Thinking of this, Miss White Wolf couldn't help but ask.

"Little girl, I think you are talented and smart, do you want to learn archery with me?" Bai Lang squatted down, looked at Little Lolita and said.

"Big sister, what is archery? Can you eat it?" Little Kagome looked at the white wolf, and at this time the flower butterfly that had always been the principle of little Kagome landed on little Kagome's finger.

She fluttered her wings gently and looked especially beautiful.

"Wow, so beautiful~" Little Kagome's eyes were full of flickering light, looking at the butterfly flapping its wings, shaking her head slightly.

"Hehe... she's such a cute little loli, so, learn arrows from me... eh?"

Looking at the harmonious scene between Little Loli and Hua Butterfly with a smile, Miss White Wolf only felt that she was about to be purified.Sure enough, after staying with that bastard for a long time, have you been polluted by him?

Speaking of which... that bastard didn't come back last night, it was too much!

And right now!

Little Loli looked at Hua Butterfly, her eyes sparkling, she suddenly opened her eyes and swallowed Hua Butterfly.

"My hair?" Miss White Wolf jumped up, and when it was over, her mind was polluted again.

"It's not delicious..." The little loli suddenly opened her mouth again, and a butterfly flew out of her mouth. She looked at the butterfly that was far away, and pulled the white wolf's trousers, "Hey Hey, that thing called archery, is it delicious?"


"Archery is not something to eat." Inuyasha reluctantly picked up Little Loli from the ground. Was she possessed by a foodie dragon?

But from the point of view just now, the little loli is at most a flower and a butterfly in the mouth, not a meal.


The wooden bucket with towels and other items in Miss White Wolf's hand fell to the ground. She looked at the three beauties behind Inuyasha, silently took out her longbow, and aimed at the one who was slapping the grass clippings on Little Lolita's body. someone.

"Bastard, I went out for one night and brought back three, three...Aren't you afraid of being squeezed out?" White Wolf said angrily.

Over the years, Miss White Wolf has changed a lot.

She is no longer the girl who pursues nothing but archery. Well, to be precise, she is now a young woman~

"Uh...cute, dumb tape!" Inuyasha thought for a while, then patted his chest as he explained, but there were only three more humans, he believed in his body~

"Hey~" White Wolf sighed, and then she remembered that they couldn't squeeze this guy with so many monsters, so what could three humans do.

"Humph! If it wasn't for this little girl, I would have fired arrows long ago." Bai Lang put down his bow and arrow arrogantly.

In fact, with her accuracy, how could she miss it?How could a character who can kill a devil sniper with a single shot from [-] miles away would miss, so this is just arrogant.

"Yes, yes, our little Baibai dare not do anything..."

"Go to hell!"

Mei Hui smiled helplessly behind her, feeling that this bastard who was close to her was actually the dog god enshrined in their shrine.And all of a sudden, it brought them to an era five hundred years ago.

She is not stupid, on the contrary, she is very smart, and she saw this in an instant... the relationship between the girl and Inuyasha.

As for why the girl paused for a while, it was because she could clearly see the tail swaying behind the white wolf.

Obviously, it's not decoration!

Her own child, his father, is flirting with a monster, and now she thinks about it, silver hair and golden eyes are not the colors that humans should have, and Inuyasha should also be a monster...

"Hello, my name is White Wolf, I'm this guy's first... I don't know how many wives~" said Miss White Wolf.

"Hello, then I'm the first... I don't know how many plus a wife." Mei Hui said.

"Hello, I... it's his personal belongings!" This is Qianhe, she seems to be okay with saying that?

"Hello, I, I..." Xiaokui was embarrassed, what is the relationship between her and Inuyasha?Not sure yet.But to say that the two are not related, right?Obviously not possible.

Comparing 667 with the three modern people, Miss White Wolf, who had long been accustomed to this scene, soon became familiar with Meihui and the others.

Looking at the four sisters who quickly became harmonious, Inuyasha had no choice but to sigh that he was really lucky.


White Wolf completely forgot his purpose of taking a bath, and walked towards the house with his three new sisters.And someone who is ignored can only follow silently behind him.

By the way, little Kagome was also snatched by the white wolf.

Meihui and the others seem to be particularly interested in the Maple Village full of ancient flavors, especially the Maple Ridge.

In Mihui's memory, it seems that Grandma Higure told her that she could still see these maple trees before.In autumn, it is like a flame burning in Edo, which is very beautiful.

But with the construction of the city, the transfer of this maple forest, the withering and withering, Meihui can no longer see these scenes.

"Sama of Kikyo..."

A group of little kids were walking on the hillside, holding a grass from time to time, running towards the witch who was white and red, and seemed to be asking something.Needless to say, it was the Kid King Kikyo.

Over the years, Kikyo began to pass on some knowledge of herbal medicine to the villagers, and these children also learned the same way.

The breeze blew, and the figure with the long hair flying was so holy and beautiful.

Chapter [-] Kikyo and Kagome

The witch patiently explained to the children whether these were herbs, what they were used for, and how they should be used.

After the children scattered again to find new herbs, the witch stood up straight and stretched out her fingers to tuck the long hair that had been blown away by the wind behind her ears.At that moment, let alone Inuyasha, even Mie and the others were stunned.

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