It seems that he wants to use this method to cover up the truth recorded in the 10 small books.

The woman's little twitch twitched imperceptibly, and her cheeks, which seemed to have been shrouded in trouble, finally had another expression.

She seems to be very good at controlling her emotions, and if she doesn't pay attention, she won't notice her changes at all.

And looking at the clothes on the woman, it seems to be a student who just joined the clock tower?

Looking at the two noisy people in sight, the woman shook her head and was about to leave. Now she was in a low mood, and she couldn't see others being happy.

This will remind her of her unhappiness.

"Miss Aozaki Orange, that's the name, right?"

The voice from behind made the woman's footsteps pause. She looked back and found that the silver-haired man was looking at her.

It's just that he seems to be very busy, and he has to grab the silver-haired woman like a little lion at the same time.

Compared to before, Ellie is so lively now.

The bottom line is that a certain black-bellied murderous mother has been instilling some dangerous thoughts in Ellie.

"You know me? That's right..." Aozaki Chengzi smiled bitterly, and she gathered her long orange-red hair.

Then he said, "You stopped me, did you want to laugh at me?"

"No no no~" Inuyasha looked at the unrepentant Eri, and finally reluctantly threw the small book into the distance.

And the latter, like a dog that saw a bone, quickly chased Xiaoben and ran out.

Only then did Inuyasha have the opportunity to tidy up his clothes, and then face the dark-faced Aozaki Orange with hatred.

"I wouldn't laugh at a genius, only self-righteous idiots would do that," Inuyasha said.Aozaki Orange is undoubtedly a genius, and a genius among geniuses.

It can be seen that he can become the only crown magician of the clock tower, not to mention that the other crown is in a parallel world.

In this world, she is the only crown of the Clock Tower.

The evaluation of Aozaki orange as the crown is the reconstruction of two kinds of magic that have declined in modern times.

This is like bringing the extinct dinosaurs back to this world in the original world, which is against the rules of heaven and earth.

In addition, it is possible to create a doll that is exactly the same as the main body.

After preparing enough dolls, she theoretically exists immortal.

Because each body dies, the memory is inherited by the next body without hurting the soul.

This is even more powerful than the scientist Uncle Snake, and Aozaki Orange is also one of the privileged people, and will not be targeted by the underworld.

"Hehe, genius! Aren't you just laughing at me?"

The current Cangzaki Orange, the word genius is the most unheard of, she is very good without turning her face on the spot.

The Aozaki family, the manager or occupier of Neon's No. [-] spiritual vein.

The quality of this spiritual meridian, even if the underground spiritual meridian of Liudong Temple, the underground spiritual meridian of the Matō family, and the underground spiritual meridian of the Tohsaka family are all added up, it is not at all comparable to half of it.

And the fifth magic has always been circulated in the Aozaki family.

Aozaki Tomoko has been a booker of the fifth method from the very beginning because of the magic circuit that is overwhelmingly precise despite the mediocre number.

Coupled with his own talent, Aozaki Orange has always been called a genius by the world.

until!until a few days ago.

The strange and old-fashioned old man suddenly announced that the fifth method would be passed on to her sister, Aozaki Aoko.

For this, I have given almost all of my Aozaki oranges since I was a child, which is naturally unacceptable.

She received strict training since she was a child. She had no friends, and rarely even saw her sister. Even her originally possessed eyesight began to decline because of this, and she eventually had to wear glasses.

In order to inherit the Fifth Law, she gave up everything.

However, [-] years of hard work finally paid off, but it was the sudden giving up of being both a grandfather and a master at the same time!

She couldn't accept such a gap, and finally killed her grandfather, cut off all ties with the Aozaki family, and came to the clock tower.

Of course, for the time being, there is doubt as to whether Aozaki orange really killed his grandfather.

"The reason why a genius is a genius is not determined by whether he can inherit the fifth method." Inuyasha said seriously.

This is the truth. Compared to his younger sister, Aozaki Aoko, who is only good at 090 magic, Aozaki Orange is a top-notch existence in many aspects.

She even rebuilt the rune magic whose magic foundation had declined!

Although it is not the most powerful original rune of the Age of Gods, it is also a top existence in the current magic world.

The reason why Aoko can use the fifth method very well: three primary colors and blue, in a sense, is because her magic circuit is only suitable for this kind of magic.

Although it is hard to determine which of the two is better or worse, the fact that oranges are geniuses cannot be questioned.

"Haha! It's not up to the fifth method to decide? Then what is the decision? The first method? Or you pervert who likes tongue-tied women's feet?" Cheng Zi sneered.

She felt that from the beginning, she should have ignored this pervert, which was simply insulting to her IQ.

That's right, this is what Orange saw in the small book.

"You really saw it, then..." Inuyasha's face suddenly turned cold.

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