But Inuyasha's reaction made Sesshomaru a little confused.

What has finally come?What undead grass?

Sesshomaru doesn't know much about Penglai Island. Why does this stinky brother who was just born at the time seem to know the situation of Penglai Island better than she does?

"This matter is about the ancestor of our sect mother..." Inuyasha glanced at Meimei Izayoi.

It is estimated that no one would have thought that the only remaining bloodlines of Qin Shihuang were on her body!

As a result, Inuyasha told Sesshomaru the story of Qin Shihuang's dispatch of Xu Fu to find the elixir, and the accompanying events of Yingzichao, and she was stunned when she heard it.

Qin Shi Huang's reputation is always a gimmick, especially in the Fusang island country, which is heavily influenced by the culture of the Celestial Dynasty.

Even a monster like Sesshomaru knows the deeds of this great emperor.


She never thought that the story of Xu Fu going out to sea to find the elixir of life turned out to be true, and that the members of the entourage even had Qin Shihuang's eldest son, and his mother was the only one Qin Shihuang wanted to be the queen!

She couldn't have imagined that this stinky little brother actually had such an ancient and noble bloodline on his body.

However, after looking at the gentle, generous, beautiful and noble Izayoi, Sesshomaru chose to believe this story...

"Are you thinking of something very rude just now?" Inuyasha asked with a dark face.

"No~" Sesshomaru turned his head and said solemnly.

"Then can you look me in the eyes and say no?" Inuyasha covered his face. Could it be that he had such an image in the heart of killing his sister?Although he is a little shameless sometimes, but that is only sometimes!

In front of outsiders, is Inuyasha still very temperamental?At least not like the original book!

As for the identity of Inuyasha, Sesshomaru and the three sisters Okita were surprised.


Either I don't understand it at all, or I don't care about it at all.Thinking of a monster like Yura who was born entirely because of Inuyasha, all she cares about is whether Inuyasha eats well, sleeps well, and fucks well~

And soon, the turmoil calmed down, it wasn't Inuyasha bragging, they were all people who liked Inuyasha, not their identity!

"Okay, everyone who wants to go to Penglai Island now raise your little hands!" Inuyasha said.

The result seems to be very clear, not to mention Jie Luo and the others, even the little phoenix Yaya raised a wing high.

In fact, she is the last person who needs to express her position. As a temporary mount, she can't go if she wants to~

Unanimously approved!

Inuyasha left Immortal Fairy Lingyue with a barrier, which not only can protect her safety, but also Immortal Fairy Lingyue will get information about Inuyasha and the others going to Penglai Island when she walks out of the barrier, which saves her from worrying when she wakes up.


Yaya waved her wings and flew a group of people towards the east, where Penglai Island is located.

As the wings fluttered, the gust of wind blew the demon soldiers who were still standing guard to the ground.Like a wheat field in a typhoon, the wheat all fell down, the only difference is that the demon soldiers can stand up, but the wheat can't~

Thousands of miles of stratus clouds, like a glimpse of light!

Under the speed of Yaya's flight, thousands of miles are only a moment, and the only trouble is that Inuyasha needs to create a barrier to block the wind.

Fortunately, his attribute is wind, and he can easily control the wind to pass over them.


Inuyasha, who was sitting at the front, opened his eyes, moved his nose slightly, and showed a smile, "The slightly salty sea breeze... It's the taste of the sea!"

"Well..." Sesshomaru nodded, she also smelled the sea.

For some reason, Inuyasha suddenly remembered an advertising slogan, I know the taste of the sea, so-and-so seaweed!I have to say that this kind of brainwashing advertisement is disgusting, but when you mention related things, you will sound these advertisement words.  …

In this respect, such ads are not creative, but useful.

Whoa, whoa, far away...

A touch of blue appeared at the end of the horizon, and it was rapidly getting bigger. It was true that this was the sea!

Yaya slowed down, it was the first time she saw the wide sea, her wine red eyes were full of surprise and joy.


The wide moon-shaped lapel of the sea can always make people relax.Inuyasha sat on Yaya's back and couldn't help howling indulgently. A thunderous sound came from his mouth, resounding through the entire seashore!

"A thunderstorm?" The peasants who were working below were startled by the sudden sound and looked up at the sky.

"Ding ding ding dong..."

The hoes, shovels, and sickles in their hands... all fell to the ground, and they stared up at the sky.

A beautiful and huge phoenix streaked across the sky, followed by a black mass of birds.

Hundred birds toward the phoenix!

"Phoenix! It's the divine bird phoenix!" One of them was the first to react, kneeling on the ground and worshipping the phoenix flying by in the sky.As the auspicious beast and divine bird of the Celestial Dynasty, Feng 3.9 Phoenix's reputation is not ordinary.

The rest of the people reacted one after another. They knelt down and worshipped the phoenix in the sky, praying that she would bless them with a good harvest in the coming year.

"Humph! Ignorant mortals!" Inuyasha looked down at the group of mortals who worshipped "him" aloft!


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