As soon as he tore off the kitten, he would break its neck when he stretched out his hand. This cat's cultivation base was very low, and it didn't even change its shape. It still retained its original cat form, and I don't know how it caught up. Wolf Wild did it.

"Autumn bean sack!" At this moment, Izayoi, who had been squinting, suddenly stood up.

She walked to the dazed Lang Yegan in three or two steps, snatched the kitten from his hands, and gently stroked its shiny fur.

I have to say, this kitty looks good.

The whole body is covered with black shiny fur, but the beard is long and pure white, and the purple eyes are like a dream.If it is put into later generations, its worth is definitely not low.

"Mother, are you going to raise it? This is a little monster." Inuyasha said.

Although this kitten's cultivation base is low, it is indeed a little monster, and it is not cute at all when it bites the wolf wild dry just now.

But it doesn't matter. Although Izayoi doesn't use spiritual power very much, he is still a cultivator in the master realm!


"Hmm, don't you think she's cute? And there's Xiao Jiu, don't worry." Izayoi, who was dressed in a light blue palace outfit 417, with black hair like waterfalls and this black cat, seemed to be a perfect match.

She said Xiaojiu, needless to say, she knew that it was a Shuten boy.

Shuten Douji, a dead alcoholic, doesn't care about the restraints on his body at all, and gets drunk every day.


The smell of alcohol all over her didn't make people feel sick at all, but there was a strange feeling.As we all know, even if the most fragrant is put on people's body, there will be an unpleasant smell of wine.

But Shuten Douji is not. She herself is like a jar of fine wine, always the faint scent of wine.

This point, Inuyasha is very clear.

He looked at a group of sisters who were holding a big glass wine gourd and wearing a maid outfit, and nodded, and agreed to his mother's adoption of this little black cat.

Although Shuten Douji looks very unreliable, this thing can still be done well, otherwise she will hit her P shares!

"Honey, you'll be called briquettes from now on, it's as black as briquettes~" Izayoi sat back on the reclining chair with the little black cat in his arms.

She held a strand of her long hair and teased the little black cat.

As for the latter, the ferocity of biting Lang Yegan just now was completely gone. Like a pet cat, he grabbed Izayoi's hair with his claws, one person and one cat, and they started playing like that.

This time!

A huge figure appeared among the cats, and the leader of the leopard cat arrived.

The relative is in a very bad mood now. Originally, he walked leisurely at the back of all his subordinates.Under the attack of his men, the group of damn canines fled, and those who didn't escape in time became his snacks.

The relatives who finally experienced this long-lost thrill of killing couldn't help but grow up in size, but at this moment, the team stopped!

"Report to the lord, the front is blocked!"

"Humph! Waste!" The pro-fang was very angry, he grabbed the subordinate and threw it into his mouth, and swallowed it without chewing it!

This kind of feeling is like getting ready to eat a good meal after receiving the salary. In the end, I just ate the six-yuan Mala Tang and I was having a good time, but halfway through the meal, I found that there was a dead mouse in it!

The pro side kicked away the men who were blocking the front and walked towards the front.

He wanted to see who could stop his large army, and he wanted to go to experience it.

If you can eat two stinky dogs along the way, that's great too.

bang, bang, bang...

The relatives walked forward step by step, and the four kings of the leopard cat beside him bowed his head helplessly.Following this old old father, they had to walk in small steps, for fear that they might overtake their relatives accidentally.

at last.

After a long time, the relatives finally reached the dividing line, and he obviously saw Lingyue Immortal Palace in the sky!

"Lingyue, I haven't seen you for a long time, but I miss you so much!" He gritted his teeth and looked at Immortal Fairy Lingyue. She was the one who drove him away from the land of the West Country with Douya King!

And today, he said anything to take revenge.

"Don't talk to me, you have bad breath. If you have anything to do with my two sons." Immortal Fairy Lingyue wrinkled her delicate nose.

Izayoi glanced at her, and theoretically speaking, Inuyasha was also her son, and this relationship with Sesshomaru...

She rubbed the black cat's smooth fur and decided to leave it alone.

Inuyasha and Sesshomaru covered their noses with disgust. This guy seems to be very inattentive to personal hygiene habits, and likes to keep his mouth open all the time. Inuyasha even smelled the smell of dead fish overnight.

Inuyasha looked at the four kings of the leopard cat on the side, and found that they still pay attention to personal hygiene.

In particular, Dong Lan, who is like a snow lotus, gives people a comfortable feeling when standing there, rather than being disgusting like a relative.

"Bastard, how dare you look down on me!"

Inuyasha's face changed immediately, and he could clearly see a green mist spewing out of his mouth.He quickly waved his sleeves and blew the mist to the other side with the wind.

In an instant, all the leopard cats under the big monster rolled their eyes and fainted.

The power is so great that it is so terrifying.

"Inuyasha, he'll leave it to you." After Sesshomaru finished speaking, he dodged and retreated to Immortal Fairy Lingyue's side.

Although there was no expression on her face, Inuyasha was sure that this was definitely disgusting the bad breath of her relatives.Then he slipped away alone, leaving Inuyasha to face the stinky bastard.

However, Inuyasha seemed to have said before that these guys were handed over to him to deal with.

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