A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 303 Extracurricular Teaching

Lupine's Defense Against the Dark Arts class was a great success, and the students gave his teaching unanimous praise.

That evening, in the common room, Fred said to Charles, "Professor Lupine knows his stuff too."

George continued: "He must have fought against dark wizards before, and the tips taught in textbooks are very useful."

Fred whispered again: "Professor Lupine knows a lot of mischievous spells, which is very interesting."

They were doing crafts while talking.

The brothers have wanted to make a bag for a long time, but the materials are not cheap. Now they don't have enough materials. In addition to making rockets for Charles, they have to find other ways to make extra money.

Next to them, Ron and Harry were immersed in their homework.

Fred said while sorting out the materials: "I'm afraid because of the poor results in the decryption challenge during the summer vacation, the professors were stimulated and have more homework now than before."

George also nodded and complained: "Not only are there more, but they are also more difficult than before."

"The worst thing is the alchemy class." Fred looked like he had a headache. "We have to study three years of classes this school year."

George wailed: "The homework is all in the exercise book. You can write it wherever you go in class."

Next to them, Ron and Harry glanced at the exercise booklet they were going to write down later and were about to burst into tears.

Alchemy has a lot of changing formulas to memorize and some calculations, which is not friendly to students at all.

None of this mattered to Charles. Today's alchemy homework had been finished long ago, and he was now working on his Water Muggle Studies homework, and then the weekend was coming.

"By the way." Charles said to the twins seemingly casually, "There will be good news tomorrow morning."

Fred believed that Charles would not tell nonsense and immediately asked: "What good thing happened?"

Charles just smiled and played it off.

George cast a spell on the newly made handicraft, and then said: "We originally wanted to give the first product to you, but we wouldn't give it away if you didn't tell us."

A mandrake Snape walked up and down the long table, as tall as his fingers, with a large clump of mandrake leaves above his head.

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Neville turned Snape's Boggart into the shape of a mandrake. In a short time, the news spread throughout Hogwarts. It is said that even Peeves asked Neville thumbs up.

Fred and George will not miss this business opportunity. This can earn three houses money, and maybe someone in Slytherin House will buy it.

Snape took two hasty steps and came to Spots, jumped a little, and slowly disappeared with only the grass blades above his head, as if he had sunk into the ground, and jumped out again soon after.

Scabbers has been in low spirits lately and has been frightened all day long, but when he saw the Snape Grass emerging in front of him, he seemed particularly energetic and seemed to be smiling.

Harry smiled even more heartily than Scabbers, and immediately attracted many onlookers.

Charles checked the time, put away his homework, and left the common room.

Harry thought he was going to exercise, so he followed him out. Anyway, he could finish his homework until the weekend tomorrow.

But he soon discovered that Charles was not going to the Room of Requirement, so he asked, "Where are you going?"

Charles turned to look at him and said, "I'm going to Professor Lupine. Today is the day he starts taking medicine. I want to ask how he is doing."

Harry asked in surprise: "Professor Lupine is sick?"

Charles thought for a while and asked, "Can you keep this matter secret?"

Harry immediately replied firmly: "I promise I won't tell anyone."

Charles nodded and said, "So can I."

Harry had a black line on his face and complained: "Are you Peeves?"

He recalled Lu Ping's appearance when he first saw him. He was very thin. He thought it was caused by illness. He seemed to be more energetic now but he was probably not recovered.

The two soon arrived at Lupin's office, and Dumbledore was also there.

It's gate hours and you're not allowed to leave the common room, and you'll get points deducted if you're caught.

Charles was well prepared and explained: "On behalf of the Horse Liaison Office, I am here to visit Mr. Luping, an outstanding employee. Although he has resigned, we still need to care."

Dumbledore was too lazy to care about him, and now the pressure was on Harry's side.

"Uh..." Harry immediately thought of an excuse, "I was worried that Charles would violate school rules, so I followed him. If he hadn't come here, I would have reported it to Professor McGonagall."

Dumbledore gave Harry preferential treatment, so he let him go.

Lupine asked the two students to sit down on the sofa and said, "I don't have many kinds of candies here like the principal's office. There are only chocolates. Do you want some?"

Harry immediately shook his head, seeing the chocolate now reminded him of the dementors that day.

Lupine said to Harry: "Harry, you came at just the right time. I happened to be discussing your matter with Professor Dumbledore."

Harry did not expect this kind of development and asked cautiously: "Is it a good thing or a bad thing?"

Dumbledore said to him: "Remus saw the Boggart turning into a dementor in front of you, and thought that he should teach you a spell to resist dementors."

Lupine added: "The same spell Finnigan used to drive away the Dementors on the train that day."

"Really?!" Harry almost jumped with joy.

They heard Seamus say that he had used this spell three times. The first time he accidentally blew up the dormitory, and the second time they saw the shadow of the basilisk blowing up the corridor. The dust from the explosion blocked the basilisk's view. The third time was on the train.

Boys of Harry's age were particularly fond of powerful spells and immediately expressed their desire to learn them.

Dumbledore said to Harry: "Finigan's Patronus Charm is not normal, this is ordinary."

He took out the Elder Wand and kept spinning it in the air, and the silver gas gathered into a ball.

"Call the gods to protect you!"

A silver phoenix flies over the office. Judging from the size, it is Fox.

"How beautiful!" Harry sighed.

Lupine said to him: "Everyone's patronus is different. Professor Dumbledore's is a phoenix, and Professor McGonagall's is a cat."

"By the way!" Harry remembered something, "Is Professor Flitwick's patronus a raven? He used it to convey messages when he was preparing to enter the Chamber of Secrets that day."

Dumbledore nodded.

Lu Ping added: "The patron saint is not static and will change depending on the user's status."

Charles nodded. His patronus was like drawing cards, but he could choose the patronus that had already been drawn, so he decided to have a chance to draw a special draw.

Dumbledore saw him nodding and asked: "Charles, do you know that the Patronus can change?"

Charles replied: "I read in a book that someone's patronus changed after they fell in love."

This kind of thing is quite common for wizards who can summon a Patronus, and Dumbledore undoubtedly has him.

Lupine said to Harry: "If you want to learn, I can teach you on weekend nights."

Harry immediately nodded in agreement, and then asked Charles: "Do you want to come together?"

Charles shook his head and said, "No need, the dementors and I are friends."

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