And even now, Goudan is still his most trusted existence.

They are interdependent and there will be absolutely no betrayal!

system space.

The dog eggs are soaked in warm water, which is a large wooden tub.A silvery white head was wrapped in a towel, there were some beads of sweat on his face, and there was a faint blush on his pretty face.

"You have some conscience~" Goudan's blue eyes looked at Inuyasha on the screen, and gently moved the water surface.

Transparent water droplets fell on the white skin, leaving a trail of water traces back into the wooden barrel.

She gently picked up the goblet on the side, don't get me wrong, under Inuyasha's repeated education, this time she didn't drink any fat house happy water, nor was it some kind of gentleman's white night body, but...

A golden night body, or something made up of countless golden light spots.

The power of belief is completely used as a drink by dog ​​eggs!

After a light peck, Goudan's pretty face was full of aftertaste and enjoyment. She gently shook the goblet, her eyes full of confusion.

"Hmm~ the aroma of malt..."

and so……

This Higaka Shrine has no ability to fulfill wishes at all. The reason why it has such a great reputation is entirely because of the old witch's trick. [Only a good person with pure faith prays in front of the statue to get the spell that heals everything. 】

In fact, it's all about whether the old witch wants to give it or not. Those with power and power have a [-]% chance of getting it.

For those who have no money or power, it depends entirely on their mood.

Whoa, whoa, that's too far~

After the two walked down, they looked at Tomisaka Tokiomi, who was still waiting behind him. Although they didn't know why he had to visit the shrine alone and make a wish, they didn't think much about it, and thought it was Tosaka Tokiomi. very high.

"Patriarch Tohsaka, it's your turn." Inuyasha reminded Tohsaka Tokiomi who was still cursing Matou Kariya in a daze.

To be honest, Inuyasha really didn't want to play the game of visiting himself with these three fools.

He feels very bored now, and really wants to go back early to enjoy the similar benefits that he has already conquered.

"But since it's boring, why don't you have some fun?" Inuyasha looked at Tokiomi Tosaka who was shaking the bell. Anyway, everything was Tokiomi's fault, so he just played with this scum.

And Tosaka Tokiomi, who had just finished ringing the bell, suddenly tightened the chrysanthemum and couldn't help shaking.

He looked around and looked strangely at his Chancheng Aoi and who, as well as the boring Inuyasha, obviously all right.

"Is it an illusion? It must be that I have experienced too much today..." Tokiomi Tosaka comforted himself.

He looked at the cash box and the quiet and solemn environment around him, and couldn't help but associate the chill just now with ghosts.After all, the Tohsaka family has a long history and knows many secrets that ordinary people don't know.

Monsters, ghosts, monks...

Although he thought that these things were not as powerful as magic, they had to make him doubt his own experience.

"Bah! Break the wealth and save the disaster!" An inexplicable roar appeared in his mind, Tokiomi Tosaka was startled, and looked around in confusion.

The trees swaying slightly in the moonlight, the house, the three people who looked at him inexplicably, all this was no problem.Even the lights of the houses in the distance and the sound of cooking dishes from a distance are no problem.

"Illusion, it must be an illusion..." Tohsaka Tokiomi comforted himself, but the cold sweat flowed down unconsciously.

"What's wrong with him? I heard that Niigata Shrine is blessed by gods. Could it be that he has a ghost in his heart like this?" Chancheng Aoi thought suspiciously.

"Hmph! A sneaky guy, how could Xiaokui marry someone like him!" Matou Kariya thought disdainfully.

Although Tohsaka Tokiomi consoled himself that it was an illusion just now, he still threw all the money in his body into the cash box involuntarily.And after thinking about it carefully, he also threw his pocket watch into the cash box.

You must know that a magician's pocket watch is actually an important magic tool for them. If you just look at the time, obviously a watch is more convenient.

But now, this pocket watch that he regarded as a treasure was thrown into the cash box by him?

Both Chancheng Aoi and Matou Kariya suspected that he had taken the wrong medicine. Although they had not been in contact for a long time, he knew from the way he took out his pocket watch to wipe it today that he attached great importance to this pocket watch.

There are tricks...

In the suspicious eyes of the two, Tohsaka Tokiomi's body trembled slightly again.

"Mortal, you are not religious enough!" It was that grand and solemn voice that came to mind again, and Tokiomi Tosaka was about to collapse.

Not religious enough?

Tohsaka Tokiomi touched his pocket, and there was not a penny left, only a gold card.Could it be that Lord God even accepts bank cards, but he doesn't know the password, and is there a bank in the sky?

"Stupid! I'm a god, what's the use of money? Offer your piety!" Lord God's voice appeared again.

"Pious, pious..."

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, or one of them looked surprised but actually interesting, Tosaka Tokiomi muttered the word "religion" in a daze, and then slowly began to take off his clothes!

Moreover, his movements were fast, and in the blink of an eye, his upper body was completely red.


Seeing this, Chancheng Aoi screamed in surprise, ran to Inuyasha's side in three or two steps, and hid behind his large body.From time to time, the little head came out to look at it, and then immediately shrank back.

"Xiao Kui, you..." The one who was originally by Chancheng Aoi looked at the childhood sweetheart hiding behind Inuyasha speechlessly.


Why did she hide behind that bastard when he was right beside him?

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