The old couple didn't have time to leave, they were crushed by the fallen tree!

Kikyo couldn't stop shaking, and she remembered the feeling of living in hatred when she was a child.In order to take revenge, she asked Miss White Wolf to teach her archery, until she later became Inuyasha's second apprentice.


A warm embrace hugged her, Kikyo looked up, only to find that everyone was looking at him worriedly.

"I'm sorry...for worrying everyone."

"It's okay, tell the master if you have anything, and the master will help you!" Inuyasha hugged his apprentice tightly. He didn't know the truth about the death of Kikyo's parents, but he would never allow his cute apprentice to be sad!

For Kikyo, Inuyasha always has a special feeling, it can be said that Kikyo is his destined lover.

Although a lot of changes have been brought about because of his crossing, this feeling has not changed.

"Master, I want revenge!" Kikyo hugged Inuyasha tightly, her voice extremely firm.This reminded Inuyasha of that fragile and strong loli who practiced archery again and again.

"Do what you want, nothing in this world can stop you from thinking, because you are my apprentice!"


Maple Village has a fierce reputation. The monsters who dare to approach the Maple Village are either ignorant of life or death, or have enough strength. Judging from the description of Kikyo, this monster should be the latter.

Armor, clogs, fan...

These three things can easily make Inuyasha think of a monster, that is, the big tengu, one of the three big monsters of Fuso, together with Shuten Douji, that is, the resentful spirit incarnated after the death of Emperor Chongde!

"Just because you dare to call the name Tengu, or even add a big name in front, you are already dead!" Inuyasha secretly said.


The hatred of Kikyo's parents, plus the name provoked Inuyasha, he would kill this guy no matter what.


A slight ice-breaking sound entered Inuyasha's ears. He looked at Kikyo, whose mood had stabilized, and then turned to look in the direction of the sound.When he saw the result, he was happy.

But it was the old mirage, taking advantage of the opportunity that Inuyasha and the others were all surrounded by Kikyo, and was swiping down a little bit.

At this moment, most of his body was submerged in the ice, if he was given a little more time, he might have slipped away.

"Don't cry, darling, I'll cook something delicious for you." Inuyasha scratched Kikyo's nose.

"I don't want to eat that guy, it's ugly..."

"Then I'll eat it myself~"

"Don't eat it. If you eat such ugly things, it will definitely become ugly." It seems that under the influence of Inuyasha since childhood, Kikyo has also become a member of the Appearance Association, and he doesn't even eat ugly things.

Inuyasha subconsciously thought of his little brother, but fortunately it looks quite handsome, Kikyo should be willing to eat it, right?

cough cough...

Teleporting to the edge of the old mirage with Kikyo, Inuyasha stepped on the shell of the old mirage with his foot.


The old mirage's shell suddenly opened a gap, and a round pearl fell out of it, rolling all the way to Inuyasha's feet.

"Is this a bribe?" Inuyasha smiled.

Chapter [-] A priceless pearl?

With a slight movement of the demon spirit, the fist-sized pearl on the ground flew into Inuyasha's hand.

"Oh! Old thing!" Inuyasha fiddled with the pearls and looked at the old mirage with a half-smile, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking.The whole body of the old mirage trembled, and then the dead pig stood still in the same place, not afraid of being scalded by boiling water.

"What a beautiful pearl~" Unlike Inuyasha, Kikyo seems to like this pearl.

This is no wonder, just from the appearance, the appearance value of this pearl is too perfect, the shape is round and the color is shiny.And just from the size of the fist, it is a rare pearl in the world.

However, it can only look at the appearance!

Inuyasha can be sure that the formation time of this pearl is no more than an hour, and it is estimated that the old mirage made it temporarily.

Baoxiangui, who is also a mussel creature, the black pearls he made have the magical function of "leading to the junction of this world and the other world".And his cultivation is only a peak demon general, Inuyasha does not believe that the old mirage who is the demon king does not have this ability.

Even if it is different from Bao Xiangui's black pearl ability, it definitely has a special purpose.


Inuyasha folded his hands together and completely crushed the pearls in his hands into powder.

He dipped some pearl powder with his fingers and smeared it on the pretty face of Kikyo.Although this is just a temporary production by the old mirage, but the general pearl powder still has some functions, such as skin beauty~

"Hmm... Master, what are you doing?" Kikyo shook her head in disgust, but Master Smelly crushed such a beautiful pearl and even smeared it on her face.

"Idiot, this thing is good for the skin, I'm sure the flies will slip when you stand on it after using it~"

"Red bean puree?"

Kikyo looked at Inuyasha suspiciously, but finally let him do whatever he wanted on his face.

I don't know if it is out of unconditional trust in the master?Or is it because you are attracted by the beauty effect and cannot refuse it?Although Inuyasha is willing to believe it is the former, but...

Inuyasha smeared pearl powder little by little, and took out something that could be said to be priceless, but he used it as pearl powder.

Moreover, I don't care about waste at all, and many of them fell to the ground.

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