"It's coming, it's coming!" The leader of the demon slayer encouraged himself over and over again, but he didn't know what to do.

"It's about to arrive..." A foul smell came to me!

"It's over!" The voice of the hundred-footed witch rang in his ear, and the leader of the demon slayer knew that he was caught by her... At this time, he was still some distance away from the place where the bones came.

There was a large circle of goose bumps on the neck of the demon master leader, because he felt the sharp edge of the centipede witch's fangs.

Is that the end?

He slowly closed his eyes, the roar of the hundred-footed temptress in his ears, and the snoring of the horses running under the crotch gradually faded away, and the whole world fell into a dark silence.

at this time!A sharp roar sounded, and a ray of light entered his field of vision.

Demon-breaking arrow!

The arrow with bright light shot directly into the mouth of the hundred-footed temptress... ah?Why does something feel wrong?Regardless of this, the destructive force all the way ran through her throat, and the upper body and lower body burst open!


The hundred-footed sorceress let out an unpleasant scream, her two halves fell to the sides, and a gleaming white bead...

But it flew out of her stomach!

ding, ding ding...

The shiny white beads fell on a piece of gravel. After the two collided with a crisp sound, the beads were bounced back by the force of the shock, collided with some gravel one after another, and finally landed on a piece of grass.

"What is this? Does the centipede essence also breed jewels?" Ji Bao suddenly raised his brows.

Just now, the leader of the demon slayer threw him out, but he happened to bump into a stone, and he was lying on the ground with soreness all over.


And this bead just landed in front of him!

The chicken subconsciously wanted to pick up the bead, and it seemed that a voice had been tempting him.

"Pick me up, I can fulfill any of your wishes, come on..." Ji Bao's eyes became confused, the voice kept echoing in his mind, he wanted to pick up the bead, yes!I'm going to pick him up.

"Baby, he's my baby!" Ji Bao looked excited, he reached out and grabbed the beads.


He didn't realize that a figure appeared in front of him at some point, and the figure of that person enveloped him in darkness.But at this moment, there was only the bead in his eyes.

"Mine, mine! It's mine!" Chicken Break shouted.

However, when he was about to catch the bead, a shoe with a golden cloud pattern directly stepped on his hand under his feet.

"Ah!!!" Ji Bu couldn't help but exclaimed in pain, but it was more of a hatred for being blocked.

He looked up and saw a handsome, shameless silver-haired man with one foot on his palm.And he himself was also staring at the gleaming white bead, as if he was studying what it was.

The silver-haired man stretched out his five fingers, and the gleaming white bead actually flew into his hand!

"Jade of Four Souls... I heard your voice, Cuizi~"

Chapter [-] That Mr. Kikyo turned out to be...

The Jade of the Four Souls, the Jade of the Four Souls that disappeared for so long has reappeared!

The so-called four souls are: the "happy soul" representing love, the "harmonious soul" representing relatives, the "barren soul" representing bravery, and the "wonderful soul" representing wisdom. In the world of Inuyasha, everyone has it. with these four souls.

When it comes to the jade of the four souls, then I have to mention the witch, Cuizi.

The reason why today's witches have a high reputation, surpassing monks and onmyoji, is mostly because of Cuizi!

About hundreds of years ago, the local monsters of Fusang were still somewhat powerful, and human beings lived completely under the shadow of monsters.The appearance of Cuizi completely broke this pattern.

Like Kikyo, she is born with a powerful spiritual power, and she is also a different kind of spiritual power that is no less than the power of breaking demons.

The power of purification!

Tsuiko has the ability to extract the soul of the monster from the body and purify it.

This is very similar to Feng Hao's father's behavior!To steal a person's soul is to wipe him out of this world completely. Cuizi's ability scares the monsters.

If Cuizi is not removed, the monsters will never have peace.

As a result, countless monsters of different races united to everything and started a vigorous Cuizi crusade.

This monster has gathered a large amount of high-end combat power in the monster world, and many naturally powerful races, such as the earth spider clan that Inuyasha killed before, as well as the descendants of the eight-headed snake, some bloody dragons, and many many ghosts...

They are like waves, attacking wave after wave.

Cuizi is only human after all, no matter how strong and strange her spiritual power is, but her body is finally human, she will be tired and hurt...

At last!

Cuizi was exhausted, and the remaining big monsters gathered together to form a mixed monster.When everything seemed to be a foregone conclusion, Cuizi pulled the souls of those monsters into her body at the cost of her life.

And integrated his soul into it, and released it into the body!

perish together……

As a shrine maiden, Tsuiko killed the most powerful monster in the world at that time, and human beings also got a breather.And finally became stronger, and now the power of the demon clan is no longer the same as before.

Humans have become the protagonists of this world, even if the current West Country is removed.

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