Being impatient is also the behavior of a normal child. Inuyasha can understand this.

However, it is shameful to be cute!

Looking at Little Loli's flashing eyes, Inuyasha subconsciously agreed.Fortunately, this idea was stopped in the end. Kikyo is a woman who wants to become a master of archery, and can't be destroyed by Inuyasha.

"Although I won't teach you archery, I will teach you another thing." Inuyasha tried to divert her attention.

"Another thing? What is it?" Sure enough, the simple little loli was hooked instantly!

"Spiritual power, after you have spiritual power, the arrow you just shot didn't hit the bull's-eye, but directly pierced the target~" Inuyasha didn't exaggerate at all.

Having spiritual power and not having spiritual power are completely two concepts. Without spiritual power, it is just human beings. With spiritual power, it is a monster!


Kikyo's spiritual power is also different from ordinary spiritual power. Kikyo's spiritual power is called the power of breaking demons.Her spiritual power naturally has the effect of restraining demon power, or in other words, all evil power.

That's why, at the age of eighteen in the original book, she was able to kill so many monsters by herself.

At the same time, it is also the reason why Kikyo can easily purify the Jade of the Four Souls.

Even when she fell in love with Inuyasha and her mind was no longer pure, she could still purify the jade of the four souls.The root of all of this comes from the power of breaking demons.

And this magic-breaking power is the natural talent of Kikyo, something that others cannot learn!

Just like although the power of monsters is also called monster power, the level of monster power of their Tengu clan is much higher than that of other monsters.

This is something that is decided by nature and cannot be changed the day after tomorrow!

"Red bean puree?" Little Kikyo tilted his head and looked at Inuyasha with an expression of "I don't quite believe it".


Inuyasha took the bow that was a little small for him from Kikyo, and he didn't take the arrow, he just pulled the bowstring 507.As the bow body was slowly drawn into a circle, the arrows, which had always been composed entirely of spiritual power, also appeared on the arrow slot.

This hand alone made Little Bellflower's eyes shine.

After a while.

After the spiritual arrows condensed directly into a solid body, Inuyasha relaxed the bowstring.

"call out!"

The sound of the arrows flying out was not sharp, but rather dull.But the dazzling arrows flew at an astonishingly fast speed, and flew into the dark clouds in the blink of an eye.

Then... the arrows that exploded suddenly set off a mushroom cloud like a nuclear explosion, directly tearing the surrounding dark clouds.

The mild sunshine in the morning, sprinkled from the sky to the world, swept away the situation of the dark clouds just now.

The power of an arrow, so powerful!Nuclear bomb sword fairy, well-deserved reputation!

"Wow!" Little Kikyo clapped her little hands vigorously, she couldn't help but imagine that she could be as powerful as an arrow, and all those stinky monsters would definitely be solved at once.

This girl doesn't seem to realize that the big brother beside her is the most ferocious monster today!

However, no matter what, Little Kikyo became Inuyasha's second apprentice after the Chief Secretary, and his future destiny...

There have also been huge changes.

Chapter [-]: Immortal Fairy Lingyue looking for me?

"Thinking, thinking...let's see how I'm doing with this arrow?"

"Without your master, I would be "in size"~"

"Thinking, thinking...I feel spiritual power, but they don't seem to listen to me."

"That's why you're too good~"

Conversations like this suddenly became a daily routine between teachers and students.And Bailang, the master who taught her archery, was completely ignored by Little Kikyo, which made Bailang very upset and vowed to drain Inuyasha to let him know what a wife is.

Of course, it turned out that it was her who begged for mercy every time.

Inuyasha lived a life without shame and no sao again. The only pity is that he never came back after killing his sister.

At this time, more than a hundred years have passed since the death of King Douya. Although Immortal Fairy Lingyue was holding her down, she was still a woman after all.


The leopard cat family, who was originally driven to the west, has been testing frantically on the brink of death recently.Although Sesshomaru seems indifferent, he actually cares a lot about everyone around him.

The Kingdom of the West was left by her father, and her mother's Lingyue Immortal Palace had always been in this central dynasty.

So, no matter what, she won't let the leopard cat family come back and run wild!

In a flash, ten years have passed, and Kikyo has grown from the original loli to a girl, and is now a sixteen-year-old Kikyo.Recently, the eyes looking at Inuyasha are getting more and more wrong, and they can never return to the original purity~


Why does Inuyasha always want to laugh?Hold back!Must hold back.

Sometimes, not acknowledging something like talent is really an insurmountable obstacle.

Kikyo, who was only sixteen years old, had completely tapped out the spiritual power that had been dormant in her body, and now she was already a witch in the master state.In the era when the great monks were already high-end combat power, the master was already an existence that could establish a sect.

The realm that countless people can only look up to all their lives, Kikyo has already reached it before the age of sixteen.

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