If it was said that the eyes were dizzy before, Inuyasha could not think much about it.But if his intuition was telling him that there was something there, Inuyasha would have to wonder if there was something that could deceive the eyes.

"It doesn't matter, try it and you'll know~" Inuyasha reached out and touched the tree trunk, but he laughed.

A tactile sensation that was obviously different from the tree trunk was fed back to Inuyasha's brain.

Soft, slippery, and slightly trembling...

Inuyasha pulled the little thing off the tree trunk, put it in his hand, and observed it carefully.It looks a bit like a silkworm baby, but its whole body is transparent ice blue.

That's why, when it was on the icy tree trunk, it was able to avoid Inuyasha's eyes.

"Ice silkworm! I searched for it a thousand times in the crowd, and when I looked back, it came to the door by itself~" Inuyasha smiled and rubbed the ice silkworm, but the little guy twisted his chubby body in dissatisfaction.

Looking at it, Inuyasha couldn't help showing a foolish smile.

Do not misunderstand!

Inuyasha is not some pervert who has fallen down the eleventh floor. He likes sun caterpillars. In his eyes, this ice silkworm is just a piece of ice silk, it is a treasure.

He has always wanted to make beautiful and useful clothes for his daughter-in-law, and this ice silk is definitely an excellent raw material!

"Humph~ go back to you~"

Inuyasha put the ice silkworm back into the ice mulberry tree. What he wanted was silk, and it seemed that it was not the time to vomit to death.

I picked all the mulberries on the frozen mulberry tree. Anyway, the mulberry leaves eaten by the ice silkworms are not mulberries. It is a waste to leave these things here. It is better to take them back to Izayoi and the others as snacks.

"Dog Dan, I'll give you a taste when you bark daddy~" Inuyasha started to skin again.


"Hey! For you... I wipe it, you spit it out for me!"

"Hmph! It's too late~" Goudan hummed a little smugly, stuffed the ice mulberry into the little zui one by one, and Inuyasha was trembling all over, wishing he could pull this bastard out of his head and beat him!

However, this is clearly not possible.

Goudan can't get out of the system space, and Inuyasha won't necessarily beat her if he goes in...

"Forget it, it's a blessing to suffer, anyway, my Baba will sleep with her flower sooner or later!" After imagining that he had put the dog eggs in various poses, Inuyasha finally felt a lot more comfortable.

"Mother, eat first, then I'll go to the other side to see~" After handing the mulberries to Izayoi, Inuyasha walked to the world of ice.

"It tastes good." Izayoi shoved one into his zui, and then shoved another into the briquettes.After finding that the taste is good, I distributed it evenly to all the sister papers.

There is no way, there is a worrying child, so many daughters-in-law want her mother to help manage.

"Go away!" Izayoi rolled his eyes at him.


"Good!" Inuyasha trotted all the way to the edge of the fire tree, and began to study this strange tree corresponding to the ice mulberry tree.

It seemed to be a pine tree, with plump pine cones hanging from its vigorous branches.

Inuyasha also took a taste, and it turned out to be a fruit formed by the power of Yang.This thing is just right for him, and after leaving a few for his daughter-in-law to taste, Inuyasha decides to eat these pine cones for himself.

But when he got one pine cone and was about to reach for the second one, something happened.


A big rat, covered in flames, came out of a tree hole and bit down on Inuyasha's finger.Looking at the gleaming fangs, Inuyasha was not confident enough to let his fingers bite.

"Hehe...that's the ice silkworm, this is the fire rat, it's really a good place." Inuyasha immediately recognized this thing.

It is the raw material of his fire rat fur, the legendary fire rat who is not afraid of flames.

Inuyasha quickly grabbed the little guy's stamina and threw it aside. Unlike the ice silkworm, this pine cone was the food of the fire rat. Seeing that Inuyasha was about to take his ration, the fire rat immediately became anxious.

On one side, he kept "haw", opened his zuo, and sprayed out a flame at Inuyasha!

Chapter [-] is over, have you gone crazy?

"Hey! The little thing is still active, isn't it?" Although the fire rat's beast fire is a bit more powerful than the magma here, let alone Inuyasha wearing fire rat fur, even if he doesn't wear it, don't even think about hurting it. He has a single hair.

He slapped the fire rat down the tree trunk with a backhand slap, and then kicked him out.


The little guy landed on the ice and stretched out his claws to grab onto the ice, but how strong is Inuyasha?

Although it was a casual shot, the Fire Mouse still flew far away.

However, this little guy's claws are still sharp, and he can actually grab a mark on this mysterious ice, which is worthy of praise~

"It's comfortable, you can't be too kind!" Inuyasha clapped his hands with satisfaction, and reached out to pick a few pine cones from the pine tree, but he didn't pick them all at once.


But even so, the little guy Fire Mouse was furious.

Its limbs kept sliding on the ice surface, but the ice surface was so slippery that it was simply spinning in place.

Seeing this, Inuyasha proudly waved the pine cone in his hand, and then, in its fire-breathing eyes, slowly peeled off the shell of the pine cone with his hands, and took out the crunchy pine nuts inside...


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