There was another burst of flames, dozens of bullets flew out quickly, and this time, the sound of bullets breaking into the flesh might be heard first.


Chapter [-] Werewolves are a little more ruthless than ruthless people!

An unfortunate snow wolf was shot through his shoulder blade, and Qian Zuo Yue Tui lost his ability to move.


The warm blood fell to the ground, melting a hole in the thick snow.Beasts are beasts after all, and after suddenly suffering severe pain, they couldn't help but howl.

And this time, as if the horn of war was sounded, all the snow wolves immediately ran quickly.

"whispering sound!"

Hearing the dense footsteps, Emiya Kiritsugu did not panic at all.A bounty hunter who walks in troubled times has experienced life and death no matter how dangerous it is, so how can he be afraid of the mere wolves?


Emiya Kiritsugu calmly replaced the magazine, spit out the cigarette, and even showed a cruel smile.

Inherent time control and triple speed!

The Emiya family has been exploring magic related to time manipulation for generations, and the results are accumulated in the magic seal on Emiya Kiritsugu's back.And as we all know, time is an untouchable thing, with the exception of a certain dog of course.

As a human being, it is difficult to control things like time, and the consequences of that can directly tear apart the human body.

But the Emiya family has made some changes.

Or rather, opportunistic!

Reduces the affected area of ​​the time barrier to itself, and the interference time is within a few seconds.In this way, the interference of the "world adjustment" on the inherent barrier is minimized, making it a magic that can be used on the battlefield.

That's right, the Emiya family has time control.

With the addition of triple speed, Emiya Kiritsugu turned into light... Well, Ultraman has been brought to the live broadcast room.

Emiya Kiritsugu's figure was like a red light, and the things behind him were actually his afterimages. In just three seconds, he had already escaped the encirclement of the wolves.

"Humph!" Emiya Kiritsugu raised his submachine gun indifferently, aimed at Snow Wolf without hesitation and pulled the trigger.

However, in such a cruel environment, the precise structure of the submachine gun is broken!

Of course, you can pretend that you can't see the mean smile on the face of a certain erotic dog who was touching Da Ningzi.If the man-wolf war came to an end like this, wouldn't it be boring.

Emiya Kiritsugu just frowned, and very decisively dropped the submachine gun, and took out a pistol from the windbreaker.

Bang, bang, bang!

He quickly pulled the trigger on the pistol, and the large-caliber bullets roared out of the muzzle. The Glock 17 is a pistol known for its ability to function properly in most harsh environments.

Five bullets hit the foreheads of five snow wolves precisely, and a large cloud of blood burst out.

But after that, Emiya Kiritsugu's heart could no longer bear the pressure of the inherent time control, and reluctantly exited the state of triple speed.

At this time, the five snow wolves fell down weakly.

Including the leader, there were sixteen snow wolves in total. At first, the submachine gun made one incapacitated, and now it has killed five more.That is, before facing the leader, he still needs to face nine strong and experienced snow wolves.

And Glock 17 is just like its name, the normal load is [-] rounds, just used [-] rounds, Emiya Kiritsugu has [-] rounds.

Of course, there are other magazines on him, and it seems that there is no time to replace them!

"Hmph~ As expected of a magician killer, he has a kung fu for fighting wolves." Inuyasha hugged the dog eggs on the side, and I have to say that the touch of this Danako really made him unable to stop.

He was not surprised by Emiya Kiritsugu's behavior, after all, he was a killer who could hunt down magicians.


Now Emiya Kiritsugu is facing danger, his submachine gun is useless, and he has a pistol with only twelve bullets left.But what he has to face is ten strong snow wolves!

Moreover, Inuyasha could clearly hear that Emiya Kiritsugu's heart beat very disorderly.

He was beating very fast a while ago, but the next second he may be beating very slowly. His face was also blue and purple, and fine cold sweat covered his cheeks.

This is the price of inherent time control, the human body is still too fragile!

"What kind of interesting scene will happen?" Inuyasha smiled as he looked at the confronting human wolf, and involuntarily clenched his palms.

"Bastard, you meow lightly!" Dog Dan said through gritted teeth.

In a short period of time, Goudan continuously experienced the feeling of itching and not being able to scratch, all thanks to this erotic dog.

Inuyasha smiled shyly, but his hand did not mean to leave at all, but turned it very gently.Gradually, Goudan also leaned against his arms, closing his eyes and moaning slightly.


Inuyasha took time to stretch out his hand and snapped his fingers, and the snow wolves who were confronting Emiya Kiritsugu immediately went up.

oh... bang... chi...

Snowflakes splashed on the ground and snowflakes fell from the sky.The battlefield between humans and wolves was covered by a vast expanse of snow, and various sounds came from it. Gunshots, wolf howls, sharp teeth cut through flesh, bullets pierced through the flesh... all kinds of sounds mixed together.


With the sound of the last sound, the snowflakes fell on the ground, and the blood was drenched in a little bit...

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