And those things in the rumors, it is estimated that Ibaraki Doji and his ghosts did it.

Now it seems that this ghost king is nothing more than a mascot!

Inuyasha's fingers slid along her chin all the way to the fair and delicate neck.He tapped on it lightly, and the chains that had melted into Shuten Douji moved closer to her neck, eventually forming a delicate collar.

The purple leather collar matches the fair skin, giving Shuten Douji a strange charm.


This is not a good thing, although it is beautiful, it is deadly.

This is the collar that Inuyasha transformed into the barrier that previously sealed Shuten Douji, and it is also the best guarantee for him to restrain Shuten Douji, the ghost king.And the boy Che Angang is also part of this guarantee.

Inuyasha took the boy Chiean and clicked on the collar, and the long knife immediately turned into a chain, which was seamlessly connected to the collar.

The other end of the chain was held by Inuyasha.

"Hey, I wanted to do this for a long time~" Holding the dignified ghost king in his hand like a pet, he is probably the only one in the world, right? "Inuyasha!"

Izayoi crossed Yueqi angrily, obviously angry with Inuyasha for such behavior.

Although Izayoi did not resist so many daughters-in-law after he woke up.Not only because those sisters are more beautiful than the other, the key is that she can see their feelings for their own puppy.

And like now, the noble and kind-hearted Princess Her Royal Highness expressed that she could not accept it.

"Mother, do you want to try it? It's very fulfilling~" Inuyasha handed the chain in his hand to Izayoi.


Izayoi played with excitement for a while, and slapped Inuyasha on the head with a backhand.

But can you always put the chain down first?

"Sir, the one you're holding right now is the legendary Shuten-douji." Inuyasha pointed to a blushing face, and said drunkenly.

"Junior boy? That Dajiangshan ghost king?"

Even Izayoi knew about the fierce and famous Dajiangshan Ghost King hundreds of years ago.

However, when she looked at this drunk and unconscious little loli, she couldn't connect her with the ghost king.

After some explanations, Izayoi finally accepted it suspiciously. Inuyasha did this not to satisfy his perverted thoughts, but just to control this violent ghost king, such an excuse.

Um... such a fact!

And Inuyasha also took advantage of this moment to tell Izayoi how to control Shuten Doji.

After a while.

Inuyasha released Shuten Douji's chains, and handed over the boy Kiriyama who had recovered to the shape of a tachi to Izayoi.As for the collar on her neck, it's pretty good-looking anyway, so let her wear it all the time.

For this point, it seems that Izayoi does not object, but rather agrees that this circle is very beautiful.

"I also want to try wearing it..." Izayoi said.

"Please stop this dangerous thought immediately!"



Inuyasha chose a room close to Izayoi among the many rooms, and walked in with a drunken flat girl, while walking while operating the synthesis furnace.

"Bang~" After throwing Shuten Douji on chuang, Inuyasha took the newly synthesized maid costume and threw it on her.

Although Shuten Douji's original black tape suit was quite artistic, it was obviously not suitable for wearing.

Or, let her put on a maid costume as well~

That night!

Inuyasha looked at the messy scene on the big chuang, and after gently kissing the girls on the face, Inuyasha opened the door and walked out.When he finished eating before, he had already told them that he was going to retreat.

No, Inuyasha's own self was almost hollowed out by these girls!

Now he is extremely fortunate, how witty it was to get the Life Orb...

"Mother." As soon as he went out, he saw Izayoi under the cherry tree.

Izayoi came to Inuyasha, she stretched out her hand, and Inuyasha immediately squatted down and rubbed his dog's head.

Sure enough, Izayoi reached out and rubbed his dog's head, and then said, "Mother doesn't understand your desire to pursue power, but she also knows that you want to protect mine, but...don't force yourself too hard."

"No force, I want my mother to live happily forever..."


In fact, Inuyasha is also enjoying the thrill of getting stronger a little bit, and the feeling of pretending to be in front of others is really pleasant.

After saying goodbye to Izayoi, Inuyasha was in a secret room.

That is the treasure house found in Qincheng. In terms of security and confidentiality, this dragon treasure house is the safest and most secret treasure house that Inuyasha has ever seen.

Inuyasha looked at the starry sky made up of night pearls above his head, and his goal was precisely this sea of ​​stars!

"Damn, let's get started!"

Chapter [-] The Lolita Miko practicing archery

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