A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 300 Someone started causing trouble

Just when everyone thought Charles was going to cause trouble, an unexpected, but in Charles' view, reasonable person did it.

After the Herbology class, it was elective class time. Charles had no class and continued to go back to the greenhouse to prepare tonight's experimental instructions.

Nowadays, all courses at Hogwarts use standard textbooks, and the Care of Magical Creatures class is no exception. Professor Sylvanus Kettleburn presided over the preparation of the standard textbooks for this class before his retirement, so students do not have to go Buy that book that bites.

Charles flipped through the catalog when he went to buy textbooks. Third-year students will learn to raise magical animals that are classified as X-level "annoying" and XX-level "harmless and tamable" by the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. The mucus-secreting Flobber caterpillar, the pink mushroom-like hawkcrap, and the cattails that are often used as pets.

It stands to reason that the content of today's class is to learn how to take care of a fluffy little guy. Even Gabrielle can easily take care of this kind of little guy.

But when class was about to end, someone was carried to the school doctor's office.

"The Hippogriff was frightened?" Charles felt that things were different from what he had remembered.

Harry kept putting meat on the plate and said at the same time: "Hogwarts has more than a dozen hippogriffs. Hagrid let us watch them through the fence for a while, and then took us to learn how to take care of the velvet." velvet."

"When we were getting ready to end get out of class, those hippogriffs suddenly ran out and rushed towards us, and Ron was scratched."

Next to him, Seamus sighed and said, "It would be great if I also chose this course."

He originally planned to choose it last semester, but then he heard from Charles that he might have to attend classes on rainy days, so he decided not to choose it.

Hermione thought thoughtfully and said, "It's strange. Those hippogriffs were originally tied with bridles and the reins were fixed on the fence. Hagrid also said that the fence was very strong."

"Could it be..."

The girl's eyes suddenly widened and she looked at Harry closely.

Seamus reacted immediately and whispered: "Black, it was Black who released the Hippogriff to kill Harry!"

Neville immediately said: "That's it. Harry and Ron were nearby at that time, and those hippogriffs were heading for him!"

People who were in class around me recalled the situation and it was indeed like this.

When everyone ran away, all the hippogriffs rushed towards Harry and Ron, but Ron suddenly fell down. If Hagrid hadn't rushed over, he wouldn't have been injured.

Charles frowned and asked Neville: "How did Ron fall?"

Neville thought for a moment and shook his head. Everyone was running away at that time, and no one saw how Ron fell.

Hermione asked Charles: "Do you suspect someone is using magic spells?"

Charles nodded.

He heard from Grindelwald that Black's mental state was worrying, and there was a suppressed madness in his bones.

Grindelwald traveled across the Atlantic and met countless people, and Charles believed in his vision.

Now Black's only goal was to kill Peter, and Charles had no doubt that he would not hesitate to use the Death Curse on Dumbledore if Peter got into Dumbledore's beard.

Now that Black knows that Peter is with Ron, and Ron is with Harry, in his eyes, Peter is very close to Harry, is this okay?

Lavender Brown was scared and said, "You mean Blake was nearby?"

"I thought it was Ron's hair that was so conspicuous that attracted the hippogriffs."

This created a big problem. Dementors formed a circle outside the school, but Black ran into the campus on the second day of school. So what use were they?

Charles sighed inwardly, thinking that Black might not be trying to kill Ron, but just trying to force Peter out of him.

But when Ron saw that Banban was not in good condition, he put it in the dormitory and didn't take it with him in the afternoon.

As for whether the hippogriff would kill Ron by doing so, Charles felt that Black didn't think much of it.

Charles and the others were not the only ones who doubted Black. Apparently Dumbledore also had similar views.

Harry's face was gloomy and he looked guilty, thinking that he had harmed Ron.

He simply filled his stomach and took his dinner to the school doctor's office to give to Ron.

Harry stepped away, and Dumbledore followed.

After dinner, Charles taught his classmates how to grow herbs and measure and fill out forms in the greenhouse. Six professors, including Dumbledore, lurked outside.

It was obvious that they were trying to fish out Black with Harry, but nothing unexpected happened.

The students left, and Charles was accompanied as he locked the door to the greenhouse.

Charles said to Lupine with a playful smile: "Professor, for the sake of our happy cooperation in the past, please give me more points in class."

Charles used to be Lupine's leader, but now it's the other way around.

Lupine kept looking around, fearing that Black would jump out, and at the same time replied: "I believe you can score points without me taking care of you."

Charles adjusted his glasses and looked in the direction of the Forbidden Forest.

These glasses have snake-eye-like night vision. You can see a big dog squatting in the shadow of a big tree. The black fur is the best camouflage.

Charles ignored him and asked a little loudly as he walked back to the castle: "Professor, how was your treatment? I haven't heard you talk about it."

He had inquired about the treatment of werewolves and then used the old man to spread people around the world to study it. However, the participants were too high-end and very confidential, so he could not go to the scene to see it.

It's no problem to let the old man prepare potions. Even Snape may not be able to match it, but developing potions is another matter, so I won't stay there.

Charles usually met Lupine at the Pig's Head Bar, where it was not easy to ask about this matter.

Lupine didn't care that his voice was a little louder, and said calmly: "Famous potionists from all over the world have gathered in the Himalayas to study the plant called Malifasa."

"This plant is magical and only blooms under the light of the full moon."

"It's just that it's too rare. At that time, we decided to study how to breed it. Later, we successfully cultivated seeds and started trying to use them for treatment."

Charles asked curiously: "How is the effect?"

Lupine said: "We tried external application at first, and the effect was very good. When you turned into a werewolf, you applied Malifasa's juice on your body, and the area you applied could return to normal."

"But the effect of this is limited, and it will be useless on the next full moon night."

"Later, everyone was studying taking it internally. Some people thought that doing so could completely remove the werewolf's toxin from the inside out."

He had a very strange expression on his face when he said this: "We werewolves agreed that it would be better for us to drink Malifasa's juice without treatment."

It can be seen that there is a problem with taking it directly. I don't know whether it is because of the side effects or the terrible taste.

Lu Ping continued: "Later, everyone thought of many ways. Each of us werewolves tasted one kind and recorded the curative effects at the same time."

Charles nodded, sounding like everything was going well.

At this time, Dumbledore came over from the castle with a scary expression. He pointed in the direction of the lake and said to Charles: "Your friends are looking for you over there."

Lupine turned his head and asked Charles with a surprised look: "Why, a girl is looking for you so late?"

Charles is also a question mark.

Dumbledore said: "It's a dementor."

Then Lupine and Dumbledore saw an extremely rare scene.

Charles chatted with a dementor for a while by the lake, said goodbye and came back with two fish.

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