Inuyasha looked at Jin Yiwei wearing a flying fish suit. He didn't expect that these costumes have been preserved until now, which is enough to see how much merit he had for destroying that damn formation in the first place!

"It's this skinny old man who dares to make trouble here? It's really courting death!" The leader said, waving at his subordinates.

After his subordinates got the order, he immediately stepped forward and pressed Tohsaka Tokiomi to the ground.

It's that kind of press with his face on the ground!

Tohsaka Tokiomi, who was originally a first-class magician, naturally had a certain degree of resistance, but he didn't do it because he didn't dare to do it.

Jinyiwei, an organization that was founded in the Ming Dynasty and has been retained until today.

However, they have changed a lot from being the eyes and ears of the emperor to now being the direct defenders of the empire's industries.

But no matter before or now, Jin Yiwei is the kind who can walk sideways, unless he encounters the sons of officials.

"Uh... how did you make the matter so big?" Inuyasha looked at Tokiomi Tokiomi, whose face was blue with regret, and he complained: "Patriarch Tohsaka, since you have no money, you should have said it earlier, alas, why is this so? ?"

"I said Nima!" Tokiomi Tosaka cursed in his heart, but his face remained silent.

Now we only have to strive to behave well, and then make plans after escaping this catastrophe!

At this time.

The leader of the Jinyiwei team looked at Inuyasha, and then his eyes lit up.He ran to Inuyasha at once, and looked up and down the fire rat fur on him, as if he was studying something.

"Brother, get to know me, my name is Luo Hua." He bowed his hands to Inuyasha.

"Hello, my name is Inuyasha." Inuyasha also bowed his hands to him, which is a proper etiquette when meeting.

"Inuyasha? What a strange name." Luo Hua scratched his head. From his little actions, it can be seen that this guy is not the kind of person who likes to play tricks. If he can get into the position of 047 to the team leader, there is someone above him, or he is completely loyal. !

Of course, it would be even better if you had both.

"Never mind, I said, brother, is this dress on you for sale? Fire rat fur... This is the first time I've seen the real thing." Luo Hua scratched his ears and felt embarrassed when he wanted to reach out.

At this time, Inuyasha was sure that Luo Hua was really the one with someone above him.

Fire rat has been extinct for many years in this era, and people who can hear about fire rat fur are rare now.

And Luo Hua said that he saw the real thing for the first time, meaning that he had seen the picture book before?

"This is a dress my mother gave me, and I can't sell it." Inuyasha refused.This thing is completely made of the fur of the fire rat, and it is estimated that it is the only one in the world, and Luo Hua probably cannot afford it.

"It was me who was abrupt. Now that I think about it, I can't afford this thing at all." Luo Hua said in a low voice.

"By the way, I still have some fire rat hair here. If you really want it, I will give it to you." Inuyasha said.He took out a bag of fire rat hair from the space ring, enough to make a dress.

"Really? No no no... This is too precious, I can't have it!" Luo Hua stared at the bag, but refused.

"You're welcome, the last thing I need is money~"

Chapter [-] Oops, Patriarch Tohsaka, you...

"staring (one) staring"

As soon as these words came out, the eight women who were originally quiet because of Jin Yiwei's appearance, all stared at Inuyasha.Who said just now that the man who had a bad month was paying the money?Now you say you are the least short of money?

Do not make jokes!

However, looking at the expression of the leader of the Jinyiwei team, the fire rat hair seems to be a very valuable thing.

People who can give this kind of thing casually should obviously not be short of money.

By the way, what is a fire rat?

"Brother... can you really give me these fire rat hairs?" Luo Hua stared at Inuyasha, as if to make sure he was lying.However, he only saw a calm expression on Inuyasha.

"These are just hairs, nothing more, and like I said, I'm not short of money."

Inuyasha's right hand was deftly, and a black card appeared in his hand.

Not that ordinary black, but a strange black that reflects light and should be made of metal.A golden five-clawed dragon sits on the card.

"Black Gold Dragon Card!" The shopping guide, who was eyeing with Luo Hua, couldn't help but exclaimed.

And this time, it was as if the floodgates had been opened, and the whole store was filled with the sound of "inhaling a breath of cold air", as if eating noodles.

Black gold means black gold.

Its stability is still higher than that of gold, and it is a precious metal several times more valuable than gold.And just this black and gold card is enough to buy the clothes of those young ladies and sisters, not to mention the money stored in it.

And this black gold dragon card is a bank card issued by Huaguo Bank, and the conditions for obtaining it are simply harsh!

It is said that only ten people in the world have this card, including the president of China and the president of the new and powerful United States.

This is a status symbol that will be passed on to the next president as you step down!

Not personal property!

It is conceivable that the person who owns this black gold dragon card is an existence standing at the apex of the whole world.

"I'll go!" Luo Hua's eyes widened, looking at the calm Inuyasha in disbelief. He actually called such a powerful person a brother, and he still wanted to buy his fire rat fur?


Luo Hua swallowed hard, and said with trembling hands: "Brother, no, big brother! This card... How did you get it?"

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