Chapter 1000 The sixth emperor-level genius!


Stepping forward, the blood of Emperor Xiao Yi and the power of Shenhai Seventh Stage exploded with all strength, and a hot red light burst out of his body. The space around it is distorted, as if being in a sea of ​​fire.

“Golden Crow Fist Technique!”

With a loud shout, Xiao Yi burst into the sky with hundreds of red beams of light from the sea of ​​fire around him.

The next moment…

A three-legged Golden Crow, which was more than ten feet long, condensed directly on top of Xiao Yi’s head.

The three-legged Golden Crow was full of raging flames, and with a fiery energy that would destroy the earth, he blasted towards the location of Jiang Chen.

Chi Chi…

The three-legged Golden Crow cut through the space in an instant. Wherever it passed, the surrounding space made a sneer, as if to completely destroy everything in front of it.

“Golden Crow Fist Technique!”

Jiang Chen’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Jiang Chen has been in Yandi City for some time. During this time, he has some understanding of the more famous martial arts inheritance in the Shenwu Pavilion of Yandi City.

Jiang Chen naturally heard of the Golden Crow Fist Technique used by Xiao Yi.

As far as Jiang Chen knows, this Golden Crow Fist Technique is one of the most powerful king-level martial arts in Yandi City. Among all Yandi’s Fist Techniques, the power is the first!

“Do you want to compare Martial Skill with me? If that’s the case, then I will let you see the power of the imperial martial arts!”

With a loud laugh, Jiang Chen didn’t retreat but moved forward, and the blood dragon sword on his right hand also shone with bursts of weird light.



The blood dragon sword in Jiang Chen’s hand swung a volley, followed by the second sword, the third sword…

Every time he swings a sword, a monster flame exuding fiery energy is condensed in mid-air.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of flames of various colors, like a meteorite landing, hit the three-legged Golden Crow.

Chi Chi…

Under the impact of countless flames, the huge three-legged Golden Crow instantly became riddled with holes.


Looking at the battered three-legged Golden Crow, Jiang Chen waved the blood dragon sword in his hand again, and the thousands of flames instantly turned into a huge flame sword.


The blazing giant sword carries the mighty power, as if to tear this piece of space into pieces.

Facing Jiang Chen’s sword, the three-legged Golden Crow had almost no resistance, and instantly burst open in mid-air.

Xiao Yi didn’t have time to evade at all, so he was shocked by the residual energy of Jiang Chen’s fiery giant sword, so that he vomited blood and flew out.

“You can’t even stick to the five tricks, you are only at this level.”

Looking at Xiao Yi on the ground, Jiang Chen put away the blood dragon sword and glanced at him lightly.


Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, Xiao Yi could no longer suppress the churning breath in his body, and another breath of blood spurted out.


“He defeated Xiao Yi in less than five strokes, this Jiang Chen is too strong.”

“It’s worthy of being able to obtain the imperial martial arts inheritance. It really is not an ordinary horror.”


on the square.

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen standing proudly on the arena, and it took a long time to recover from the shock.

Xiao Yi, one of the ten emperor-level geniuses in Yandi City, and one of the best in strength among the ten emperor-level geniuses.

It can be said.

In this Yandi City, apart from the five great emperor-level geniuses, almost no disciple could easily defeat Xiao Yi.

But Jiang Chen in front of him did it.

He only used four moves to completely defeat Xiao Yi.

With such strength, he has not lost the five great emperor-level geniuses of Yandi City at all!

Jiang Chen’s current strength and talents are definitely qualified to become the sixth emperor-level genius in Yandi City!

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