A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 311 Apply for Experiment

The atmosphere in the Gryffindor common room was a bit strange tonight. Everyone's attention was on the glass bottle in front of them, which contained a light blue liquid that shone slightly.

Percy said to the third grade students: "Drink it quickly. This is a potion to protect the body. I used to drink it in class when I was learning alchemy. In the future, I will drink it from time to time depending on the class schedule."

"Look, Charles has finished drinking."

At this time, Ruby stepped on Charles's back and pecked him hard on the back of the head. It wasn't until Charles promised that he would have a good time when he came back that he would jump over the wall before putting on his small backpack and flying out of the common room, starting another round of traveling around the world.

Everyone is already used to it.

Harry mustered up the courage to pick up the glass bottle and take a sip, and said to the classmates who looked at him, "It tastes like milk."

Everyone didn't believe it and waited until he finished drinking it in one go before trying it. Sure enough, it tasted like milk.

Percy then went to supervise the second years.

The next day was Saturday. After breakfast, Charles came to the greenhouse.

All the seeds planted in the seedling pots have germinated. Next week you can select some well-growing seedlings and transplant the best-growing seedlings into flower pots at the end of the month.

There were many students in the greenhouse. They came to the seedling pots they were responsible for, checked the soil moisture, and sprinkled some water when it was dry.

Charles walked around and spotted an acquaintance.

Joyce was carefully observing the herbs from Germany in the nursery pot. Charles went over to greet him and stared at him silently for a long time.

Charles was confused and asked, "What's the matter?"

"No." Joyce shook her head, "You are not suitable."

Charles asked curiously: "What's inappropriate?"

Joyce replied: "I will be the captain of the Potions Championship next year."

Charles understood that three of the five members of the previous team had graduated, leaving only Joyce in seventh grade and Cedric in fifth grade.

Now Hogwarts is preparing for next year's competition. Joyce, who has championship experience, takes on the role of captain. Next, she needs to find four team members.

"The principal said it would be best to find a third or fourth grader," Joyce said.

"Digory may participate in the selection as the main player this year, and we need a good operator."

Bringing a young student into the team is conducive to the development of talent echelon. The last game was led by Cedric.

But the Potions Championship is not about operation but innovation. The third and fourth grade students only have basic knowledge. Even Hermione's innovation ability is about zero, so the four main players can only be senior students.

"How's Hermione Granger?" Charles asked her. "She's always good at things."

Joyce said: "Professor Snape said she was too conventional and was the first to rule out."

Joyce overturned in the last competition because she reinvented the wheel. If Eleanor hadn't performed perfectly in the last project, Hogwarts would have failed. Snape was the one who took the blame.

Snape didn't dare to be careless in preparing for this competition. He paid great attention to it from the moment he selected the players.

Hermione's problem now is that she values ​​things in books too much and won't try new things easily. This is incompatible with the core concept of the game, so she is the first to be eliminated.

Charles had nothing to say, he thought so too.

He thought for a while, and it seemed that there were no students in his class who showed talent for potions.

Forget it, it's not an Animagus talent show, like a jellyfish jumping through a hoop of fire or something like that.

Charles thought for a while and joked: "If you let Professor Dumbledore agree to let me continue to be a chef, I will cook whatever you want to eat!"

Joyce nodded.

The corner of Charles' mouth twitched. Did she really agree to say this to the principal?

Someone came over at this time, and Percy was more energetic than ever since he became the head boy of Gryffindor.

Charles was a little surprised. He came to Joyce to sign up for the Potions Championship team selection.

Charles didn't understand Percy's potion skills, but Joyce should understand that the two of them should talk in another place.

There was nothing wrong in the greenhouse, but it took a long time to complete the inspection. When we came out, the Gryffindor Quidditch team had just finished their morning training.

In the afternoon, Charles came to the Oil Painting Association to continue practicing magic oil painting and relax at the same time.

President Thiel looked at the charcoal sketch behind him and asked curiously: "Who are you drawing?"

Charles replied: "Hatsune Miku."

He has become very proficient in drawing floor plans in the past two years. This year he began to try 3D modeling and make the model move. If Miku can wave green onions, it will be considered a success.

It is not easy to use a paintbrush to cast spells on the canvas while modeling, especially the hair. If you are not careful, it will become like a helicopter propeller.

A peaceful weekend passed in front of the canvas, with nothing major happening.

It's a new week, and students have new expectations. They can go to Hogsmeade again this weekend.

After dinner that day, Charles came to Professor Delacour's office.

Fred and George were also here. When they asked questions, Professor Delacour discovered that the twins had a talent for alchemy. Their broad thinking was exactly what was needed to study this knowledge, so they were captured to help correct their homework.

Charles handed the professor a trial application.

"You're going to do these experiments?"

Professor Delacour frowned slightly. The tests on the application were all the most basic tests.

There is a test plan at the back of the application form, and all lead wires used are 1 mm in diameter.

"Tell me what you think?" Professor Delacour looked at Charles, wondering what new tricks he was going to play.

Charles replied: "I would like to know whether certain properties of metals change when they are alchemically processed."

Professor Delacour thought for a moment and asked, "Is it an attribute not mentioned in the book?"

"Yes." Charles answered truthfully, "It is a property of electricity that Muggles often use."

Professor Delacour was a little surprised and asked curiously: "Is it related to the air fryer?"

Charles scratched his head. When he was in Marseille, he tried to use a compound magic spell to achieve the effect of an air fryer. As a result, there was no ashes left on the chicken.

"It doesn't matter," he said, "I'm just curious."

Professor Delacour looked directly at Charles and said very seriously: "Curiosity is a good thing, but be aware that the road to magic is full of all kinds of dangers. If you are not careful, you will turn into a nothing." Leftover chicken.”

Charles immediately nodded obediently.

Professor Delacour finally allowed Charles to conduct the experiments outside class and asked him to come to class tomorrow evening.

Anyway, they are all prepared to teach, but the experimental materials are different.

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