In addition to the battle just now... um, after the play, a lot of kittens died.

Therefore, it is easy for the West Country to eat the entire leopard cat family.

However, the dog clan leading this land can be said to have a feud with the leopard cat clan.Therefore, if it is not made clear first, it is inevitable that this group of kittens will conflict with the original living monster.

"Really?" Dong Lan tightened her clothes and looked at Inuyasha expectantly, for fear that he said he lied to her.

Originally, what she said about "letting her clans go" just wanted Inuyasha to let them go back to the original desert.

This has greatly exceeded her expectations, although the price is her body, after all, she will become this man's pet all her life.But in exchange, his clan did not have to go back to that desert, and could live in a peaceful and prosperous life.


Although it was a little painful at the beginning and the process was a little longer, the result was still very comfortable.

"I have always said what I said, you can go, and not far to the west is where your clan is." Inuyasha said indifferently.

"You..." Dong Lan looked at Inuyasha's indifferent expression, her little hands clenched tightly into fists.Is he just a playboy to her?And it's the kind that gets thrown away after playing it once.

However, Inuyasha seemed to ignore her meaning at all, turned around and left here.

Dong Lan looked at the back of him leaving, and wished that he wanted to hack this bastard to death with a knife, and threw him into the river to feed the bastard!

For a moment, she even thought it would be nice to be his pet...

Sure enough, men are big pigs' hooves, and there is no good thing!


The sound of Inuyasha's footsteps suddenly disappeared, and Dong Lan looked up subconsciously.

But she found that the bastard appeared in front of her at some point, and held up her xiaba with his hands very casually, "Don't you think that I will let you go so easily? stupid woman."

"You bastard!"

Dong Lan really didn't know whether she should cry or laugh at this time. In theory, she was targeted by Inuyasha again, so she should be crying.

But why, the smile of Zui Jiao can't be taken back?

"Remember the moon tonight, whenever it appears, I will appear by your side... just like tonight, eat you little by little~" Inuyasha said in her ear.

"The moon tonight?" Dong Lan looked up subconsciously.

I saw a clear and cloudless night sky, a crooked moon was hanging on it, surrounded by twinkling stars.

The first quarter moon, just when there is only a quarter circle!

But after Dong Lan understood what Inuyasha meant, and bowed his head again, he was no longer to be found.Only on the right cheek, there is still a faint residual warmth.

"Inuyasha, you bastard... Who cares about you coming to me! It's better to die now!" Dong Lan ducked and walked towards the west.

But soon, she came back.

Then the moonlight, Dong Lan quickly found what she wanted on the ground, it was a light blue flower.

She squatted down gently and held the little flower in her palm.After staring blankly for a while, Dong Lan seemed to have discovered something when she stood up.

"Bah, what are you thinking, Dong Lan!" Dong Lan's pretty face blushed, and she left here in a mess.

And here, only a mess of ye body was left.


In the dark place where the moon can't shine, Inuyasha silently watched Dong Lan's leaving back.He touched his nose reluctantly, obviously just wanting to play, why did it end up like this again?

Could it be that he was destined to be a bad guy?

After shaking his head helplessly, Inuyasha launched Tianya and returned to Lingyue Immortal Palace.

call out!

In the next second, Inuyasha met a pair of golden eyes, who else could it be if it wasn't the old sister Sesshomaru?However, the current situation seems to be a little embarrassing.

It's a sin, a sin...

Inuyasha said his sins, but the thief moved honestly and unceremoniously.


Sesshomaru patted his hand blankly, then picked up the water basin on one side, and poured a basin of warm water on him.It turned Inuyasha into a water dog directly, and the wet clothes were tightly attached to the body, which was very uncomfortable.


Sesshomaru moved his nose and put down the basin with satisfaction.

"It's all the smell of cats, sit down and I'll wash it for you." Sesshomaru pointed to the small bench beside him.

"Hey~" Inuyasha took off the fire rat fur on his body, picked up the small bench and obediently stood in front of him.As Shasha said, Inuyasha's body is full of Dong Lan's smell, in this kennel, it is impossible not to wash it off.

Although living in ancient times, Inuyasha is very particular about enjoying this thing, and shower gel, shampoo, etc. are indispensable.

at this time.

Inuyasha is really like a younger brother, letting his sister kill him to help him apply shampoo.

It's not that he doesn't want to freeze his feet, but that he loves cleanliness very much when he kills his sister, and he makes trouble for her at this time.Not only will you not be able to eat tofu now, but the benefit time will be canceled.

So, Inuyasha is very restrained!As for the little brother, that thing is not controlled by the brain~

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