Although he is very confident in his appearance, if he remembers correctly, Xiaoyu looks at people directly at the soul.So in this regard, it doesn't even care about the other person's gender.

Is it...

Inuyasha's soul is also so handsome?Glittering all over the body?

"Xiaoyu, why are you calling me husband?" Although it was very uninteresting, Inuyasha still asked. If he didn't know the specific reason, there would always be a lump in his heart.

"Well...the husband is the husband. Xiaoyu knew that you were my husband at the first sight of her husband."


Xiaoyu's answer like a tongue twister didn't mention the point at all.

The only thing I can understand is that it seems to be a simple feeling.Inuyasha also had this feeling once, and that was the first time he saw Kikyo standing like a salted fish.

As if destined, seeing the Kikyo who was still a loli at the time, Inuyasha knew that this was his life partner.

Could it be that Xiaoyu is also unable to do so because of this feeling?

But isn't the feeling mutual?Why does Tama feel this way about him, but Inuyasha doesn't?

Although he really wanted to occupy Xiaoyu, that feeling was the possessiveness that ordinary men would have after seeing beautiful women.It's not love at first sight like it was destined.

"Brother Egg, are you awake? I have something very important to ask you." Inuyasha asked subconsciously.

It has to be said that he has a fascinated sense of trust in Dog Dan.

"Drip drip..."

A burst of electronic sound rang out, and the light curtain shrunk in the upper right corner unfolded before his eyes.Goudan didn't speak, but his attribute panel was called up on the light curtain, and it seemed that the answer was there.

Ignoring those messy skills and attribute values, the only possibility seems to be in the bloodline.


I saw his poor Ancestral Dragon bloodline, which was only 1.2% awakened, was circled by Goudan with a red pen.

"Ancestral Dragon Bloodline? Ancestral Dragon..." Inuyasha thought to himself, he always thought that the so-called Ancestral Dragon bloodline was the bloodline left by the first dragon between heaven and earth, but now it seems to be more than that?

and many more……

Dragon veins, yes!It is the dragon vein!

Xiaoyu is the incarnation of the world's yin dragon veins, while Zulong is an existence that can mobilize the dragon veins used in the world.If it is inferred from this aspect, it is not surprising that Xiaoyu feels this way.

Although... Inuyasha is only a pitiful 1.2%, the power to control the dragon veins is simply a dream.

But he still has potential. Although it may take many years to awaken this bloodline, there will definitely be a day when he will completely transform into a dragon!

"So that's it...Xiaoyu, I'll eat you~" Inuyasha rubbed his chin.

"Why are you eating me?"

"Because Xiaoyu is fragrant and delicious~" Inuyasha slapped his head again, he pulled Xiaoyu to his back, looked her in the eyes and said, "Leave here with me, Xiaoyu, and go on a trip together!"

"Wherever the husband goes, Xiaoyu will go wherever, this is the basic of being a good wife~"

Originally thought she would think about it, but Inuyasha didn't expect Xiaoyu to be so straightforward.

It seems that Inuyasha really holds a very important place in her heart.

In a certain type of moon, Tamamo Mae became a Heroic Spirit because of his desire to "be a good wife".The only difference is that Xiaoyu did not show the trend of "exclusive".


At least judging from her performance this morning, she doesn't care about the existence of Kikyo. Does she regard Kikyo as a simple apprentice?

Inuyasha has no time to think about these now, because the little Kikyo is angry.

"Master, big liar! Big bad guy! Big pervert! Big..." Kikyo slipped into the backyard, ravaging a tree with his longbow, as if it was Inuyasha.

Just now she saw that the two-person trip she imagined was completely shattered, and she couldn't help running away from the front yard.

It's not that she hates Xiaoyu, the two women have forged a deep friendship this morning, and it's not that she can't accept Xiaoyu's existence.

after all……

There are still so many "mistresses" in the family, but during this period of time, the little wish to monopolize the master was shattered, which made Kikyo feel a little disappointed, so she came here alone to vent her anger.

"Why haven't you come yet, hum! I know your Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu..." Yugen looked back, but didn't see the figure he wanted.

"Who are you waiting for?"


But when she turned back and wanted to continue bullying Xiaoshu, she saw a handsome face with a smirk, and Kikyo couldn't help but screamed.However, before she could speak, her little zui was sealed!

My first kiss is gone!

Chapter [-] Hundred-footed temptress!

Sure enough, it's best not to say anything when a girl is out of breath, just kiss it directly!

After getting the Kikyo, they officially embarked on the path of witches to eliminate demons~ There are handsome and handsome masters, smart and cute disciples, and a clingy cook who also acts as a pet...

Along the way, Kikyo's arrow skills became more and more proficient, and the previous practice was completely transformed into actual combat ability.

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