A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 276 Another summer vacation begins

The summer vacation of 1993 came as scheduled, and it was the happiest time for students.

But Charles was not happy on the first day of summer vacation because the principal was at home.

Dumbledore didn't come here to play games today, but to show Jack something good.

Penny happened to come over to do housework and was as speechless as Charles.

Dumbledore was thinking of building a new vehicle for Hogwarts, one with a more majestic appearance, and now he has chosen it.

Charles: "It's unlucky."

Penny nodded.

The two of them did not expect that Dumbledore would choose a smaller version of the Titanic as Hogwarts' new means of transportation.

"It's very majestic, isn't it?" Dumbledore looked very proud. "Many wizards agree with my plan and are willing to donate money for it."

Jack nodded and said: "It is indeed very good, Charles, you can also donate a thousand galleons."

Charles had nothing to say and could only agree.

At this time, the doorbell rang on the other side of the fireplace. Charles went to open the door, and two red heads walked out of the fireplace.

"A very nice fireplace." Arthur Weasley couldn't help but look back after he walked out, "Is that the doorbell just now? Does it need to be plugged into the socket?"

Charles said hello to Ron who came with him, waved to Harry to pour tea for the guests, and then said to Arthur: "It uses batteries."

"Battery?!" Arthur immediately became excited, "Can you show it to me?"

Charles said: "Don't worry, you can come and take a look at any time."

Then the phone rang, and Charles ran to answer it. It was his Muggle friend.

Dumbledore said to Arthur: "Arthur, congratulations on winning the "Daily Prophet" grand prize."

Arthur thanked Harry for the tea and said happily: "Haha, I didn't expect to win."

"The prize is 700 Galleons. I donated 50 Galleons to Hogwarts for shipbuilding. The rest is planned for our family to travel to Egypt in a few days. Bill is there."

Then he asked: "Harry, Charles, will you come with us?"

Charles smiled and declined, saying he didn't have time.

Harry wanted to go, as long as he could leave No. 4 Privet Drive, he could go anywhere.

He looked at Petunia, who looked at Dumbledore expressionlessly.

Dumbledore thought for a while, Harry had already applied buffs at his aunt's house in the past few days. If he didn't get enough buffs, he would come back and continue to apply them, so he nodded.

Harry and Ron laughed happily.

But Dumbledore added: "I have a small request. Harry must leave Britain as someone else."

Charles called for an hour, and when he came back everyone had left except Dumbledore.

Dumbledore wants to create a "Hogwarts Parents Club", mainly for Muggle parents.

The Granger family will also go to France for vacation in a few days. Today, Jack took Arthur, who is friendly to Muggles, to communicate with Mr. Granger. Harry and Ron also followed.

Charles came to the study room where the computer was placed upstairs and asked the principal who was about to start a new game of "Civilization 1": "Professor, could the case that happened in the seaside cave not long ago be done by Voldemort?"

He heard about what happened when he and the old man went to a restaurant after getting off the train last night. He was a little depressed about why Uncle Jiu left so early. He hadn't seen him in many years.

He is too lazy to take care of Blake's affairs. It is important to do research after school starts. The new Potions Championship will be held in Kodos Dorez early next year. He may also work as a translator. Maybe he can sit in Valentina's car for a while. Magic spaceship but look at it from more than 20,000 meters in the air.

The British police discovered hundreds of corpses in the cave. Not only was the whole country shocked, newspapers compiled numerous reports, and the Queen gave a speech. Even the United Nations was shocked. The Northern Ireland Republican Army was so frightened that it immediately announced that it and This matter has nothing to do with it.

After taking the exam, Charles went to the Centaur Liaison Office of the Ministry of Magic before he had a vacation. He went through the resignation procedures for Lupine and the entry procedures for Eleanor. During this period, he did not hear any rumors, and there was only half of them in the newspapers. There are no letters.

So Charles asked what was going on.

Dumbledore said while playing: "This matter was accidentally discovered by a foreign wizard who came to the UK and reported it to the Ministry of Magic. After the Auror Office told me, I went there and found that it was indeed related to Voldemort."

"Those corpses were all inferi before, and they were all people without magic. The foreign wizard who discovered them had deep research on this aspect and lifted the curse on them."

"There is a door in the cave that needs blood to open. We moved the bodies of those poor people to the cave outside the door before notifying the Prime Minister."

"I think everyone needs to know about this, but Fudge didn't believe that Voldemort was back, so he restricted the transmission of information. When he notified the Prime Minister, he only said that it was an accidental discovery."

"There is a very deep but also very naive magical protection inside the door. The Inferi is one of the means, but the last means of protection was destroyed and the thing to be protected is gone."

"Charles, I'm afraid Voldemort has more than one Horcrux. That should have been the place where the Horcruxes were stored."

"Voldemort may have noticed after the notebook was destroyed, so he transferred the Horcrux."

Charles nodded after hearing this and sighed: "So that's it. So many innocent people were turned into inferi. It's terrible."

He thought to himself, if news of Blake's escape soon came out, the blame would be placed on the dog's head.

At this time, he thought that the Ministry of Magic should know about Black's escape from prison. The Dementors covered it up for the first time without incident, and reported it after the second time when it couldn't be covered up anymore. However, the Ministry of Magic continued to cover it up, and it is still possible. Can cover it.

Dumbledore should have known about the news. He just agreed to allow Harry to follow the Weasley family to Egypt anonymously. Did he have the idea of ​​​​allowing Harry to avoid the limelight, or to create a fake Harry to catch the dog?

Charles didn't want to think about it anymore, so he took out the copy of "Pretty Little DreamWorks 2" that was only released half a month ago and asked a friend from the magic house to buy it from his bag and put it in it.

According to the plan, he is going to live in the villa this summer vacation. Now that he has this game, he has to move his computer there.

Dumbledore saw the box containing the CD and asked curiously: "What is this?"

Charles replied: "It's a game that simulates raising a daughter. I asked my friends at the Magic House to buy it. I'll install it first and then play it when I get back."

Dumbledore asked him: "Where are you going?"

Charles replied: "I plan to start doing plant breeding experiments next semester. I heard that there is a pretty good herbal market in Germany, so I decided to see what herbs can be added to the experiment."

Dumbledore asked helplessly: "Have you forgotten that you still have something to do?"

Charles scratched his head, then shook his head: "No?"

Dumbledore almost used the Elder Wand to cast a few spells on him.

"Oil Painting Network System Project!" He glared at Charles, "We have completed the draft of prototype design, user interface design and database design based on the "Product Functional Requirements Logic Diagram" you provided, waiting for your review."

"Oh, these words of yours are really hard to pronounce."

"There is also a firewall cracking competition, which is going to start in August. You have to prepare the prize money first."

This was a big deal that had been agreed upon a long time ago. Dumbledore was just afraid that this guy would forget about it, so he came to remind him on the first day of the holiday and play games by the way.

When Charles heard these things, he said: "Professor McGonagall has given me the draft after the exam. I have hired professionals to provide me with review services. This will take some time."

Dumbledore said confidently: "You are wasting money. I believe no one can find a problem."

Charles smiled and said: "I also hope there are no problems, because I pay according to the severity and number of problems picked out."

Dumbledore suddenly felt something was wrong. With this guy's connections all over the world, he might be looking for foreign wizards, which would be difficult to handle.

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