Immortal Fairy Lingyue, Sesshomaru, and Inuyasha's silver hair naturally, needless to say, is as shiny and supple as silver.It's the sixteenth night, and it's also a long black hair, black and smooth, so mad~

Inuyasha cleaned Immortal Fairy Lingyue's long hair little by little, although he was basically the one who enjoyed it before.


Now that you have enjoyed it, you will naturally know the specific process.His ten fingers kept rising and falling on his long silver hair, and from time to time he would give Immortal Fairy Lingyue a scalp massage, making her concubine feel comfortable.

"Hmm...kimoji~" Immortal Fairy Lingyue made a strange sound, causing Inuyasha to quickly pull the towel over to cover the little brother.

He's meow, he's too much!

Inuyasha no longer had the calmness in front of Dong Lan before, and caressed Lingyue Fairy's hair without tears.

So tempting!However, killing my sister is still on the way, how can Inuyasha dare to mess around!

Speaking of killing pills...

At this time, Sesshomaru did not have the strange thoughts of Inuyasha, after all, she was also a woman.Sesshomaru only felt a touch of warmth. She had never thought about taking a bath together as a family.

"If... I go to the big bathroom tonight, and I can take a bath together~" Sesshomaru thought.

The Central Dynasty was the most fundamental stronghold of the dog clan.

It was built in a style similar to that of a pyramid, except that instead of three sides it had four sides.The Lingyue Immortal Palace was the palace floating in the air, and it was the commanding heights of the Central Dynasty.

Each room here has its own small bathroom, and in the backyard, there is a very large bathroom.

For such a design, Inuyasha can't wait to pull the ancestor who designed it at the beginning, and have a good chat about the dog's life.

clap la la...

The warm water with a moderate temperature washed away the foam on Ling Yue Xian Ji's body, she shook her head comfortably and got rid of the water droplets on her head.Inuyasha will also do this action, after all, it is a dog...

Just when Inuyasha breathed a sigh of relief, Immortal Fairy Lingyue suddenly turned around and pinned him to the ground.

"Inuyasha, let me... eat you~"

Chapter [-] I'll give you something to eat next?

"Huh?" Inuyasha was taken aback for a moment, staring blankly at Lingyue Immortal Fairy who was pressing on him.

No matter how you look at the situation at this time, I feel that something is not right, you must know that everyone is in the bathroom!And they are all in the state of not wearing clothes, which is now Inuyasha and Lingyue Immortal Fairy...

With skin-to-skin!

Inuyasha lay flat on the warm floor tiles in the bathroom, while Lingyue Xianji rode on him.

The softest part was attached to Inuyasha's lower abdomen without any obstruction.


Inuyasha couldn't help swallowing, it would be a lie to say that Immortal Fairy Lingyue was not charming!She not only has a peerless appearance, but even that kind of temperament is a very rare noble queen temperament.

No man would not want to press such a woman under his body and do whatever he wants!


This woman is her aunt.Although there is no blood relationship, or the two have the same ancestor that I do not know how many generations ago, but after all, this is his nominal aunt, and that is also his mother.

"Why do you want to eat me? Is my aunt hungry? I'll give you something to eat~" Inuyasha said innocently.

Eat, this is obviously a polysemous word.

The original meaning is nothing but eating, an instinctive behavior possessed by all living things.

But now it has another meaning, for example: Inuyasha just ate Dong Lan... This is not eating, but eating on another level, which is the meaning of Inuyasha giving Dong Lan. .

However, Inuyasha doesn't know now that Immortal Fairy Lingyue is going to eat him?Or eat it?

"You're below? Ah~ I stood up. Although it's quite big, it's not enough for me to eat..." Immortal Fairy Ling Yue turned around and glanced at her, with a mysterious smile on her face when she turned around.

"Uh-huh... I didn't expect you to have such a big appetite, auntie~"

The conversation between the two was full of various ambiguities, making Sesshomaru's face darkened immediately.

Please, you are mother and son!

Although it exists in name, please respect this name please?Besides, even if you don't look at this relationship, Inuyasha is also your son-in-law, you must not do such a thing.

If Inuyasha really wants to hand Lingyue Immortal Fairy, Sesshomaru is the most serious difficulty.

"Can you pay attention to your image? Mother!" Sesshomaru said with murderous intent.

"Eh? I think it's pretty good, or...are you jealous?" Immortal Fairy Lingyue smiled very darkly, she bent down and kissed Inuyasha on the face.

Furthermore, she moved her own Satsuki very gently.

Sesshomaru has a black line, it starts again, this motherfucker starts again!As an elder, it's fine if you kiss your face, it's fine anyway, but what are you going to do with the moon?

"Mother..." Sesshomaru's face darkened, she lifted up Immortal Fairy Lingyue and threw her out of the bathroom while carrying her.

"Ah...that, I have absolutely no regrets, it's just a sigh of relief." The weight and warmth on his body disappeared, and Inuyasha sighed subconsciously.

However, in the eyes of killing his sister and killing the dog, Inuyasha immediately explained it.

"Humph!" After glancing at Inuyasha's angular abdominal muscles, Sister Sha shook her hair and left the bathroom.

"Huh? What is she looking at?"

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