"Run, run, you're going to be smashed! Drive!" The fat orange cat slapped the three-flowered cat with its tail.

"Ah! You wait for me, meow!"

The instinct to survive, he tapped out all the instincts of the three-flower cat at once, and finally ran out of the range of his body before his relatives smashed it down.

They are lucky, but many cats are unfortunate.

They failed to run out of the relative's body smoothly, and were directly pressed by their leader, and they could clearly see pools of blood rushing out of the relative's back, gradually converging into a small pool of blood.

One can imagine how many kittens he crushed to death all at once!

"Hmph, miscellaneous repairs!" Inuyasha floated in mid-air, with both hands in front of Hungarian, looking at the motionless relative with disdain.

For the demon generals, especially the peak demon generals, the fall is nothing at all.

It's not that he can't move, it's that he doesn't want to move!

"I'm so lost, it doesn't look like it's powerful enough. Damn old cat, wait and see how I can deal with him! But now that stinky dog ​​is still staring at me, what should I do? How about pretending to be dead... …”

The parents were paralyzed on the ground and didn't want to move, but Inuyasha was tired of playing the game of dogs playing big cats.

The end of the world is just around the corner!

Inuyasha teleported to the relative's side, kicked him again, and the huge body flew into the sky uncontrollably.

"Hahaha...Thank you for your help, the old man will take a step first!" Who knew that the relative adjusted his body in mid-air, like a cat with nothing to do, and quickly flew towards the west.

What's more, this guy turned around and waved at Inuyasha.

Inuyasha didn't respond yet, but the surviving members of the ocelot clan were completely blown up!

"Master Chief!"

They looked at the back of their relatives who were leaving in a daze. Is their lord running away?And they threw them all down and ran away alone.

The relatives will not care about these descendants, even the heirs.

When he thought about it, as long as he was still alive, where in the world would there be no place for him?

If his son dies, he can be reborn, if his subordinates are gone, he can be recruited again, and if he dies, then there is really nothing left.

So forgive me for not accompany, slipped, slipped...

The leopard cat family is ashen, why did they follow such a lord?It's no wonder that these stinky dogs were kicked out of their own territory in the first place. Emotions are such a waste!

"I surrender, I quit!" Sanhua cat angrily tore the fat orange cat from its back and fell to the ground.

He was really fed up with this anger, not only was he bullied by this seemingly simple and honest, but cunning fat man, but also followed such a useless lord!

Under the anger, he can't control so much!

"Ow, yes, we surrender!" Fat Orange Cat surrendered second.

As Sanhua Mao said, this guy seems to be honest and honest, but in fact he is extremely cunning.Now that the form is clear, how long does it take to not surrender at this time?

ding ding dong...

A series of sounds of dropping weapons sounded, and all the ocelots raised their hands and surrendered.

"Spineless bastard!" Such a dense and huge sound of throwing weapons naturally attracted the attention of the relatives.He looked at the surrendered subordinates, and couldn't help scolding angrily!

I don't know who was the one who left them to escape first, and who was spineless.


Patronizing his relatives who looked back, he didn't seem to notice Inuyasha's zui corner's smile at all.The frozen Chihiro Waterfall in his hand, at some point in time, turned into a state of pitch-black Chihiro Waterfall!

In front of the relatives, the sky cracked a huge black hole as if smiling, and it was getting bigger and bigger.

"Lord Lord!" Dong Lan, the only one still concerned about the Lord, shouted involuntarily.


An ominous feeling surrounded the relative's heart, he immediately looked back, and immediately saw the slowly opening Ming Dao.He secretly said something bad, and immediately wanted to run away.

However, it seems that it is too late, the underworld has come to his side, and the huge suction is pulling his body.

"No! I haven't..." The parent roared and struggled!

Unfortunately, all this was in vain. The underworld devoured his body, leaving only a sharp horn on the top of his head.This is what Inuyasha deliberately left behind, the essence of a peak demon general.

Although it is completely incomparable with Aragami, it is also a relatively rare refining material.

Find a time, you can make a weapon for the little calamus to play with.

"Lord Inuyasha, let's say goodbye first..." Seeing this, Brother Oni said to Inuyasha.As a peak demon general, the average soul-locking kid really can't help him.

And every time like this, the two brothers need to take action.

Inuyasha made a gesture to them, meaning that his relatives would be imprisoned in the underworld.Inuyasha thought about it and thought that the King of Tooth should be quite boring in the underworld, why don't you give him a toy~

The ghost brothers understood, nodded and left the human world with their apprentices.

"Now, what should I do with you kittens? Steamed, braised, salted and peppered... Sure enough, it's still fried, right?"

The [-]th attitude of asking for help (begging for a flower ticket)

As soon as Inuyasha said this, the kittens who surrendered immediately became nervous.

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