Chapter [-] The comet hits the earth


Four or five strange birds made up of flames flapped their wings and rushed forward, and their target was undoubtedly the big beautiful red bird in front of them.

The air also seemed to become hot with the appearance of the scorching birds, but in the face of such an attack, the big red bird actually opened its maxima and swallowed the scorching birds!

"Looking for death!" Xie Luo's face was full of hideous expressions, and he was very confident in his scorching bird.

That beautiful stupid bird that made him jealous, dared to swallow his scorching bird?

Xie Luo seems to have seen that beautiful appearance burned to ashes by himself, he will definitely enjoy this scene!


His expectations were doomed to fail. As the ancestor and the ultimate who played with fire, how could Phoenix Yaya be burned by his flames?I saw Yaya smashed the bird's beak twice, as if reminiscing about the taste just now.

"Hiccup~" Yaya couldn't help but hiccup, and a wisp of flame spewed out of her mouth.

At the same time, the phoenix real fire on her body also burned on her body again, and an incomparable fiery feeling hit Xie Luo.

"This is... a phoenix! It's impossible, it's impossible, the phoenix is ​​already extinct!" Xie Luo's face was extremely ugly, as if he had eaten a bowl of Xiang Xiang overnight.

The creature he is most afraid to encounter is the phoenix, because all his attacks are in front of the phoenix, it is a joke!

And the little phoenix who made Xie Luo fear unnecessary, but at this time, he was embarrassed to cover his own.

She remembers that the master said that hiccups is very unladylike, and she is determined to become a lady's phoenix, so that the master can like her more~

the other side!

The beast Luogang swooped down from the air with incomparable intensity, like a golden eagle attacking a rabbit, dangerous and violent.

Unlike the other three of the Four Gods of Fighting, Beast Luo's main ability is Taiju.This is also in line with his character. He is impulsive and does not like to use his mind. He is most proud of hand-to-hand combat!

And his stunt beastization can greatly increase his strength and speed, it can be said that the black and white beasts of Penglai Island!

As for his's the innocent-looking Inuyasha again.

"Am I really handsome enough to be jealous? Otherwise, why do they all come to trouble me?" Inuyasha touched his handsome face, thinking it was very possible!

And this kind of thinking makes Inuyasha a lot more comfortable, after all, he looks handsome~

"Silver-haired boy, take your life!" Beast Luo roared, his nails began to grow longer and sharper, as did his fangs.


His dive speed is more than three times faster than before, and I have to say that this skill is very useful.Of course Inuyasha is not envious at all, because he has better skills.

call out!

Beast Luo pierced through the sky like a sharp arrow, his body quickly rubbed against the air, and there was a faint smell of burning.

It can be seen how fast his speed is, like a shooting star.

The cold light flickered, and Beast Luo stretched out his animal claws, and the claws glowing with cold light were enough to cut gold and break jade!Inuyasha narrowed his golden eyes, and Beast Luo really fell like a meteor, bringing a strong wind pressure.

Moreover, he was surrounded by a layer of fire, which was the air that was ignited under the rapid friction with the air!

"It's interesting..." Inuyasha licked his dry lips.

Originally, he always thought that Beast Luo was the most useless of the Four Fighting Gods, and even Gang Luo was stronger than him.But I didn't expect that this guy is still very powerful after beastization.

ding ding dong...

The double-edged wind and thunder in Long Luo's hand collided with the Ju Ichizong in the hand of the chief secretary, sending out sparks in the air.

He never imagined that this weak-looking little girl had such a terrifying swordsmanship!

It is terror, Long Luo can only think of using this word to describe it.

In terms of strength alone, the ten chiefs together are not as powerful as Long Luo.However, every time the Chief Secretary attacks, he can hit the weakest point of the Wind and Thunder Twin Blades, completely removing his power.

Moreover, Long Luo found that the speed of the little girl's sword was getting faster and faster. At first he was able to parry a little bit, but now...

Those sword moves were completely afterimages in his eyes, and there were more and more scars on his body!

At this time.

Turning his head by chance, the corner of his eye swept to the mighty Beast Luo.That beast Luo, who was like a meteor descending into the world, was burning with intense fire, and he was extremely powerful.

"Okay! Beast Luo is absolutely unstoppable this time, when the time comes..." Long Luo said angrily.

During the time when he was distracted, the chief secretary Ju Yiwen Zezong left several wounds on his body.

However, it's not all that deep!

The power of the chief secretary is limited, and although Ju Ichimon is a rare and famous sword in the human world, it is still a bit difficult for the monster's physique.

It seems that Inuyasha needs to strengthen Kikuichimon Nozomi.

At this time, Beast Luo, who had fallen like a comet, had come to ten meters above Inuyasha. The manic wind blew Inuyasha's clothes, and his silver hair danced in the air like a dragon.

"Die, boy! Remember my uncle's name, the White Tiger Beast Luo of the Four Fighting Gods!" Beast Luo shouted loudly.

Sen Leng's sharp claws left an afterimage in the air and grabbed towards Inuyasha's head.

Inuyasha's golden eyes narrowed, Beast Luo's speed can be said to be the fastest among his opponents he has encountered so far, even faster than the speed of killing his sister, of course, in a state of killing her without moving with light Down.

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