"Of course, [Original]! Who doesn't know this is the name of the Fourth Law."

Aozaki Orange's answer made Inuyasha feel ashamed.Yes, he is the one who does not know the Fourth Law.


Before he was exposed to magic, Inuyasha always thought that the fourth method was the time when he showed it, but it was not at all.

The old man, Ahad Weng, never said that the Fourth Law is about the use of time.

Because the second method mastered by Gem Weng, the parallel space interference, has already involved the law of time.

Therefore, it is no longer possible for time to be independent as the fourth law.

And the real fourth method is what Cangzaki Chengzi called "original", changing the name of Chinese style is chaos, which is the most original meaning.

Its true meaning is to restore everything to its original state. .

Chapter [-] Do You Think You Are Inuyasha? (Ask for a flower ticket)

PS: Thank you [born as a human being], (^▽^)

Don't think this thing is useless, in fact it is very anti-sky.

Magic is the use of magic power to activate the "rules that have been determined by the world", and to stably trigger a technique that interferes with nature.

That is simply to say, no matter what kind of magic it is, there are "rules" and "magic" combined to produce things-things.

When the fourth method acts on magic, it will return to its most primitive state, separating the "rules" from the "magic", and the magic will naturally be decomposed.

All magicians will have no resistance against the users of the fourth method.

Of course, physical attacks, which are natural objects, are still useful, but you have to be careful not to let the fourth method hit you.

Then he will become his most primitive state, rice and eggs, or more primitive proteins or the like?

All of this depends on the wishes of the users of the Fourth Law.

Due to the fact that time is occupied, no magician can use the same time ability that Inuyasha had used to restore Snow White's eyeballs.

So Ahadeon regarded this as the fourth method "primitive", and Inuyasha would naturally think so without knowing it.

That is similar to the ability to move in space, just remember that point of your position.

Just apply the original power to yourself!

And this beautiful misunderstanding continued until Inuyasha learned magic.

"Yes, [Original], everyone knows that the fourth method is [Original]." Inuyasha said without any shame.

The original, the most initial point.

Inuyasha believes that no one in this world knows what primordial is better than him, including the magician who created the fourth method.

Zulong, the oldest dragon!Born at a time when heaven and earth were not divided. (Personal setting, don't spray if you don't like it.)

Ergouzi, who is awakening his bloodline step by step, already has the power of chaos that can express all the characteristics of today, so after he understands the true face of the fourth method.

He has successfully mastered the Fourth Law, which is the rule recognized by Heaven and Earth.

"You know the fourth method?" After Ms. Orange calmed down, she looked at Inuyasha with distrust.

"You don't believe it? Then I'll make you believe it."

Inuyasha stomped his feet, and a piece of the cashmere carpet originally painted with various ornate patterns was suddenly missing.


A somewhat bewildered white sheep called out to Cangqi Chengzi.

The starting material of cashmere is this white sheep, which is actually quite unreasonable, because cashmere is only a part of sheep.

But, it just happened.

"The ability beyond the realm of human beings is indeed the fourth method!" Miss Orange was very excited.

She felt that the ups and downs of her life were really exciting, and she just missed the inheritance qualification of the Fifth Law two days ago.

But I just came to the clock tower, and the first pervert I met... um, magician, is actually a user of the fourth method.

and many more!

Magic is a thing, the more people know, the lower the ability, not to mention magic.

There can only be one user of the five major magics in the past. If Inuyasha gave her the fourth method, she could not use the fourth method.

Why would he teach her one of the five magics in the whole world, and not use it himself?

Even her grandfather passed on the Fifth Law only after he died.

"I know what you're thinking?" Inuyasha snapped his fingers, and the stunned Aries turned back to the original carpet, and there was no gap in the connection with the rest of the previous parts.

As if everything just now was just an illusion.

"You're wondering why I gave up the fourth method and gave it to you for no reason?" Inuyasha said what she was thinking.


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