Soul Realm would be able to enter it. Crazy for it.

A few days later.

Under the leadership of Xiao Duli and the others, Jiang Chen landed in front of a huge mountain with compelling vitality.

From a distance, the peaks are like the great pillars supporting the heavens and the earth, giving people a huge impact that juxtaposes the heavens and the earth.

The huge mountain peak exudes monstrous power, and even the Emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm, it seems that he does not dare to disobey the slightest.

“This is the Holy Peak of Xuanming. Now the barrier of Holy Peak of Xuanming has not been fully opened. This barrier contains the imperial power left by the Holy Lord of Xuanming. , You must never approach.”

Xiao Duli stared at the Xuanming Holy Peak a kilometer away, and couldn’t help but exhort Jiang Chen and others.

“Is this the Xuanming Sacred Peak?”

Jiang Chen looked at the mountain in front of him with a strange look in his eyes.

Jiang Chen not only understands the true meaning of Martial Dao, but also has good attainments in the formation of barriers, and his perception is naturally far beyond ordinary people.

He could vaguely feel it.

On that Xuanming holy peak, there is a boundless mighty force that shakes the heavens and the earth.

Over time, this power seems to be slowly dissipating.

A fragment of pavilions and palaces is also looming in the mountains, looking like a mirage.

call out! call out!

Just as Jiang Chen and the others were looking at the situation on the Xuanming Sacred Peak, the sound of the wind broke through the air suddenly came from behind them.

Everyone followed the prestige and saw two cyan winds sweeping towards the Xuanming Sacred Peak.

The speed of the blue violent wind was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it had already appeared less than a hundred feet away from Jiang Chen and the others.

“What a terrible Fengdao true meaning, if I guess it is correct, the person who came here should be from the five holy cities of Shenfeng City.”

Xiao Baiyi watched the cyan violent wind sweeping in, and couldn’t help but whisper beside Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen raised his sword eyebrows, his gaze also fell on the oncoming cyan wind.

The people in other holy cities are finally coming.

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