Without looking at the body, you can guess the breed of this fat man, it is definitely an orange cat.

… … … … … …

Out of ten orange cats, nine are fat, and one has a collapsed kang!

On the contrary, the monster next to him is skinny and bony. If this guy reveals his body, I believe many people will think that he has been abused by his master and will not be given cat food.

In fact, this is the case. Except for the orange cat next to him, all the other cats are very thin.

The living conditions here are very bad, and it is difficult for them to find anything to eat in the barren land. Ghosts know what happened to the orange cat.

His body is always a three-color cat, common, ordinary, ordinary... These adjectives are the most suitable for them.

"How do I know, maybe it's arthritis?" Sanhua Mao said.

"Arthritis? Let me tell you earlier, my mother is a doctor, and the three nine-pigmentation Yanping that our family's ancestral handed down has special effects on arthritis! If you say that I will dedicate it to the lord, will it become a success?"

"Tengda or not, I don't know, but I'm sure you will hurt~" Sanhuamao laughed.

"Okay you guy, play me again!"

At this time.

The relatives finally pulled to the front, and he looked at the fertile land in front of him with emotion.Under their feet is a barren wasteland, and I don't know why. It is obviously not a desert, but no plants can grow.

Of course, none of these matters now. What matters is that he finally returns to that land, the apprentice he once led.

"Little ones, follow me to pacify those stinky dogs!"

Chapter [-] Sixteen Nights and Immortal Fairy Lingyue

As his relatives pointed towards the east in high spirits, he followed his sharp fingernails, and there was exactly the location of Lingyue Immortal Palace!

And this time.

Inuyasha and his group had arrived at Lingyue Immortal Palace. Along the way, the places where the Phoenix Fire passed by had frightened all the birds, including of course the humans who saw her body.

In fact, Inuyasha made a mistake before, Yaya is not a Phoenix Fire in the strict sense.

The so-called monsters in the phoenix fire are actually the flames left by the phoenix at the time of nirvana, waiting for the arrival of death in the midst of light and extinction.

However, if by chance the fire of nirvana is not extinguished, then she will become a phoenix fire!

But Yaya is not just as simple as the Phoenix Fire. Zong Chenzhu failed to create the Nirvana Fire because the original Phoenix Nirvana failed. However, when Inuyasha devoured Zong Chenzhu, it was reborn for self-protection and gave birth to the Nirvana Fire.

And at that moment, the original Phoenix Nirvana!


Since the Zhuo Chenzhu, which had condensed Phoenix's lifetime Feng Yuan, was swallowed up by Inuyasha, Phoenix not only lost his previous memory, but also couldn't condense enough Feng Yuan for Nirvana for a long time.

The spiritual power in this world is getting thinner and thinner, but Xiao Fenghuang was born in this era but wasted a whole body of talent.

However, Inuyasha just now gave back the Feng Yuan that he had not had time to digest to Little Phoenix.

For today's Inuyasha, these Feng Yuan are no longer of much use.

But for Xiao Fenghuang, it is the purest Feng Yuan, and it is also the most suitable thing for her.It is estimated that it will not be long before the little phoenix can successfully transform into shape!


Of course, now is not the time to think about it, because the atmosphere is not right now.

I didn't feel anything in the video before, but now that Izayoi and Immortal Fairy Lingyue are very wrong when they are face to face!



You two look at me, I look at you, but don't speak!

If the other two women looked at each other like this, not only would Inuyasha not feel nervous, but instead would appreciate it with interest.For example, who has a big Hungarian body, who has a beautiful face, who has a PP curl, and so on.

But now he has no interest at all.

One is my dearest mother-in-law, the other is my aunt and my mother-in-law, none of them can be offended.

"Sister, are they all right?" Inuyasha poked Sesshomaru next to him.

"It's very harmonious, isn't it?" Sesshomaru glanced at Inuyasha, grabbed his restless thief's hand, and then said something that no one would believe with a cold face.

Harmony... Your family calls this atmosphere harmony?

Inuyasha thought about it for a long time, it seems that for Sesshomaru, this kind of atmosphere is really harmonious!

There is no fight, it is harmony~

The two beautiful women stood in the hall. In fact, Inuyasha didn't know if this was a hall or not. The Lingyue Immortal Palace was flying in mid-air, surrounded by clouds and mist, and there was no eaves above its head.

Inuyasha took a general look and found that this thing was a bit like a flying saucer of later generations.

The room and the like are all inside, and now the place where they are standing is a platform, guarded by a large number of demon soldiers.

As for what it was like inside, what was Immortal Fairy Lingyue's boudoir like, and what was Sesshomaru's boudoir.Inuyasha hasn't had the chance to see him yet, but in the future, he will definitely see him, and even sleep on it!

Izayoi was dressed in a palace attire, with long black hair scattered behind her back like a waterfall, gentle and elegant.

Immortal Fairy Lingyue was dressed in a gorgeous canine costume. Like Sesshomaru, she turned her fur into a coat at first sight. The fluffy fur was scattered over her shoulders, and she looked very noble.

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