Before Meihui could speak, a certain talented loli nodded, apparently thinking that this dress was very suitable for her mother.

In fact, there is no need to ask any more, seeing the light in Mei Hui's eyes, she knows that she likes this dress very much.

"That... do you have a fitting room here?" Inuyasha asked.

"I'm sorry, the clothes in our store are not allowed to be tried on." The shopping guide said with an apologetic expression.It's just that I'm thinking that Inuyasha doesn't know anything, so I don't know.

"Is that so... Then buy it directly. My feeling is telling me that this dress is definitely suitable for you, Miu." Inuyasha said.

"Then buy it." Meihui also nodded, then buying things never looked at the price, it was meaningless anyway.

The shopping guide, looking at the two cheerful people, found the pale green dress from Inuyasha's hands weakly.Looking at the price above, I couldn't count the number of digits, and the shopping guide sister left tears of no money.

She took her dress and went to the counter to pack a bag, while Inuyasha and the others continued to choose clothes.

Little Loli's clothes are the key point~

at this time.

However, Inuyasha suddenly saw Tokiomi Tosaka walking towards them, followed by Matou Kariya and Aoi Chancheng.After all, they are all mysterious existences. Tokiomi Tohsaka came up to say hello, and they couldn't just stand there.

"What's wrong with you?" Inuyasha asked.

"My dear Tosaka Tokiomi, is a magician from the Tosaka family in Fuyuki City, and has seen the priestess of Higaka Shrine."

Tosaka Tokiomi drew a coquettish circle in front of him with his right hand, then placed it under his left shoulder, with his entire right arm against his body, bowing [-] degrees to Miei.

"Wow... so gentlemanly, just like the nobles in Western Europe~" A certain shopping guide lady's eyes lit up.

"Mmmm~ and also looks very handsome, just a little thinner." A rich woman of [-] pounds who was shopping.Inlaid with diamonds on her luxurious bag, a line is formed.

Young people who don't want to work hard, please contact me, **~

Ha ha……

"Although he thinks it's good, he looks like he already has a child~" said a certain eldest lady.

"I'm only eighteen years old." Tohsaka Tokiomi twitched.

"The magician of the Tohsaka family?" Inuyasha looked at Tohsaka Tokiomi, who was still bowing, and didn't know what this guy wanted to do for a while, but as a gentleman, he couldn't let people bow all the time.

"This uncle, get up first. Although you know that your hairline is still low, you don't have to face us like this all the time."

"God, his hairline!"

Tokiomi Tosaka was so angry that his body was trembling, and he could not wait to rush up and beat Inuyasha fiercely. This old master is going to play melee combat today!

However, when he thought that Mei Hui was still by his side, he had to maintain a gentleman's degree.

"Yeah, this uncle, please get up first. It must be bad when you are older, and your body is shaking like this." The kind Meihui said, this is the legendary natural black, right?

"No gift, flat body!" Little Kagome said with her small hand raised.

"Pfft!" X2 Chancheng Aoi and Matou Kariya covered their cheeks at the same time, biting their lips with their teeth, forcing themselves not to laugh.

"Ahem...Actually, I'm only eighteen years old this year, so I'm fine." Tokiomi Tosaka straightened up, a little embarrassed.Little Kagome's words are like saying that she is the emperor himself, and he is the little eunuch!

However, as a child, he couldn't put his face away to teach him a lesson.


Just hearing a "click", Tokiomi Tosaka was about to fall down while clutching the moon again...

Chapter [-] Unless You Can't Help It

"Cut, the guy who's not good enough!" The [-]-pound rich woman looked at Tosaka Tokiomi, who was covering her month's money with contempt. At her age, plus she was rich and powerful, she was looking for a man. The main directions are practical.

If a man has a good month, his body will be good.

It seemed that the rich woman made a head start, and the rest of the women also booed with disdain.

Those who can come to this kind of place for consumption are all rich women, or women with rich husbands.Most of them are not attracted by money, and a man who has a bad month can be said to be tasteless.

On the other hand, although the man in the red clothes did not show much, but the clothes that can hold up the coat are obviously very interesting!

Although the other party seems to have a wife and daughter, it should be fine just to sleep, right?

"This uncle... are you okay?" Ignoring the coveted eyes of a group of women, Inuyasha said to Tokiomi, who was lying on the ground.No way, a bunch of old women...

Of course, Inuyasha wasn't alluding to a guy who couldn't get enough to eat.

" are the uncle, your whole family is the uncle!"

Tohsaka Tokiomi suddenly discovered that the self-cultivation he was proud of before was simply a P, simply because he didn't meet a real villain.

And now, the wicked appeared.

In fact, Tokiomi Tosaka was also depressed. After he stood up straight just now, he didn't think there was any problem at all.But after 370, it suddenly felt as if a needle had stabbed the moon, and he couldn't help but fall down.

"Need help?" The disgusting voice sounded again, and Tokiomi Tosaka hurriedly stood up.

"No need!" Tokiomi Tosaka took a picture of the clothes. As a high-end clothing store, the house is absolutely spotless.

And he is like this, just to cover up the embarrassment with such actions.

Inuyasha looked at his arrogant look, with the same approachable smile on his face, but moved his fingers in that way.That's right!That's what he did just now.

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