One of the Orochi Orochi, who was exiled from the mainland to here, is now being locked up on the bottom of the East China Sea.They are one of the ancestors of Tiangu, and now they don't know where the grave is...

and many more!

If he simply considered the demon god, he really thought of an existence that might be alive now!

Chapter [-] Are you going to hit my pp?

Inside, the lights are dim.

Inuyasha sat opposite the woman, while Kikyo had already fallen asleep on the side.

"Si Negative..." She cradled a pillow while holding another pillow.I don't know if I dreamed of something, but the corner of Zui outlined a sweet smile.

It seems that what she is holding now is not a pillow, but her "conceit"~

"I haven't asked the girl's name yet?" In a quiet environment, people will involuntarily follow.

Inuyasha's sudden opening broke this very enjoyable tranquility, and also woke up the woman who was still watching him go crazy.

"Ah? You can call me Xiaoyu, all my friends call me that." The woman fluttered her long black hair a little embarrassed, and every move revealed a ladylike feeling.

"Friends?" Inuyasha looked at the woman with a half-smiling smile. In the middle of the mountains and old forests, does she still have friends?

I'm afraid it's not all some mountain spirits, ghosts and ghosts, right?

"Yes, it's Xiaoque, Xiaoming, etc." The woman's appearance was very calm, and she didn't seem guilty at all.

Seeing this, Inuyasha had to doubt his own intuition.

The woman's appearance showed no signs of lying, and in addition there was no evidence to prove her conjecture for so long, Inuyasha had to wonder if she had thought wrong from the beginning.

Could it be that there is a village at the foot of the mountain, and the woman is just because her relatives have died?


Inuyasha moved his nose suddenly, and from the moment he entered the room, he smelled a strange smell from time to time.

The faint, fragrant, lime you have never experienced... er, it seems to be the scent of a woman's body, but it gives him a very different feeling.

"That's it, hello Miss Xiaoyu, my name is Qin Tian, ​​thank you so much for your help tonight." Inuyasha reported the name of his previous life.

In fact, the name Inuyasha seems to have become famous in the demon world after the battle of the leopard cat~

I don't know whether Inuyasha should be happy or worried.


If he followed his mother's surname, it would also be Qin, which did not conflict with Qin Tian's name.

"Qin Tian...hehe, Qin Tian..." The woman, that is, Xiaoyu, repeated the name of Inuyasha, with a slutty smile on her face, but it gave off an inexplicable feeling of cuteness.

I have to say that when Inuyasha is serious, he is quite handsome.

After all, he has a handsome face, and he has an aristocratic temperament under the care of Izayoi since he was a child.

"Miss Xiaoyu, it's not too early, you should rest first." Inuyasha pointed to the large show couch on one side. Although a part of it was already occupied by Kikyo, there was more than enough space under him to accommodate three people.

I really don't know, how can a woman who lives alone have such a big show couch, does she like to roll on it?

What Inuyasha didn't know was that he seemed to have guessed Tama's purpose.

Doesn't he think that the happiest thing in the world is to be able to roll on the big show couch?

"What about you?" Xiaoyu asked.

"If Miss Xiaoyu doesn't mind, then I'll..."

"I don't mind, I don't mind!" Before Inuyasha finished speaking, Xiaoyu shook her head sharply.Then, after Inuyasha stood up, he pulled him down to the spacious Xiu couch.


What Inuyasha wanted to say just now was that he went to a guest room to rest for the night, but didn't he say sleep together?

However, since she was so active, it was rare for Inuyasha to be passive, and he didn't worry about Kikyo being alone with her.

Although from the current point of view, even if Xiaoyu is a monster, it is a monster who likes to go crazy when he sees handsome guys.But as the saying goes: it is difficult to paint the skin of a tiger, and it is difficult to paint the bones.

Who knows what kind of soul is hidden under this beautiful skin.

The candle went out, and two or three plumes of blue smoke wafted out.

Inuyasha lay flat on the comfortable Xiu couch, and slowly closed his eyes. Even though he rarely needs sleep now, he still habitually maintains the routine of human life.

Just when he was in a daze, and when he was about to fall asleep, a small hand suddenly placed on him.

He woke up in an instant and looked to the left with no expression.

"Finally can't help it?" Inuyasha has never let go of Xiaoyu's vigilance, and now he will not be surprised whether he sees a pale and pale grimace or a furry beast head.


Well, it's still Xiaoyu's pretty human face.

At this time, she closed her eyes, but most of her body was on Inuyasha's body, and the quiet and steady breathing was clearly visible.

Moreover, it is that strange body scent again.

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