Now she is maliciously selling her cuteness, which makes the naturally soft-hearted Inuya 12 Cha can't bear to punish her, and seems to have a wave of Kikyo's favorability invisibly.This is simply a strategy of killing three birds with one stone, what a vixen.


It seems that the result of this is that Inuyasha is cheap.

After listening to Xiaoyu's words, Kikyo's eyes immediately turned red, she always thought that she was fighting demons alone.And the master and that stinky vixen will kiss me while she's away!

Unexpectedly... every time the master will silently guard her in a place she doesn't know.

"Master, I don't want to be your apprentice anymore!" Kikyo said suddenly.

She looked at Inuyasha fixedly, then stood on tiptoe and sent her Sakura Chun.That weak appearance is enough to soften any steel, and it is basically the heart of flesh and blood.

"Then, be my daughter-in-law." Inuyasha chuckled, and lowered his head to stop her.


The two of them were happy, but a group of demon slayers were stunned.

Especially the leader of the demon slayer, he opened his eyes wide and stared at the two of them. "What, what's the situation? Am I dreaming? Or have I actually been eaten by the centipede temptress?"

The witch who broke the devil has such a girly side, he can accept it, who hasn't been young yet?

Her master is a monster, and he can accept it, so monsters can't get close to humans?

But how did you kiss?

Have you considered his single dog idea?Shet!Enough is enough!The leader of the demon slayer is dedicated to slaying the demon, and he has never considered this before, but now...

He suddenly had the urge to find a partner, it was so bullying!

a long time.

Inuyasha walked to the middle-aged man with the flying bones on his back, with the bellflower with the blushing still on his face, and Xiaoyu who said "I am a quiet beautiful girl".

"Are you the leader of the demon slayer village? Take me to your village." Inuyasha said directly.

He wants to resurrect Cuizi, and the carrier is obviously Cuizi's body is the best.

Although the heart has been transformed into the jade of the four souls, it is easy for Inuyasha to synthesize a heart.

There are dog eggs, what are you afraid of?

But... Inuyasha's words don't seem to work for the leader of the demon slayer.He looked at Inuyasha with a bit of hostility, and then turned his attention to Kikyo. Obviously, Kikyo's words are more useful.

"Hey, look at my violent temper!" Inuyasha was angry at the time, when did he have to rely on his apprentice's face?

He stretched out his hand and squeezed the shoulder of the leader of the demon slayer, and directly lifted him up from the ground.

Judging from the coral information, the weight of the Feilai bone is [-] kilograms, and the weight of an adult must be [-] kilograms.Although he is short, he can't stand the width of others!

The full weight of [-] kilograms was raised by Inuyasha's unreasonable hand.

If it's the size of a centipede temptress, they can still accept it, but doing such a move with a human-like appearance...

Undoubtedly, this group of demon slayers has come to a disgrace.

"Boy, your ancestors didn't dare to ignore me like that back then, who gave you the courage? Liang Jingru?" Inuyasha looked at the leader of the demon slayer with contempt, as arrogant as his attitude was.


A group of demon slayers are still very particular about loyalty. They all held their weapons and aimed at Inuyasha nervously.

If he used the act of hurting their leader, I believe that the spears in the hands of the demon slayers would stab Inuyasha without hesitation.Even if they knew, they couldn't beat this monster!

"Wait! Step back, you all step back!" The demon slayer leader hurriedly stopped them, looking at Inuyasha in disbelief.


The demon slayers hesitated for a while, then put down their weapons.

Turning his head and looking around, after seeing the suspicious demon slayers one by one, Inuyasha couldn't help but grin.Those gleaming teeth made them feel even more terrifying than the centipede temptress.

"You, you are Inuyasha SAMA?" The demon slayer leader said in surprise.

"If I wasn't, you'd be dead now." Inuyasha released his right hand like a tong.

After losing the force, the body of the demon slayer leader suddenly fell among the rocks under the action of gravity.He landed on the ground with P shares, and his face changed in an instant...

Go in, a stone goes in!

After a while of work, the demon slayer leader finally "caught" the naughty stone out.Inuyasha really doesn't want to use the word "pull", it's really disgusting.

However, this also led to the fact that now he only dared to stand on the crescent moon, instead of sitting down.

"Inuyasha SAMA, when I was a child, I often heard my father's story about how you fought side by side with your ancestors to get rid of the big monster earth spider. I didn't expect that I would see a live one now!"


God, he saw the living, you have seen the dead before, haven't you?

This guy really doesn't know how to speak, no wonder there is a leader, and he doesn't even have a daughter-in-law!

and also……

What the hell is fighting side by side?

How do I remember that those demon slayers were just spectators?Even the audience who delayed and retired!Speaking of which, if it wasn't for Inuyasha back then, they wouldn't even know if they existed!

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