However, he quickly thought of something and stared at Inuyasha in horror.

At this moment, a crisp sound was heard, and Inuyasha snapped his fingers mercilessly, and this time, three cats died.

"You all shut me up!" Dong Lan roared.These brainless brothers and sisters, why is she enduring so much humiliation now?Not to save the lives of the clan.


And when they stood there and said a few words, all her efforts were in vain.

"Please! I beg you to let go of my clan." Dong Lan said loudly with tears of humiliation in the corners of her eyes.


At this moment, it is true that men will be silent when they see it, and women will cry when they see it.All the ocelots were silent. How angry they were at their relatives, how much they love Dong Lan now!

For their lives, the arrogant Lord Dong Lan knelt in front of the enemy.

"Tsk!" Inuyasha left Zui, he seemed to have inadvertently increased Dong Lan's prestige among the ocelots?

If they are released this time, Dong Lan will definitely become a leader recognized by all ocelots.At that time, will this woman, like her relatives, come back to make trouble for him?

I don't know why, thinking of such a situation, Inuyasha actually looked forward to it.


What he was looking forward to was what kind of desperate expression Donglan would show when he came back for revenge, but was humiliated by Inuyasha's uniform.

That must be... very sweet, right?

Inuyasha nodded, just in order to taste this sweet pleasure, he would also make the behavior of letting the cat return to the mountain.

Thinking of this, Inuyasha gently lifted Dong Lan's chin and looked at her eyes that were still unwilling to give in even now, "It's okay if I let your clan, as long as you..."

"Be my pet!"

Chapter [-] Want me to teach you?

As soon as these words came out, Dong Lan's face instantly turned red!

Don't get me wrong, it's not out of shyness, it's all out of anger after being humiliated.But she can't do it directly, and even opening her mouth to refute may lead to the death of the clansmen, which is completely out of hold.

Of course, there are not many cats who can be as sensible as her, such as...

"Don't even think about it, eldest sister is a big deal and we will fight him!" Xia Lan, who had the hottest temper, exploded at that time.

Just like her exploding head!

In her heart, Dong Lan is a perfect elder sister.Not only the cultivation base is high and strong, but also the incomparable care for their younger brothers and sisters, which makes Xia Lan completely regard Dong Lan as the eldest sister whom she admires the most.


Now, this stinky dog ​​actually wants the eldest sister to be his pet?How can this be!Absolutely not!

"Yes! We fought with him, and we couldn't agree to anything!" This time, not only Xia Lan, but also the big fat Qiu Lan expressed his belief in protecting her sister, as did the petite Chun Lan.

"Okay, okay... It's really touching sisterhood, I'm going to cry~" Inuyasha sighed.

pop, pop, pop...

Dong Lan is now very sensitive to this crisp collision sound. The first two times, she had killed a total of five clan members. This time...

She looked around nervously and was relieved when she found that no clan members were on fire.But in this way, she also saw one thing she least wanted to see.

Although the other three of the four kings of the leopard cat, that is, her younger brothers and sisters, all had expressions of generosity and death on their faces.

Even if Dong Lan refuses Inuyasha's request, they will follow Dong Lan to the death in battle.


She didn't see the expression of generosity to die on her own clansmen, but looked at Dong Lan with a look of pleading and expectation, and they didn't want to die with her.

If they could save themselves at the expense of her, they'd be happy to do so.

Although he knew that this was the best way, even if he had to sacrifice others, Dong Lan would definitely be as ruthless as they were.

But when it happened to her, she couldn't help feeling sad.

"This is... the clan I want to protect with all my heart." When animals cultivated into monsters and had their own consciousness, they seemed to be infected with human selfishness!

There is nothing more sad than death, Dong Lan felt that everything was so boring at this time, and even had the idea of ​​begging for death.

Inuyasha also had this feeling, when he released it, everything was so boring~

a long time.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Dong Lan, who was kneeling on the ground, raised her head, and said with a hollow look: "Okay, as long as you let my clansman go, I will be your... pet!"

When the word "pet" was mentioned, a trace of shame flashed in Dong Lan's empty eyes!

Being weak is the original sin, and in front of Inuyasha, she is weak...

"Big sister!" Spring, Summer, Qiu Sanlan all looked at Dong Lan with guilt. They knew that their big sister was going to sacrifice herself to save everyone, but it was too cruel to her.

And the clan of the leopard cat family did not think as much as the Three Kings at this time.

They only know that when Dong Lan said these words, they were already saved and could live!If it weren't for the wrong time, they would even cheer!

"Very good, congratulations, you saved so many lives." Inuyasha smiled evilly.

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