Correspondingly, he was full of fear for the red-clothed boy floating in the air. That kind of power was really like a god!

"Who are you! Why have I never heard of Inuyasha's existence like you." The relatives stared at Inuyasha with red eyes, and those bloodshot eyeballs were even redder than Inuyasha's fire rat fur!

"That's just your ignorance, listen carefully, this young master's surname is Wo, and his name is Ba Ba!" Inuyasha said with his head raised.

"My dad?" The pro side repeated suspiciously, he had never heard of such a strange name.

"Hey, dear son, your father, I'm here~" Inuyasha suddenly nodded, such word games seem to be interesting to play occasionally, especially when encountering such a lack of brains.

… … … … … …

The relative was stunned, and then immediately blushed an old face, even the hair could not cover it.


Above Lingyue Immortal Palace, a group of demon soldiers laughed without hesitation, swept away the original tension.

With such a terrible and humorous Second Young Master, what else are they afraid of?The group of kittens in front of them, they have completely ignored them now.

Lang Yegan even more exaggeratedly hammered the ground, but accidentally moved to the wound, where the pain was throbbing.


Among the leopard cats, there were also faint laughter, including the fat orange cat and the thin three-flowered cat.

Jin Fang is a cat who likes to show respect, but now he has lost such a big cat, and even his subordinates start to laugh at him.But... he has nothing to do with the guy who was playing tricks on him.

It is impossible to fight, you can only survive by holding your breath!

that's it.

The face of the pro's side changed from red to blue, from blue to black, and finally from black to purple... Duan is extremely interesting~

"Silly son, what are you talking about? I don't have such a grandson." Izayoi silently made another cut.


The relatives could no longer bear such humiliation, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out like a fountain, which was spectacular!

Chapter [-] I... vomit!

"Tsk, disgusting guy, even blood stinks!" Inuyasha covered his mouth and nose in disgust.

In fact, this is because Inuyasha is too harsh. The blood of normal humans, animals, and monsters has a stink of moon and stars.That is, this guy's own blood, with a faint medicinal scent.

And thinking of this, Inuyasha suddenly thought of a very serious thing.

As Immortal Fairy Lingyue is one of the descendants of the Tengu, theoretically, she can obviously awaken the blood of the Tengu.

Now she happens to be stuck between the peak demon general and the demon king. If she can awaken the Tengu bloodline, she will definitely be able to successfully break through to the realm of the demon king. Think about how Sesshomaru awakened the Tengu bloodline in the first place...

Wouldn't this dead woman want his bloodline?

Inuyasha couldn't help but tremble, Lingyue Immortal Fairy could definitely do such a thing.

Inuyasha felt uncomfortable when he thought that he was being targeted by a woman who wanted to suck his blood, and that he seemed to have rushed over to deliver it to his door.

However, if there is such a day, Inuyasha will already tell her that there is actually a more effective thing!

Right there, his lower body!

Inuyasha shook his head and got these thoughts out of his mind first, because he was about to be drenched in cat blood.

The size of the pro-party at this time is only a little smaller than the skeleton of the Douya King in the original work. Although this is also due to the dissipation of the Douya King's skin and flesh, the body size has become smaller, but it is enough to prove that the pro-party's body shape is. how old are you.

His mouth of old blood is more than half a meter in diameter!

And because Inuyasha was right in front of him, the blood that spewed out fell right in his direction.

"Dancing the youth... ah, dance, the wind!" Inuyasha waved his red sleeves, and a small blue-colored hurricane was born from his cuffs, spinning subtly in the air.

And the stinking blood, after encountering a small hurricane, was carried by him and began to spin.


The pale blue hurricane turned into a blood red hurricane.Inuyasha waved his hand from a distance, he really didn't want to smell the smell, and the blood hurricane flew forward.

"Hu, hu, hu... I'm really mad at the old man!" The pro-fang gasped violently.

"Pick up a pig and beat someone!" At this moment, Dong Lan's anxious voice sounded, and the relative subconsciously felt that it was not good.

He looked up while panting, and the blood hurricane came right in front of him and fell into his air precisely.

goo goo goo...

There was a sound like gargling when everyone brushed their teeth in the morning and evening, and the blood hurricane kept spinning in the relative's mouth.Although a whirlwind made by Inuyasha could not hurt his teeth, other tissues such as the gums suffered!

Countless tiny wounds appeared in his mouth, and the oozing blood increased the size of the blood hurricane...

Until the end, Inuyasha finally stopped the supply of demon power.

The relative's eyes were full of bloodshots, which was forbearance, he should hold his own.Those dense wounds left almost no intact place in his mouth.

Countless strands of pain added together, causing him unimaginable pain!


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