Their ultimate goal is to reproduce the master's third shot, the materialization of the soul!

However, after more than [-] years of hard work and inheritance, the Holy Maiden of Winter was created by chance. The ecstatic magicians quickly discovered that they could no longer create androids with the same ability. It was just an accident.

Also, the Saint of Winter is costly, taking years to save a single person.

Their ideal, the relief of all mankind is completely impossible to succeed.

Even if the hands of man can make things that transcend human beings, they cannot make things that redeem human beings, and they accept such a thing.Some magicians left Einzbern, others took their own lives.

But these artificial humans made by them did not give up, and have been running and preserved until the current Einzbern.

"How do you feel?" Ahadeon approached Inuyasha, who was observing the research, and said.

"It's all in vain day after day. You have a limit, and they have a limit. Unless something called a miracle occurs, such research is meaningless." Inuyasha shook his head.

"Is that true..." Hearing the magician in his eyes say that, Ahad Weng couldn't help feeling a little lonely.

In fact, he also knew that such hundreds of years of constant research had not made any progress at all, but the belief that the magician left them still kept them doing it.

After a little bit of decadence, Ahadeon continued to walk forward with Inuyasha.


He stopped at the door of a hidden room again. Obviously, the contents inside were very important, and the defense was even tighter.

"Come in, she's inside." Ahad Weng turned around and waved his hand, and walked into the secret room on his own.

Inuyasha followed without hesitation. Although he did not completely trust the old man Ahadeon, even though his thoughts on the Holy Grail War were naive, as the patriarch, there was no fool.

He is extremely confident, and with his confidence in his own strength, he doesn't believe that Einzbern has anything that can threaten his existence.

The reason why a secret room is a secret room is that there cannot be any windows.

Without the lights on, in the dark secret room, only a culture tank full of nutrient solution was glowing green.

And among them, a touch of gleaming white completely attracted Inuyasha's attention.

A young girl with no clothes on her body floated quietly in the nutrient solution, her arms wrapped around her bimonthly retreat, just like a fetus developing in the mother's belly.

It's just that she is completely in the form of an adult, and her long silver hair has been floating all the way to her P-share~

This is a very artistic look, at least three points are not exposed.

"This is the little Holy Grail you said? The container?" Inuyasha said when he came to the front of the cultivation tank and looked at the girl with her eyes closed.

"Yes, she is the most perfect android so far made based on the Holy Maiden of Winter, but her role is only one, absorbing the souls of the dead heroes in the Holy Grail War and summoning the Great Holy Grail."

Although he has known about these things for a long time, Inuyasha can't help it now, and wants to stamp this guy's old face on the ground.

In the face of such a beautiful woman, you just want to use her as a cup?

You deserve to be single for two hundred years!

As the most perfect artificial human, Ahad Weng should be the most perfect level they can achieve now.Compared with the magicians in the outside world today, the number of magic circuits on Ellie's body is simply unimaginable.

"What a beautiful woman, are you right? Ergouzi." Goudan stepped forward and said.

"Er Gouzi?" Ahad Weng was speechless, who was this woman who dared to call the magician Ergouzi?

What is their relationship, brother and sister?sisters?Father and daughter?mother and son?

Looking at the similar silver hair of the two, Ahad Weng kept guessing.

"Well, just like you, Dog Dan, it's so perfect that it doesn't look like a human." Inuyasha nodded.Speaking of which, Goudan's appearance 2B, the full name of Yulha No. 2 B-type multi-purpose combat intelligent robot, is also a man-made product like Ellie.

So it seems that Ellie has a lot of similarities with the dog eggs.

"Dogdan? Same as Ellie..." Ahad Weng completely gave up thinking about the mutual calling between the two, and instead noticed this.

A strange electric wave shot from Ahad Weng's eyes to the dog egg, but was stopped by a layer of things.

"Electromagnetic barrier, you really are not human!" Inuyasha also said before that the change of the dog is to inherit all of 2B, not just the appearance, she will even explode!

"Stinky old man, you're courting death! How dare you harass this dog!" The dog was angry, and an Armstrong roundabout kicked Ahad Weng.

The old guy flew out like a cannonball, hitting the stainless steel wall on one side, and smashed a big hole.


The huge vibration shook the nutrient solution in the culture tank, and the girl named Ellie opened her star-like eyes and looked at the man who was standing in front of her.

Chapter [-] Alice Phil

This was perhaps the first time Ellie opened her eyes. She was like a born baby, looking around in confusion and curiosity.

However, in the darkness, all she could see was Inuyasha near the cultivation tank, and the big white dog at his feet.Even the dog eggs, who were a little further away, were already out of her sight.

At this time, Ellie did not receive any knowledge, she was just a newborn baby, a blank piece of paper without pictures.

"Irisviel von Einzbern..." Inuyasha smiled slightly.

Laughing and crying are human instincts. Even some people with congenital brain disabilities will cry when they are happy and cry when they are sad.Although she could not understand Inuyasha's words, she could understand Inuyasha's smile.

There is no doubt that the same smile appeared on Ellie's face, and it was much prettier than Inuyasha.

After all, Ellie is a beautiful woman, and Ergouzi is a man~

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