In the end, the dog's egg was still eaten by Ergouzi. I guess she is also the most embarrassed system elf, right?

A group of beauties who were still playing in the water also stopped their movements.They also know the importance of what Goudan is going to say next, and they don't care about making noises to disturb them.

"It's actually very simple. The end of the monster age is doomed, and it's too late for the neon age of gods to fade away." Goudan stroked her short hair and looked at him with sparkling eyes.

"If you don't do it, someone will do it sooner or later, so you don't need to feel guilty! For us."

"Yes, for you!"

Goudan's words moved Inuyasha instantly. Compared to them, those feelings of guilt in their hearts were not a problem at all.

Moreover, the era of monsters is destined to end, this is the choice of the earth itself.The extinction of the age of gods happened long before, like a dwarf hair, her appearance was the Celts' dying struggle in the face of the extinction of the age of gods.

But even if it's dumb hair, it can't reach the general trend in the end, and the myth of the Celts disappears...

So since the era of monsters is coming to an end, it will end in the hands of the monster, not die in helpless struggle.

Inuyasha picked up the jade of the four souls, and with a slight force on his right hand, it turned into a sky full of colorful clouds and scattered away.

Only one is left, the most core existence is still in his hands!And this core, will become the end of the monster era, just like the horn of the end of the world!

Chapter [-] Small Coral and Spider Cut

"Finally, I have taken this step. I wonder if I will become the Great Demon King in the future?" Looking at the scattered pieces of the Four Souls Jade, Inuyasha tightly grasped the core of the Four Souls Jade in his hand.

"Isn't this very good? Xiaoyu is the great devil, and her husband is also the great devil..." Xiaoyu shook her tail happily.

The splash of water fell on the Qingxing lamp head on one side, making her light blue hair completely congealed together.


Qingxing Deng spat out a mouthful of water and splashed the river water on Xiaoyu's face as if in revenge.

As a result, the war quickly spread to other sisters, and the entire bath became their battlefield in an instant.Even Inuyasha couldn't survive alone, and together with the dog eggs, he became a Reservoir Dog.

Inuyasha, who had just been splashed with water by the calamus, also splashed the dog's eggs around him in revenge, and the result is naturally predictable.

Playing and playing, Yaodaoji swam to Inuyasha's side, even at this time, she brought her ghost.

"The Demon Swordsman is originally a Demon Sword, doesn't matter." She, who has always spoken very little, seems to have no end in this sentence, but Inuyasha still understands what she means, which is to comfort herself.

"Well, it's okay..."

Inuyasha stretched out her hand and embraced her Satsuki, only at this time, the Demon Sword Princess was willing to put down Demon Sword Ghost for a short while.

She lightly rubbed Inuyasha's Moon Hunger with her small face, looking extremely nostalgic.

At this time, Inuyasha understood that he was never a good person or a good demon.In order to protect the woman you love, you need absolute strength, and if you want strength, you need to do this.

Sacrifice the entire era of monsters in exchange for him becoming a god alone!


Inuyasha also doesn't need to worry about where the cute monster girls around him will go after the monster era ends, because they are Inuyasha's women and are sheltered by the system space.

And the system space is similar to Avalon, who is not disturbed by this world.

From the point of view of defensive ability, it is better than Avalon.

Because Avalon's small world is derived from this big world, so a strong person like Xiaoyu Quanzhen can follow the trajectory of the big world to find the small world, but in the system space, it can't be found!

"Hashihime is also a bad monster, and she often frightens people crossing the bridge." Even Xiaohashihime ran over to comfort him.


As soon as she returned to the water, Hashihime had her long hair floating in the river, and she always liked to float on the water and mountains on her back.The current appearance is also scary enough. Fortunately, the girls are used to it~

"Although he's a nerd, he's a responsible Oni-chan." Even Ayame rarely praised Inuyasha.

"Isn't this very interesting?" said the great demon Lingyue Immortal Fairy.

"Humph! A mere miscellaneous repair!" Sister Kill said indifferently. Before, because she didn't like to take detours, she killed an unknown number of monsters and humans!

"In my lifetime, I have defeated all the heroes in the world, and I have never been defeated in my entire life..." The chief said in a tone of loneliness seeking defeat.

"Speak human words!" Everyone shouted at the same time.

"Hmph, just to bully me, even I have killed a lot of people, it doesn't matter, master." The chief said angrily, looking at the group of big bad guys around who wouldn't let her pretend.


This is Inuyasha just remembered, it turns out that there are so many bad people around him, and they have ruined his good person~

Throw away the troubles, and all that remains is to indulge in the Danazi!

The next day.

Inuyasha grabbed the heavy Tatsuko in his hands and woke up from his sleep.Last night, he spent a lot of life again to get those women who were jealous because of the arrival of the new sisters.

In the end, he found that the entire couch was occupied by them, and he himself had nowhere to sleep.

He originally wanted to go to his mother to comfort him, but was kicked out again because Izayoi fell asleep with little Kagome.

This is... grandma and granddaughter!

Inuyasha, who shouted that she couldn't afford to offend, had no choice but to come to her sister for comfort.Fortunately, the broad Yue Xionghuai who killed his sister accepted him and would not let him go out and sink into the village entrance.


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