
Kikyo gently pulled the bowstring and shot an arrow to break the waves, saving Jie Luo's hard work all morning.

"Senior sister, it's amazing..." She gently put down her long bow, as calm and elegant as before.

And this time!

However, Inuyasha found that something was wrong in the sea, and saw huge bubbles emerging from the bottom of the sea.And the coverage, from the initial small circle, spreads more and more outwards!

The little pink head of the Chief Secretary blew out of the sea, and immediately ran towards the shore, completely ignoring Inuyasha in the air.

"Fish, what a big fish..." The chief executive shouted as he ran, two small white feet running directly on the waves.It looked like a panicked horse, what did she see?

"Tiger-striped shark?" Inuyasha always felt that the words of Xiao Zongji were familiar, and he replied subconsciously.

But he quickly realized that the shark obviously couldn't surprise or even frighten the chief.

Or, not even whales!

And if it is said that the body size alone can scare off the chief, there is only one thing Inuyasha can think of, and that is the monster.

This world is amazing. There are no restrictions on the size of many creatures. As long as you can survive, you are always in the growth phase, and the size can be produced almost unlimitedly.

And the premise of everything is to keep cultivating and breaking through the realm. Only in this way can you live forever.

of course……

If it is a creature with a long lifespan, it will be different. For example, Pu Xianweng, who has shown his face several times in the original book, is two thousand years old!You must know that Fusang two thousand years ago was still an uncivilized primitive society.

In the Chinese mainland two thousand years ago, it was in the chaotic Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, and even Qin Shi Huang was not born.

There are naturally many creatures in the ocean with long lifespans. If it cultivates into a monster again...


The sea water was churning violently, and the general manager was like a sea swallow, flipping lightly among the waves.Seeing this, Inuyasha waved and pulled the chief to his side, saving her from being engulfed by the waves.

Holding the headmaster's small body, Inuyasha was not in the mood to see the headmaster's body highlighted by the wetness at this time.

He stared closely at the sea surface, the range of sea water fluctuations was too great, it was like a large island was about to burst out from the bottom of the sea.

"Penglai Island?"

The size of the sea water churning area is similar to the size of Penglai Island imagined by Inuyasha.And now is the time when Penglai Island opens every [-] years, and naturally Inuyasha was the first to think of it.

However, the general manager, who was pestering her like a koala, shook his head.

At this time, the dumb hair on her head was pulled, looking a little down, but her spirit was very good.She drew a big circle with her hands in front of her. If Inuyasha hadn't hugged her, she would have fallen off~

"It's not Penglai Island, it's a clam, what a big clam!" said the chief dancer.

PS: I modified it a bit at the end of the last chapter.

Chapter [-] I have seen the old mirage of Qin Shihuang!

It wasn't a fish, it was a mussel...

For creatures associated with water, I believe that everyone's first reaction must be fish!Before, the Chief Secretary was surprised and subconsciously called the creatures under the sea a fish, and then he slowed down and explained what it was.

Clams can live for a very long time, and Inuyasha has seen a report in the previous life.

It can be confirmed that among all the creatures known so far, the oldest is a clam named "Ming", which is 507 years old.The world where Inuyasha lived in his previous life was an era when monsters were extinct.

After all, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, animals were not allowed to become sperm~

If it is the original lifespan of a mussel, and if it is a monster... Inuyasha really thinks that it can grow to such a large size, it is as big as an island!

goo goo goo...

The bubbles on the sea are getting bigger and denser, how long has it been here!

These bubbles are not the old mussel exhaling, but the gas produced by the rotten plants living in the sea, but they have been pressed by the covering above and failed to float to the surface.

But now, because the old clam moved its body, the things that had accumulated on it collapsed, and these bubbles were able to see the light again.


There are many more messes floating to the surface, coral branches, seaweed, rotten planks... and even a sunken ship!

Inuyasha looked at it and put it into the space ring.

This typical Song Dynasty merchant ship must be loaded with various commodities shipped to foreign countries at that time.Among the commodities exported from ancient China, porcelain is indispensable!

In addition, the Song Dynasty was a mature period for the discovery of porcelain, such a ship would be worth no less than one billion yuan in later generations.

"Tsk, money is never too much~" Inuyasha happily hugged the chief and gave him a kiss.

"Bad master, smelly master!"

After the episode, the sea seemed to calm down.

But just as there is always a brief silence in the sky before a storm comes.Under this calm sea, a huge undercurrent is brewing, and it is very likely that the next second will be a shocking change!


It didn't take long for a huge wave to rise from the sea. Inuyasha, which was more than ten meters away from the sea, was completely covered by the huge wave below, and even more than ten meters above its head.

In the face of such huge waves, any ship can only beg for the blessing of the sky, not to mention fighting against these huge waves.

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