He slowly turned his palms over and released his fingers holding the bullet.

"All martial arts in the world are invincible, only fast is invincible!" The flipped bullets fell along with Inuyasha's voice.When Inuyasha's last note fell, the bullet also fell right under the ice and snow.

"Who are you?" Emiya Kiritsugu said slowly, it wasn't that he was pretending to be B. In fact, it would be easy to pull the wound and hurt...

"you guess?"

After Inuyasha left these two words, he turned to look at the wolf king whose eyes were still bleeding.

Just now, the resolute look in her one-eyed eyes made Inuyasha change the idea of ​​playing with her to death, and instead considered keeping her as a pet for a long time, and also implemented this idea.

"I like it very much." Inuyasha touched her wolf head, and a faint silvery-white light shrouded the wolf king's eyes.

Soon, a majestic wolf king stood proudly in the snow again.

"Ow~" The Snow Wolf King called out softly, rubbing Inuyasha's clothes intimately, completely losing the ferocity he had just now.

"Hehe, you'll be called Shirayuki in the future, and I'll introduce the briquettes to you when you go back." Inuyasha patted Shirayuki's wolf head, then turned around again and looked at the miserable Emiya Kiritsugu.

At this time, Emiya Kiritsugu looked at Inuyasha differently, because he understood how the wolf king's eyes came back.

In the snow, the eyeballs and blood on the dagger were all gone!

This is the reverse flow of time, or the rewinding of time, which means the same thing anyway.

Time magic has been the research direction of their Wei Gong family for several generations, but until it was passed on to him, it was impossible to do such an incredible time backtracking, which seemed to be beyond the scope of magic!

"You are the fourth magician..." Emiya Kiritsugu came to such a conclusion.

The so-called fourth method is the magic that appears in the world of the moon, because no one has seen the fourth method at all.However, the existing magicians all acknowledged the existence of the fourth magic by saying "that does exist" in unison.

For a long time, countless moon chefs have only thought about what the fourth method is, but the official has not explained it.

But now, Emiya Kiritsugu said this directly.

To appear in such a strange way is not about the use of space, but also about the use of time.

Chapter [-] Lao Tzu Comes to Marry Your Daughter

Inuyasha smiled noncommittally, he really didn't know what the fourth method was, the official didn't say it!

The second method, he knows, the magic mastered by the old man of the gem Weng, there should be a gem sword design left by the old man of the gem Weng in the Tohsaka family, and he can use it to play at that time.

He also knows the third method, which is the law that constitutes the Holy Grail system, in terms of soul and matter, the current state of Xue Ji is this.

The fifth method is the three primary colors, blue, the magic mastered by Aozaki Aoko of the human rocket launcher.

The fourth method... The ghost knows whether it is the law of time, but whether the fourth method is magic about time or not, what Inuyasha uses is absolutely the same magic, but the process is different.

This is a profound meaning that he has obtained from the development of the Ancestral Dragon bloodline over the years, concerning the use of time.

"The Fourth Method has long since disappeared. If that's the case, then I don't want to be a user of the Fourth Method?" Inuyasha thought.

Since that day he sat down and decided to end the Yokai era with his own hands, Inuyasha felt that he had more and more LYB potential, and he was so excited to use another identity to do bad things like this.

As a result, the users of the fourth method reappeared in this way, causing a bloody storm...cough~

Of course, it is estimated that this guy's tough fighting style is difficult to change. The big deal is to become a melee mage and scare them to death!

"Aren't you tired?" Inuyasha said lightly, looking at Emiya Kiritsugu, who was clutching his stomach in the snow.


"Then why don't you try to let go."

"Let go? The intestines will flow out, you can try it?" Inuyasha is really too cheap, even a sullen gourd like Emiya Kiritsugu, who acts only for a purpose, can't help but stare at him.

"Just try it!" Inuyasha followed his example and placed his left hand on his abdomen, then released it.

"Look, isn't this a good thing?" He slightly lifted the corner of the fire rat's fur, and deliberately showed his perfect abdomen in front of his eyes.

"Go away!"

Emiya Kiritsugu roared angrily, but the wound in his abdomen was affected, causing him to twitch on the ground in pain.If it was just the initial wound, gnashing of teeth would have passed, but as the wind and snow eroded, Emiya Kiritsugu only felt more and more pain.

Fortunately, the sound of footsteps neatly striding across the snow could already be heard, and the people from Einzbern came.

But the first person who came here was the dog Daner with a blush on his face.

Just now, Inuyasha teleported out to help Baixue block bullets, but Goudan fell into the snow with a blushing face, hoping to cool her hot body through the cold of the ice and snow.

"I finally understand how uncomfortable Er Gouzi was just now." Goudan said.

"Get to know this girl, Bai Xue." Inuyasha was afraid to pat Bai Xue's dog on the head, and now is obviously not the time to make fun of Dog Dan.

After all, the Inuyasha just now was not much better, and there were outsiders present.

Bai Xue was very smart, she ran to the front of Goudan and stretched out her long tongue against Goudan's tender palm.Seriously, if she hadn't been a she-wolf, Inuyasha would definitely have shot her.

and many more!Maybe they can be shot later?It's just this gun, not the other gun~

"Bai Xue? Go back and introduce briquettes to you..." Not surprisingly, Goudan said the same thing as Ergouzi.

One is white like snowflakes, and the other is black like briquettes, which is really interesting.

While Dog Dan was playing with Bai Xue, a group of people wearing white as the main color came out from the deep forest in the distance.Just like the protective color of Snow Wolf, white is the safest color here.

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