Chilling, chirping...

The little guy licked Cuizi's face, and mica has followed Cuizi since he was a child.The first scene she saw when she opened her eyes was Cuizi looking at her with pity, these mica have always been in her heart.

" looks like it's delicious~" Looking at the mica that looked like he was eating ice cream, Inuyasha swallowed.

After looking at the other half of Cuizi's pretty face, she licked like mica.

Maybe it's the dog's talent, Inuyasha is even more flexible than mica, and it doesn't have the first jerky feeling at all.

Well...he admits it's not the first time~

Cuizi moved her eyebrows and woke up from her sleep.It is estimated that she never thought that the first morning after her resurrection, she was woken up in this way.

"Forget the mica... Inuyasha, are you a dog?"

"Uh, what do you say?"

"I..." Cuizi was speechless, and finally pinched mica's cat's head angrily.

"Meow~" The poor mica acted as a gas bag just like that.

As the sun rose little by little from the east, the light enveloped the whole earth again, and Kikyo and Xiaoyu walked out of the door.They walked erratically, as if they hadn't woken up yet.

At this time, Shrimp's mother had already prepared breakfast.


a few days later.

After being a guest in the Demon Slayer Village for a few days, Inuyasha had the intention of leaving.

The purpose of his coming here is Cuizi. Now there is nothing he cares about here, but there are still some things outside waiting for him to complete, so it is time to leave here.

"You guys are leaving?" When Inuyasha told Shrimp about this, Shrimp's voice immediately raised an octave.

Inuyasha shook his head helplessly. He was going to leave directly, but thinking that there was still Cuizi... It seemed inappropriate for him to take Cuizi away quietly, so he chose to come over and talk to Shrimp.

And the reaction of the shrimp cockroach did not exceed his expectations. He was surprised and reluctant.

"Well, I want to ask you, have you heard the traces of the Great Tengu in the process of eliminating demons." Inuyasha said.Although there may not be no idea of ​​escaping this time, but in the final analysis, he came out to avenge the little Kikyo.

As the leader of the entrusted demon slayers, Shrimp Moss may have heard of the Great Tengu.

Kikyo stared at Shrimp, obviously hoping he would know something.

Only by killing the monster with his own hands can Kikyo break the shackles in his heart and completely release all the spiritual power in his body.

At that can have a hey hey hey with the master!

"Datengu? You wait..." Speaking of Datengu, Shrimp immediately reacted, "whoosh" and ran into a room in the east, where seems to be a utility room?

After a tinkling sound, the dusty and embarrassed shrimp came out from the inside.

A fist-sized box was passed from his hand to Inuyasha's.

"What is this?" Inuyasha opened it and looked at it, but it was a dark feather.He groped carefully and found that the hardness of this feather has surpassed that of steel!

"This is the hair of a big tengu. This thing keeps losing hair, so it's not a rare thing." Shrimp said.

Iron Feather!

Chapter [-] Xiaoyu as a mount?

Inuyasha felt the demonic energy above and showed a playful smile.

Although I don't know when the Shrimp Crawler got this Iron Feather, but judging from the demonic aura left on it, when the Feather was still on its owner's body, it was just a shrewd three-year-old who first entered the Demon King. That's it.

It is undeniable that today's demon king is a rare thing, and the dog clan now has two demon kings, which can be described as the only one in the world.

After all, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth restricted the birth of the demon king.

But the demon king has a very long lifespan, and there are still many old guys who have survived before.There are also many splendid and colorful beings who can forcibly defy the constraints of heaven and earth, and are now breaking into the realm of demon kings.

For example, the handsome Inuyasha, and the beauty of Lingyue Xianji~

Kikyo stared at the pure black iron and steel feathers with hatred. She remembered that these feathers were falling from the sky...

Then, the gust of wind and monsters that followed, took her parents away!

"Hu, hu, hu..." Kikyo panted sharply, she closed her eyes not to look at the black feathers.This will make her recall the most unwilling to face the scene, and even lose her mind.

"Be good, don't be afraid, don't be afraid..." Inuyasha stepped forward and hugged Kikyo, patting her back gently.

At this time, it was his master who could comfort her.

Kikyo was lying in Master Smelly's arms, looking very small in front of him, but she couldn't stop shaking slightly.

a long time.

Kikyo, who had calmed down, still stayed in the master's arms and refused to leave. She rubbed her head against Inuyasha, and at the same time greedily and greedily breathed the master's unique breath.

Although there is the smell of Cuizi and Xiaoyu in it, Kikyo doesn't care about it at all at this moment.

"Lord Inuyasha, I now understand why so many girls like you." The single dog Shrimp said suddenly.

"Oh? Tell me?" Inuyasha raised his eyebrows. Is this idiot with only a few months in his head enlightened?

"I didn't expect Inuyasha-sama to have such a gentle side, it must be because of this, right?" Looking at Shrimp's expectant eyes, Inuyasha blinked at Kikyo and the others.

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