Obviously a good pair of skins, when he is serious, he is so handsome that he can get pregnant, and when he is cheap, he is so cheap that he can cause miscarriage.

Bai Xue let out an incomprehensible cry, but what was she eating?Big bone stick?

Look at you, how can there still be a wolf!

eh?Is this the point?Forget it, it's not important, the important thing is that Erquit has already taken the bait, please pay attention to copying~


Misaki Town.

Inuyasha teleported above the clouds with Ellie and the others, as well as the newly added Elquette.

First, to avoid the sudden appearance of the citizens who accidentally pass by, and secondly, it is actually convenient for Elquette to track Roja's breath at the height.

"Well, have you found the person you're looking for, it should be here 々¨." Inuyasha said to Elquite.

He really doesn't know who that Roja boarding body is, there is no way, the dog author won't let him know!

So Inuyasha doesn't know that Roja's eighteenth-generation boarding body is Tono Shiki, the righteous brother of the protagonist Shiki Tono.He didn't know where the Tono House was, and he didn't even know that the Tono family's head was slaughtering the Seven Nights family at this time.

Tono Shiki was the only one who was locked in the basement of the Tono house, and he had stabilized at this time.

"No, he doesn't seem to be fully awake yet."

Since Tono Shiki's body is still dominated by himself, Elquite has also lost his direction.

Inuyasha nodded, which was in his favor.

If Elquette kills this generation of Roja, it is estimated that he will immediately return to the Millennium City to sleep, right?

"Then let's look around first... Wait!" Just as Inuyasha was about to take them down, he suddenly said.

He looked towards the western location, where there was a lot of bloody smell.

The source of the bloody smell is very far away, but it is already very strong, and there is a lot of resentment in it.

"What's wrong?" Erquite followed his line of sight, but of course he didn't see anything.

"There was a lot of blood over there, it seemed like a carnage."

"Sniff~" Elquite closed his eyes and sniffed carefully, but the True Ancestor, who had always been very sensitive to the smell of blood, didn't smell anything, "Why didn't I smell it, are you a dog?"

"Can you still chat happily?" Inuyasha slapped her PP with a slap.

He still remembers this woman touching his head in the Millennium City, and as revenge, he will naturally hit her PP!

Since I can't find Roja's host now, then go to the slaughterhouse first, maybe there will be clues?

Thinking about it, regardless of whether Elquite agreed or not, he took her to the source of the bloody smell.It is also floating in the sky, lest his appearance interrupt the feast.

"Ah...let me go...you'll be punished...Damn Tono family..."

As soon as they arrived here, waves of curses were heard in their ears.It was accompanied by a strong and pungent bloody smell.

Elquite sniffed lightly to make sure he didn't have the urge to suck blood before relaxing.

She didn't care too much about killing.

This is located on the outskirts of a certain county town, and the two parties below are fighting.One side has a small number of people, but its combat effectiveness is high, while the other side's combat effectiveness is not high, but its number is more than four times that of the other side.

With such a stark difference in numbers, no matter how strong the side with the smaller number is, it can't match the four knives.

"¨"Tsk tsk tsk, it's so miserable, it's so miserable. "Inuyasha said it was miserable, but he didn't mean to help at all.

Instead, he watched with relish and almost applauded.

One of them, a short-haired man in a black robe, suddenly picked up a samurai sword and rushed into the crowd with an inappropriate aura.

The party with a small number of people could barely resist, but now it collapsed immediately.


Suddenly, the unstoppable sword in the black-robed man's hand was blocked by a small dagger (Zhao Qian's).

"Seven nights?" Inuyasha looked at the two small characters on the dagger, and felt a little familiar for a while but couldn't remember it.

He is Chef Wang. Among Xingyue's remaining works, he is more impressed by Sister Shi.First, she appeared as a Servant, and secondly, the sentence "As long as it is alive, even God will kill it for you." It is extremely domineering.

Of course, if a certain red-haired old woman appeared in front of the two ceremonies and stood up for her to kill, she would not be able to kill it.

Although the two rituals connect the root cause, the red-haired old woman can pick the root cause!

"Qiye should be the same as the Liangyi family of the two ceremonies, which is the one of the four major demon-exorcism families? Then the other party..."

Inuyasha suddenly felt a pain in the ass, why didn't you watch the show well in the first place?Is reading a fart?

Well...he doesn't seem to be reading.

"Call daddy, I can consider playing an anime for you." Goudan said. .

Chapter [-] Robbery Inuyasha

"Damn it! I still have a system for feelings? It's so useless that I forgot..."

"Er Gouzi, the old lady is fighting with you!"

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