A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 242 This is the cemetery

Under the sunset, the green wheat fields, the farmhouses with lingering smoke, and the ancient castles on the mountaintops were all covered with a layer of golden gauze. A flock of birds fell into the distant woods, and several white fire dragons bowed their heads to drink water by the river.

The castle tower looks unremarkable from the outside, with solid rocks and small windows. After entering, I realize that neither the surrounding walls nor the ceiling above can be seen. The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the half-walled bookshelves, comfortable lounge chairs and suspended ceilings. On a floating mirror.

The bright mirror was larger than the full-length mirror. The gold on the edge was engraved with complex geometric patterns, and it was inlaid with colorful gems. It was dazzling, but it was eclipsed by the person standing in front of it.

When a guest arrived, the hostess turned around with a confident smile on her face.

Charles felt his heartbeat speed up to 200 in an instant.

The lady in front of me has her hair casually draped behind her back like a golden waterfall reaching her calves. She is tall and well-proportioned. C++ is the best language in the world. Her blue eyes are both clear and deep. Her appearance is that of a humanoid Veela. At 50-50, the most attractive thing is the confidence and bookishness brought by endless knowledge, all of which hit Charles' strike zone.

Charles' eyes were a little dazed, and he couldn't help taking a few steps forward. His outstretched hand froze the moment it was about to touch her face, and his expression also changed.

"Why are you so sad all of a sudden?"

The "Queen" was very puzzled. The guest was obviously fascinated by his appearance just now, but at that moment he seemed to be a different person. All the tragedians in history could not describe his sadness.

"Sorry." Charles stepped back and bowed slightly, "I was rude just now, please forgive me."

"I am Charles Smith, here because of Merlin's trials."

"Can you tell me what to call you?"

The other party's deep eyes looked directly into Charles's eyes, as if he could see through him. After a moment, he replied: "I don't have a name. I am playing the role of queen now. You can call me whatever you want."

Charles thought for a moment and said, "I think only the name 'Artemis' is worthy of you."

"Okay." The other party smiled slightly, "Now my name is Artemis."

The next two of them looked at me, and I looked at you, without speaking for a long time, until the sky turned into velvet dotted with gems, a crystal chandelier appeared above their heads, and the roar of the white fire dragon after it had eaten and drank was heard in the distance.

"You idiot! What are you doing standing there stupidly? Will you pick up girls?" Mo Jing suddenly said in a girl's voice, "You are an idiot, you have no courage at all. Why did you let me in? If I had known this, I would have let you in." The white dragons drove you away."

"Really, Flamel, how could he let a gutless bastard like you inherit his alchemy? It would be better to let those two redheads who look the same."

The scene of Harry and his group appeared on the mirror. It was a village. They helped the villagers kill a wild boar as big as a house. Now there was a bonfire party. Fred and George took the girls and danced by the fire.

The mirror continued: "If you fall in love with her, pursue her boldly. Hold her, tell her you love her, kiss her until she becomes weak..."

The following content gradually became inappropriate for Charles's age in this life.

Artemis lowered her head, her face was a little red, and she gently lifted the hem of her sky blue palace dress with her hands, revealing her red high heels and white calves. Then she jumped up and hit the magic mirror hard with a roundhouse kick.

"Shut up!" She said viciously, "Believe it or not, I will throw you into a pile of dragon dung!"

"Hey..." Magic Mirror looked very disdainful, "I didn't expect that you are also a bastard. It's rare to find a strong man..."

"Boom!" With a sound, Artemis punched the magic mirror again.

This mirror is very strong and has no scratches from being punched or kicked.

"Calm down, calm down!" Magic Mirror's voice was very calm, "Let me tell you, it's business that matters."

Artemis took a deep breath, turned to Charles and said, "According to Flamel's instructions, as long as you come here..."

"Stop!" Magic Mirror suddenly shouted, "Please, don't look at what time it is now, the guests want to have dinner!"

Artemis was stunned, and immediately bowed to Charles to apologize, and left from the door next to the bookshelf to prepare dinner.

Now only Charles and the magic mirror are left here.

"Hey," Magic Mirror asked Charles, "You clearly fell in love with her at first sight just now, why did you suddenly become so sad?"

Charles smiled bitterly and replied: "She's not breathing."

Just now he subconsciously reached over and found that Artemis was just like the water tofu princess, her nose was just a decoration and she didn't breathe.

The only explanation is that they are magical creatures, not real humans. They are essentially the same as paper people.

The magic mirror said: "No wonder Lemei chose you, a miscellaneous fish. You are sober, very self-controlled, and have a mind that can control powerful forces instead of being controlled by them."

"Actually, you can do anything to her and she won't object."

Charles rolled his eyes at the magic mirror, it was weird to believe it.

"What exactly is this place?" he asked, "and who are you?"

"Tsk..." The magic mirror looked very disappointed, "You are the one chosen by Flamel, so it doesn't hurt to tell you. This is the cemetery of Merlin of all generations."

"This place has real life and alchemical creations."

"Many years ago, a small town was massacred by the Vikings. The people here except her were all the ghosts of that town. Merlin took them in and gave them magical bodies to maintain the balance of animals and plants here. "

"I... hehehehe, I am the master of this world!"

Charles nodded, and then said perfunctorily: "You are so awesome."

Magic Mirror was unhappy and said angrily: "You're just a bastard, I'll show you how powerful I am!"

In the mirror, Harry and the others were singing, dancing and eating barbecue. The bonfire in the middle suddenly shot up to four or five stories high and turned into a flaming giant in the blink of an eye.

The flame giant roared up to the sky, and the fire rained down all around, and the whole village suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Dumbledore was drinking and chatting with the village chief. When he saw this scene, he jumped up and shouted loudly to Hermione and others who were playing games with the children: "Quick, take the children away first!"

The village chief said to him slowly: "Don't worry about us, you can leave quickly, we will refresh in the early morning."

Princess Shui Tofu, who was sitting next to her, kicked the village chief hard under the table and reminded him not to say anything he shouldn't.

Dumbledore began to cast a spell, and a wall of earth rose around the fire giant, closing it in the blink of an eye.

Charles praised the magic mirror a few times, looked at the bookshelves around him and asked curiously: "What kind of books are there around?"

The magic mirror replied: "These are all books on alchemy prepared by Flamel, and they are all given to you."

Charles scratched his head and said, "I don't have much interest in alchemy. It would be a waste if you give it to me."

Magic Mirror said nonchalantly: "Trash fish is just trash fish. This is a treasure that many people can't even dream of, but you actually despise it."

"Anyway, I've given it to you. You can keep it for yourself, give it away, or burn it."

Charles thought for a while, and if that was the case, he would just accept it. When he had time, he would sort it out and publish it as a book for public sale, which would also be considered as a contribution to the development of the art of alchemy.

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