However, this is a lot more convenient, and the information of the female ghost will appear directly on the light screen at a glance, without having to go through the operation of the dog egg, saving a lot of time.


A kind of banshee that appears by the bridge. If a man crosses the bridge at night, it will appear and lead her into the water to drown. If a woman crosses the bridge, she will be forcibly pulled into the water.

There are many legends about Hashihime, but most of them are negative legends about the woman who drowned the bridge out of jealousy.

However, this one is an exception.

"Give you a chance, show your true form within three seconds, or I'll eat you!" Inuyasha said viciously.

"Don't, don't eat me, I'm not tasty at all..."

Hashihime was very timid, and when she was a little scared, she shivered.

The most interesting thing is that she hugged Inuyasha's body tightly, as if it was her only support, completely unaware that she was holding the big bad guy who scare her.

The female ghost with a bumpy figure disappeared, and in its place was a little loli who looked like she was about thirteen years old.


It seems that he was malnourished before his death, and his body was dry and thin, like a washboard with no material at all.

The face is cute and the facial features are exquisite, especially the pair of big eyes, black and shiny, and the appearance of the pear blossoms with rain now makes people feel pity.

"Grass, so cute, what a foul!"

PS: Qiaoji is lying in the water, waiting for someone to hang on the embankment, who will die in the water? Sleeping in the bottom of the water!

Chapter [-] How Lolicon Is Made

Inuyasha would like to say that he is not a lolicon, but now he can't guarantee whether he is a lolicon or not.

under the moonlight.

His long silver hair looked particularly hazy, and at this time Inuyasha was sitting on the broken bridge with Hashihime in his arms.Although he also wanted to go back to the campfire, Hashihime seemed unable to leave the broken bridge.

Because it was a drowned ghost, Hashihime was always wet, and even Inuyasha was wet.

This made him very uncomfortable, because the little loli in his arms was cute, otherwise he would have run away.

"Little Loli, how did you become Hashihime?"

"Little Loli? What is that?" Hashihime bit her fingers and looked at Inuyasha innocently.

Seeing this, Inuyasha was unwilling to deceive him, and began to explain with a sincere expression.

"Little Lolita refers to a cute little girl. Wrap the little Lolita in egg liquid, stick it with bread crumbs, and fry it until it is golden and crispy. Control oil and fish it out. The elderly and children love it, and the children next door are crying!"

"Uuuuu...don't eat me, I'm too thin, I don't have any meat, it's definitely not delicious."

"Is it too much?"

Inuyasha looked at the little loli crying in his arms, and touched his dog's ears a little embarrassedly.

This Hashihime is really cute, and she is completely the heart of a child. Don't look at her crying heart-to-heart. When Inuyasha took out a lollipop and placed it in front of her, her eyes were immediately inseparable.

"Chuck, chuckle..."

Hashihime's pink tongue kept falling on the lollipop.

Looking at Inuyasha, this posture is really unattainable. This little loli will be okay if she grows up in the future. Fortunately, she will not grow up~

Originally, he came out to "forage" because he couldn't be satisfied with Jieluo. After seeing that it was a loli, he couldn't bear it, but now...

His sanity has already collapsed, and he was not a good person in his previous life.

And now, do you still expect dogs to control their lower bodies?

"Whatever, there is no such thing as "the highest death penalty for more than three years" in this era, and she is not human, even if she is a loli, it is a ghost loli!"

After finding countless excuses for himself, Inuyasha finally decided to be a beast, no, it was just a return to his nature.

Across the lollipop, Inuyasha bit Hashihime's lips heavily.

cool and sweet~

Goddess Wangshu closed her eyes again, as if she was ashamed and angry with Inuyasha's rudeness. She was completely hidden in the dark clouds, the whole sky was darkened, and only the bonfire in the distance was emitting light and heat.

Hashihime didn't understand anything, didn't know how to respond at all, and stared at Inuyasha with innocent eyes.

However, isn't it the best for little loli?

It's not the first time anyway, there's no difference between Kero and Hashihime just now.


Inuyasha let out a low roar, and the flames that had just been forcibly suppressed ignited again, and it was even more violent than before.He couldn't bear it any longer, turned over and placed Hashihime on the broken bridge.

It didn't take long for the babbling sound to come out, startling the birds returning to the forest.

a long time.

Finally venting the flames in his heart, Inuyasha looked at Hashihime with a pale face, and felt extremely guilty for a moment.

This kind of cruelty to Huaguduo is really addictive... Uh, ashamed!

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