He doesn't use weapons at all, or his weapon is his body.The best and most powerful weapon.

"Although I admit that what you said is very reasonable, the weapon is also a part of my body!" Inuyasha would not just give up the way he has always been.

With plenty of ancient spiritual energy and supplemented by various exotic animal herbs, body refining is indeed a good path.

But now, the road is literally dead.


Ding Qinjian hummed softly, even the Qianxun Waterfall in Yueyaojian.For such weapons that had become part of his body, Inuyasha would not abandon them without saying anything.

Besides, Inuyasha wasn't one of those swordsmen, and he didn't let go of his body.

"I hope you can do that." What Feng Hao said was naturally what Inuyasha said before that weapons were part of his body.

"Of course!"

Inuyasha shrugged and took the lead in attacking.

Ding Qinjian turned into a cold beam, stabbing Feng Hao's body like a poisonous snake.But the weapon that once pierced the old mirage shell has drawn a series of sparks on Feng Hao...

Body training, body training... This is all about using the body as a weapon to sacrifice.

"I told you that the body is the foundation of everything." Feng Hao smiled at Inuyasha when he saw this.

"Ha ha……"

I have to say, Inuyasha was heartbroken.

But this does not mean that he wants to give up Ding Qinjian, Inuyasha has always been greedy.He didn't go straight on a narrow road, he wanted all the secrets of weapons and physical skills!

ding ding dong.

Inuyasha and Feng Hao were constantly fighting in the cave, although Feng Hao could touch the top of the cave when he stood up, which would make him very clumsy.

However, he didn't need to dodge at all.

Compared with the various and complex moves that Inuyasha learned in later generations, each of Feng Hao's movements is very simple and capable, but it points directly to the essence. This is the most primitive and efficient move.

The reason why there will be these messy moves in later generations is that the body is not enough to make an attack mode like Feng Hao.

Inuyasha is actually quite helpless now, although he can protect himself now, but...

In terms of offense, Ding Qinjian was completely unable to break through the opponent's defense.

After so long, Inuyasha finally met a guy with thicker skin than him, and is now fighting him across from him!

"What's the matter, kid, aren't you tired?" Feng Hao's words were really heartbreaking.

"I think you'd better worry about yourself!"

Inuyasha's luck demon spiritual power, which has accompanied him for more than a hundred years, has been activated.It's just that Inuyasha's size has not changed, and his strength is more than ten times that of the previous one.

Feng Hao was caught off guard and fell to the ground with his sword this time.

However, it is a pity that this still can't bring him any harm or even control his actions.He is like a turtle, even if Inuyasha's mouth is full of sharp teeth, there is no way to swallow it!

"Fa Xiang? It's very interesting, but I don't know you can do it alone."

The beast tattoos on Feng Hao's body glowed red, and after his strength increased sharply, he pushed Inuyasha away.

"The so-called dharma is the profound meaning created by our human race to make up for the innate physical disadvantage after observing countless divine beasts and beasts. You haven't seen those beasts, so you can't practice it yet!" Feng Hao taught road. ……

He stood up from the ground, and he thought he had mastered the Dharma aspect, but he seemed to be slapped in the face again.

The profound meaning of Fa, Tianxiang, and Earth was obtained by him from the blood of the Tengu. He always thought it was the profound meaning created by the Tengu clan, but he never thought that it was actually the profound meaning of the human race!

If you have time...be sure to find some information about the beasts.


Inuyasha's body bounced to the top of the hole, and then fell again.

For so long, he has always beaten others. This is the first time he has suffered this kind of treatment, but it really doesn't feel good at all.A Harrier rolled over and stood up from the ground, and Inuyasha stared at Feng Hao in front of him.

just now.

Inuyasha finally felt that there was nothing he could do. If there was Qianxun Waterfall, at least the waning moon would be enough for him to drink a pot.


"Okay, okay, I'm not despising you, I know you can do it!" Inuyasha said, looking at Ding Qinjian, who couldn't help but whisper.The long sword has spirit, so Ding Qinjian is complaining to him.

"Give it up, this piece of scrap metal can't break my defense." Feng Hao said.

"Humph!" Inuyasha moved Ding Qin Jian to one side, and then began to take off his fire rat fur.Although this kind of wide robe and large sleeves looks good, it will affect his actions to a certain extent.

Although it doesn't matter under normal circumstances, this effect is now amplified without limit!

Inuya 5.2 Fork took off the fire rat fur and the white shirt inside, and threw it to Sister Killing at the door, while shaking his head at her.

This is his battle alone, and no one else is allowed to intervene.

Inuyasha showed strong muscles, although it was nothing compared to the barbarian Feng Hao.But I have to say, it's still pretty decent.

"Yes, it has great potential, but it just lacks a little tattoo." Feng Hao said.

"Makes sense."

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