His body...is a scorpion?

Chapter [-] Ninety-nine ninety-nine percent

Why in a blink of an eye, time flies like electricity...

Inuyasha has been nesting in the Crystal Palace all these years as an otaku.Of course, this otaku is not an otaku who shouts "Happy Fat House" every day, but an otaku surrounded by countless girls.

The villagers of Maple Village have long since changed how many batches they have exchanged. If it wasn't for Inuyasha's frequent outings, it is estimated that no one would know him.

Life is like that.

A batch of people are born, and a batch of people die, and so on and so forth, never ending.

It is worth mentioning that our classmate Yi became Runtu's apprentice and even kidnapped his daughter. He took up Runtu's house building job and got along well in the village.

The only pity is that Yi is a monster, while Runtu's daughter is only a human.

at this time.

Runtu's daughter has been dead for many years, but Yi is still the same, and the child has left home and is independent.

It has to be said that Maple Village is completely an anomaly in this era.People who are naturally hostile and monsters live in harmony in a village, and it is estimated that this is the only one in the world.

Izayoi woke up from her deep sleep, but when she saw that Inuyasha "suddenly" found her so many daughters-in-law...

That expression is really very festive~

And just as Inuyasha thought, the bloodline awakening, which had been stuck at [-]%, began to slowly increase again.And the opportunity lies entirely in Izayoi, and he is really becoming more and more inseparable from his mother.

After the sixteenth night awakened, she awakened the bloodline of the emperor, and she was completely open to the cultivation.

The talent is so high that even the girl in chief can't compare!

As for killing my sister...

Izayoi was really a headache, her son was too much, how could he abduct the murdered sister.Inuyasha thinks it's not a big deal, but it's just changing the name from aunt to mother-in-law~

Of course, every time I killed my sister and faced Izayoi, there was always a kind of embarrassment.

But Inuyasha believes that as time goes by, it will be good to get acquainted with each other~

Time flies, and the only thing that doesn't change is probably Yushenmu.

It seems to be an object independent of time, and after so many years, it does not seem to have grown larger.

Early in the morning.

The Inuyasha sitting cross-legged under the Imperial Tree once again swallowed up the essence of the sun. Compared with the untraceable sun essence the first time, Inuyasha at this time seemed to be directly plundering the essence of the sun.

A huge and dazzling golden sun essence poured directly into Inuyasha from the sun.

Ergozi, who was bathed in gold, even his silver hair was dyed gold.At this time, he was like a god descending, and his whole body revealed a sacred and inviolable temperament.

a long time……

When all the sun energy was swallowed up by him, Inuyasha finally slowly opened his eyes.

He let out a long breath, and the golden light in his eyes shot several meters away. If a monkey saw it, he would definitely pull his dog to recognize his brother!

"Wow~ it's getting slower and slower. After so many years, it's finally close to the last point."

Inuyasha looked at his attribute panel, he didn't bother to look at any strength value, there were too many zeros behind him, and he couldn't count them.

The only thing he is concerned about is that he has reached [-]% bloodline awakening degree...

Just a little bit, really a little bit!

He himself didn't know how much time it took to raise the awakening from [-]% to [-]%, but it was already the end of the Muromachi shogunate.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Muromachi Shogunate, Inuyasha had reached the level of [-]%, and he had exhausted a regime to death!

Of course, this is also related to being stuck in the bottleneck before.

While the imminent breakthrough is good news for Inuyasha, it is also bad news.

That is... he seems to be closing.According to Goudan, it would be a very long process to completely fuse the two blood vessels in his body into one, even with the help of the system.

"His aunt..." After the morning practice, Inuyasha returned home.

The Crystal Palace is still the Crystal Palace, and Izayoi also expressed great support for this name.

Of course, she doesn't know the meaning behind it~

Inuyasha came to the courtyard, and the peach and cherry trees became more and more strange. From the regular flowering period, flowers are hung almost every moment.

Moreover, it can be clearly felt that there is a faint demonic energy on them.

Since animals can be cultivated into monsters, it is obvious that plants can also be cultivated into monsters.

The formation of the Crystal Palace has the effect of gathering spirits, so the spiritual energy in the Crystal Palace is many times that of the outside world.It is not surprising that these two flower trees that have been growing in this environment can turn into monsters.

It's just that their demonic aura is not that great now, and it is not even as demonic as the demonic energy that Inuyasha had just picked up the comb.

But after a long time, it should be able to become a little monster, and then change shape.

… … … … … …

"Uh... is mother sleeping late again?" Inuyasha reluctantly stepped forward and came under the flower tree.

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