On the edge of the mountain path, a small pond was deliberately and simply cast, and it seemed that the residents would fetch water here before.As for whether anyone bathed in it or anything, it is unknown.

Because the trees are densely blocked by foliage, less than one or two percent of the sunlight in the sky falls on the ground.

In addition, the outside is now shrouded in thick fog, making the entire forest look extremely dark.

In this case, a little fluorescent light can be very attractive.

"Everyone..." Scallion clenched her hands and looked at the green fluorescent light dancing on the water.Tears filled her eyes unconsciously, as if these fireflies reminded her of everything before.

The rest of the little ghosts were not much better, watching the flying fireflies full of sadness.

Chapter [-] The three immortal mountains are actually a mountain

My father told me... the yokai's hand is the guardian hand

Mother told me...the human hand is the nurtured hand

Putting hands together...opening the door...handing you back to the red lotus

You will be the light...to protect all things...to protect all things

The little ghosts sang softly, and the tunes and lyrics were full of sadness.In the singing, the fireflies flying all over the sky gently danced, passing by the little ghosts from time to time, as if stroking their bodies.

"Song of sending souls..." Inuyasha whispered.

When he was watching anime in his previous life, he admired one thing very much, that is, there are always many classic soundtracks in anime.

Take the anime world where Inuyasha is now, for example, the thoughts that travel through time and space, the half-demon...including this song of sending souls and sending りの are all very classic soundtracks.

Especially the thoughts that travel through time and space, it is simply a classic that can make you sound the picture when the music starts!

Even the master arranger who became famous because of animation, Hisaishi Jo is one of the best, and Sawano Hiroyuki, who has been in the limelight recently.

Whoa, whoa, far away!

"Master, these fireflies seem to be... souls?" Kikyo just grabbed Inuyasha's sleeve.She has also experienced the pain of losing a close relative through 070, and can understand the longing and sadness of the half-demon singing.

"Yes, but it's not a good thing for them to be detained in this world."

As the master of the underworld... um, the man is also the planner of the eighteenth hell, Inuyasha is very clear about the rules of the underworld.

The dead souls will eventually return to the underworld. If they stay in the world for one more day, the time they need to repay in the underworld will be an extra year.Only when the time is completely repaid can they be reincarnated again.

Of course, they will stay here, entirely because of the particularity of Penglai Island.

The time enchantment above makes it impossible for the messengers of the underworld to find the location here, and it is obviously impossible for Yan Mo to come over in person.

Perhaps, Inuyasha can intercede for them.

However, it is estimated that he will be drained several times by Yan Mo's dead woman. For an old woman like Yan Mo, Inuyasha who swallowed the Primordial Pearl is a human-shaped beauty medicine!

"In the past, don't be too sad." Inuyasha comforted.

If Inuyasha couldn't understand this feeling, it would be a lie. When he saw Izayoi's death, he was crazier than anyone else!

It can be said that if Izayoi was not finally resurrected, what would Inuyasha look like now?

Perhaps the bloodthirsty side of the monster's blood has long since swallowed his heart and turned into a monster who only knows how to kill. However, in battles again and again, until the body can't bear it and is destroyed.

The journey continued, and everyone walked out of the dense forest and came to a mountain trail.

Now you can see the key point of this road, this twisting mountain trail has been connected to a cave.

On the pretext of the cave, some exquisite decorations can already be seen, full of the rough style of Da Qin.Walking on the road, Inuyasha could already feel a faint scorching heat.

"No! This heat is not Pill Fire!" Inuyasha suddenly stopped, and he faintly felt that something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" Kikyo asked.

"You guys stay here and don't move, I'm going to confirm one thing!" After that, Inuyasha flew into the sky.

And here, the whole scenery of Penglai Island is unobstructed.

The white cloud is wild, the water is full of water!

But Inuyasha doesn't have the heart to care about these now. He overlooks the entire Penglai Island and has been watching it for a long time!Gradually, an uncontrollable smile appeared on his face.

"So it turns out, what a Penglai Island, what a paradise!" Inuyasha couldn't help laughing.

Just looking at the appearance of Penglai Island, some of them look like a crescent moon.

The crescent cusps on both sides of it are suspended on the sea, and one side of the crescent moon is where the half-demons are, and a lake is sloping into the sea.If that's all there is to it, there's nothing surprising.

But if you zoom in a little, connect to the right side of Penglai Island, or even the sea area on the right.

Then it can be found that the so-called overseas three immortal mountains are actually connected together!It's just that they didn't appear at the same time!

If Inuyasha guessed correctly...

The three immortal mountains of Penglai Island, Yingzhou, and Abbot are a solid body, and one of them, that is, the one sandwiched in the middle, should present a perfect circle, or the shape of Tai Chi!

Penglai Island is on the edge of Yangyu, so there has always been a sense of hot and dry here.

Correspondingly, it should be faintly cold on the island on the other side.

The three islands are joined together to form a perfect circle, so that the water does not pour into the sea.

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