However, Kikyo didn't seem very happy, and occasionally glanced at Inuyasha and Tama on the other side.

"Humph! Stinky vixen! What's so great, I can let the master ride it too!" Kikyo muttered, but this made Cuizi sitting behind her dumbfounded.

How could she remember that Xiaoyu and Kikyo had a good relationship on weekdays, why is she so jealous now?

Women's friendship is so inexplicable~

"Silly girl, do you know what you're talking about?" Cuizi touched the head of Bellflower, she always felt like an old mother now, this girl is too cute.

"It was originally~ Anyway, in the future, Sister Cuizi will definitely let the master ride." Kikyo said.

She seems to be developing more and more in the direction of silly and sweet 453, no, you are a cold goddess, you must not develop in this direction!

Fortunately, she is still a cold witch in the eyes of outsiders~

Cui Zi's face turned red all of a sudden, and even her ears were flushed.Although I know what Kikyo said seems to be right, it's still embarrassing to say it like this, right?

"click, click~"

After reaching out her finger and feeding Kikyo two hairy chestnuts, Cuizi rubbed her head again.

"I'm not allowed to say this, and I don't know how to be shy!" Cuizi seemed to have completely integrated into the role of an old mother before she knew it.

"Oh~" Kikyo spit out her head, although she still felt that what she said was reasonable!

"Roar..." After the mica became bigger, even the voice became more powerful.Although the previous voice line can still be heard, there is also a fundamental gap.

Cuizi rubbed Mica's head, and the latter narrowed her eyes happily.

Seeing this, Xiaoyu's eyes glowed with brilliance.

I also want to be rubbed by my husband like this, it will definitely be very comfortable to say~

"Husband, rub me, rub me, rub me quickly..." Xiaoyu said.The tail behind her kept wagging, showing how eager and urgent her heart was.

Inuyasha was stunned for a moment, some didn't know what was wrong with her, but still grabbed her wagging tail.


Xiaoyu's body shook for a while, almost not falling from the air.Just like Yan Mo's feet, Xiaoyu's tail is also a forbidden place for her to touch, and it is undoubtedly very sensitive.

Inuyasha quickly let go of her hand, and Xiaoyu stabilized her body.

"Idiot husband, my concubine wants you to rub someone's head, just like rubbing mica, not the tail!" Xiaoyu said angrily.

"Hey~" Inuyasha reached out and rubbed Xiaoyu's fox head, and by the way, he scratched lightly under her neck.These movements were completely learned by him from the briquettes.

What he didn't expect was that Xiaoyu seemed to enjoy such an action very much, and both eyes were bent into crescents.

Is it possible that after changing back to the original body, it will become like a small animal?

Shaking his head, all the thoughts of "do you want to try demonizing yourself" out of his mind, Inuyasha took out something similar to a compass from the front of Hungarian, and looked down.

This is what he just made the dog egg to synthesize, the raw material is the iron feather, and some other materials.

The pointer of this compass will always only point in one direction, where the Great Tengu's body is located!

"Xiaoyu, fly to the east." Inuyasha looked at the pointer of the compass, patted Xiaoyu's head and said to her.It has been a while since he and Kikyo came out. If they don't go back, it is estimated that the mother will come to him with a knife and eagle claws.

Eagle claw = running dog = wine swallow boy~

So now Inuyasha just wants to find Datengu as soon as possible, and then make a target for Kikyo to practice arrows, and go back quickly after it is useless.

"Yes, my husband!" Xiaoyu moved her body and turned to the east.

"Mica, let's follow." Kikyo no longer felt jealous after seeing the compass in Inuyasha's hand.Now she just wants to pierce that monster's heart with her own heart!

It's better to send it to Sister Yan Mo and torture him forever with eighteen layers of hell.

The mountains and rivers quickly receded, and under the rapid flight of Mica and Xiaoyu, they quickly flew towards their destination.

of course.

Xiaoyu has been controlling her speed, otherwise the mica would have disappeared long ago.Although Kikyo and Tsuiko combined weigh less than Inuyasha, Xiaoyu is a demon god, and Mica is just a big monster.

Two hours later.

The place where Tengu hid was really far enough, and at the speed of mica, it took four hours to reach the destination.

This is a mountain range, or a hill is more suitable, because the altitude is very low.

"There." Inuyasha looked at the compass, and then pointed to a lonely peak ahead, which was the highest lonely mountain peak, chasing into the clouds like a razor.

Xiaoyu and Mica raised the height of their flight, and only then did they see the whole picture of the mountain peaks shrouded in white clouds.

On the top of the mountain, a small temple stands alone on the top of the mountain.

And there are actually many birds hovering and flying around, as if guarding this small temple.

"Yo hoo? This old thing is quite enjoyable. Such a temple was built in such a place~" Inuyasha frowned, and fake monks will always come more than real monks.

For example, the Funny Temple that was slaughtered by him alone was full of fake monks!

Kikyo had already taken out his longbow, his face full of killing intent.

She took out the arrow and placed it on the bowstring, slowly pulled the bow into the shape of a full moon, and aimed at the temple on the lonely mountain.

at this time!

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