"You think too much, this is just the back door."


"There are too many eyes staring at the front door, I'm used to going through the back door." Inuyasha can add to the word "back door", which makes Aozaki Orange, who has just been separated from the endless magic learning, unable to understand the meaning.

On the contrary, Ellie, who was already familiar with the accident, couldn't help but hammered Inuyasha with a pretty face blushing.

Apparently, she was walked through the "back door"~

Ignoring the inexplicable Miss Orange, Inuyasha walked straight to the small western-style pavilion in the courtyard and made a "please" gesture to her.

"What is this?" Looking at the complex formation that glowed on the ground, Cheng Zi hesitated.

To be honest, she didn't fully trust this pervert who had known each other for less than three hours and liked to talk about girls' feet.

"Come in you!"

Inuyasha kicked her PP and kicked Miss Orange, who was not too defensive.

Then, she and Ellie stood on the magic circle.

He also felt that he should not trust this perverted orange, but found that he had come to a small Chinese-style pavilion.

Looking at the feet again, it was also a magic circle that was so complicated that she couldn't understand it at all.

Before she could understand, the magic circle under her feet flashed, and the pervert and Einzbern's android suddenly appeared.

".'You bastard, how dare you kick me..." Orange blushed and did not continue.

"Okay, welcome to Higurashi Shrine, Orange Boy."

In order to apologize, Inuyasha reached out and patted off the footprints on her PP, which made Miss Orange burst into rage, but she was helpless~

She thought about giving this pervert a lesson, but before the magic could be done, she was restrained by the other party.

After several times, Miss Orange could only stare helplessly.

"Wait, where are you talking about this place? Nippon Shrine? That Nippon Shrine in Edo?"

At that moment, she actually rushed to London to Edo?

Is it true that you have not mastered the second method for the ability to use space in this way?But it is certain that the gem man is not dead...

"There's no need to be so surprised, it's just a teleportation formation."

Inuyasha's understatement (Zhao's) words almost made Aozaki oranges vomit blood. This is not only a pervert, but also a pervert!

The former refers to personal behavior, and the latter refers to personal ability.

"Master, welcome home." Amber and Jade were wearing maid outfits, and their small bodies looked very cute.

Under the eyes of Miss Orange looking at the beast, Inuyasha picked up a little loli and kissed it.

However, seeing Little Loli's happy smile, Cheng Zi suddenly felt that her childhood was not as happy as they were.

"Is lunch ready? There's a rice bucket coming over today for a meal."

"Rice bucket? I..."

"Okay, about the fourth law..."

"That's right, my sister is a rice bucket. Please prepare more meals."

Aozaki Orange was crying in her heart, but she had to force a smile~ This made her want to go to some people who make mai body as a profession.

Bah, Bah, I'm not like those bitches! .

Chapter [-] Orange: Well, it's really fragrant! (Ask for a flower ticket)

The dinner table.

Inuyasha turned the chopsticks intentionally or unintentionally, and seemed to have no intention of eating.

It's not that he lost his appetite this time. If anyone in this world knows his eating habits the most, it's undoubtedly the hair-eater Keluo.

She brought the food made by the maid, and naturally it was impossible not to dislike Inuyasha's appetite.

In other words, it wasn't just Inuyasha who didn't move his chopsticks.

Everyone stared blankly at a certain gluttonous eater, the woman who just kept saying that she was eating just to survive.

Aozaki oranges...

Although Inuyasha can understand, she should not be able to eat well after the huge change in her life a few days ago. It is possible that she rushed to the clock tower in a hurry, and then met Inuyasha.

However, this way of eating is a bit excessive.

"Yero, please prepare some more things." Inuyasha said helplessly to Yura beside him.


Aozaki Chengzi's mouth was full of food, and after hearing Inuyasha's words, he could only get his attention twice by "um".

She wriggled hard, took a sip of the drink before swallowing it completely.

"No, 060 I'm full." Miss Orange said.

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