A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 238 Opening the Trial

The Forbidden Forest is the most dangerous place in the minds of Hogwarts students. A little carelessness can lead to death here.

Hermione heard the voice talking to her again, and once again stretched out her hand nervously to grab Charles' arm.


Ron let out a scream. He was walking well just now, but first he was pulled over with great force by the person behind him, and then his arm seemed to be bitten by a dragon. The huge force brought unbearable pain.

The team exploded again.

Ron looked at Hermione resentfully. He almost thought his bones were going to break. He said depressedly, "Why are you so strong?"

Hermione shivered and said, "I heard that voice again."

"Let go first." Ron looked around and didn't find anything strange, but he also discovered problems that others had ignored.

He complained to Hermione: "Why are you so timid today?"

Hermione usually followed the rules, but when it came to breaking school rules, she was not afraid at all. When she was in first grade, she dared to burn Snape's robes.

It's just that she acted a little strange today. An unknown voice startled her so much that she didn't use her brain to think at all. It was different from the past.

Harry also said: "I also think Hermione is a little strange today. Charles, what do you think?"

The person who knew Hermione best was undoubtedly Charles, but Harry turned his head and found that this guy was opening a bag of potato chips.

"It's okay," Charles handed the potato chips to Hermione, "I'm just too nervous, just relax."

Seamus originally wanted to say something, but seeing how unconcerned he looked, he finally chose to shut up.

Everyone started again, Hermione was holding potato chips and munching on them, looking much calmer.

As she ate, the bag became empty. She thought about it and realized that she had eaten less than five slices.

The voice rang in her ears again: "It's the tomato flavor I like."

The procession stopped again.

"Charles!" Hermione grabbed Charles' collar, "Who else is here?!"

At this time, she realized that there was one more person when Charles counted the number of people just now. He must not have counted himself twice as Harry said, but there was really someone hiding nearby.

Charles must have known about this, and it would be right to catch him and beat him first before judging.

Charles smiled and nodded.

"Is there really someone else?"

Fred looked around and used a "Revelation", but there was nothing.

Upon seeing this, George took out a palm-sized notebook, opened a few pages and clicked it with his wand, and a firework the size of a ping pong ball popped out of the paper.

The fireworks jumped into the air, and just when he was about to light the fuse with his wand, a hand suddenly appeared out of thin air and took the fireworks away.

Charles shrugged, and it seemed that everyone could continue to Merlin's trial.

The hand gradually appeared towards the body, and Dumbledore appeared, holding a firework in one hand and dragging a hanging ball of potato chips with the other.

"Well... everyone can put down their wands."

Everyone except Charles had their wands pointed at him.

"This was Charles' idea." Dumbledore suddenly realized that he had no psychological pressure to sell Charles. "He said that you can ensure your own safety in the Forbidden Forest, so let me give you a question to test you."

"If you fail to discover me before arriving at your destination, Gryffindor will really be deducted a hundred points, and you will have no choice but to go back and accept the punishment."

The last time we collected fertilizer in the Forbidden Forest, it was approved by Professor Sprout and Dumbledore. This time so many people entered the Forbidden Forest without permission. If they were discovered, the organizers might have to go to Azkaban for a few days to make up for it. class.

So Charles reported the matter, and today Dumbledore's prank happened.

Charles also said: "Professor Dumbledore wants to see if we can really protect ourselves in the Forbidden Forest, and also to observe the extracurricular teaching of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class next week."

It didn't look like they were being caught, and the others were relieved.

Hermione raised her hand carefully as if answering a question in class. After Dumbledore nodded, she asked, "So... did we pass?"

Dumbledore smiled and said, "Let's see what Merlin left behind."

Everyone was completely relieved.

With the boss leading them, the group quickly arrived at the place where fertilizer was collected that day.

Around the circular pattern on the ground, students gathered and carefully studied the method of opening it.

Dumbledore did not participate, but watched Charles tinkering with the barbecue grill and awning.

"Are you here for camping?" Dumbledore was speechless.

Charles smiled and said, "Everyone has to eat."

He put the charcoal in the grill and lit it and whispered, "If they behave well, I'm going to take them over there and have a look."

Dumbledore knew he was talking about the hot cave, so he thought about it and nodded in agreement.

When Charles put the skewers of meat on the grill, Neville directed everyone to look around for strange-looking stones, which were the key to the solution.

Dumbledore sat on the chair next to the barbecue, holding the snacks he had taken back from Charles. While eating, he asked, "How much do you know about the trials here?"

Charles replied: "I only know about opening the trial pavilion. I don't know what will happen after entering."

Dumbledore said: "I found some old books, asked some old friends, and found clues from old papers. I learned that the real trial varies from person to person."

"You can think of it as a giant request room, and like that day, it's like there's a real world around you."

"Inside, you might just solve a problem, or you might save the world."

Charles remained silent after hearing this, and just put a piece of roasted peppers on a plate and handed it over.

Dumbledore didn't seem to like eating this. He held the plate without eating and continued chatting: "I heard that a long time ago, someone opened a ranch to raise magical animals in the Room of Requirement in Hogwarts. There were even precious animals. Purple horned beast.”

Charles continued not to speak. That place was gone. After graduation, the old man emptied the magical animals and herbs inside, took the money and started traveling around.

When Charles prepared lunch, Harry and others had already searched the surroundings. After washing their hands, they gathered around the barbecue and ate while exchanging their findings.

They found several large square stone pillars. Except for the vines, they could see different patterns on all sides of the pillars. Not far from the pillars, there were also square stones with the same patterns as those on the pillars.

Anyone can see it at this point, just place the stones on the pillars corresponding to the pattern.

After the group had eaten and drank enough, they began to get busy. First, one person used a floating spell to float the stones on the ground, and the other tried to adjust their positions, and finally placed them on the stone pillars.

Everyone was busy, Seamus and Dumbledore were encouraging.

Dumbledore just came over to take a look and had no intention of participating. Seamus was because everyone was afraid that he would blow up Merlin.

After all the stones were placed, the round stone slabs on the ground glowed with green light, like fireflies.

As the green light point rose, a pavilion wrapped with vines appeared. The vines on the top of the pavilion dropped a burst of leaves, forming a statue of a wizard in the center of the pavilion.


Everyone was dancing with joy.


Dumbledore was the first to notice something strange. He walked to the statue and looked at it carefully, then turned to look at Charles.

Others also discovered that the stone statue looked a bit like Charles, except that the stone statue was of a middle-aged man, while Charles was still in adolescence.

Before they could discuss it, the stone statue emitted a dazzling green light. When the light disappeared, there was no one around the pavilion.

When everyone came to their senses, they found that their situation was not good.

Dumbledore found himself tied to a pole, which stood in the middle of the railway tracks. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Seamus and Neville were tied to another railway track nearby. A steam locomotive was racing from a distance. Charles stood at the fork of the track, his feet chained to the ground, and his hand holding the switch lever.

Everyone tried their best, but found that they couldn't use half of the magic spell. They could only watch the locomotive blowing out white smoke getting closer and closer.

Dumbledore saw this and shouted to Charles: "Charles, let the train come to me!"

On the other side, Harry, who was tied at the front, figured out what was going on and hurriedly shouted: "Charles, let the train come!"

"Hogwarts cannot live without Dumbledore, just like 3D Zone cannot live without Tifa!"

He didn't understand what the 3D Zone was or what Tifa was. He only knew that Charles kept saying this from time to time.

Ron and others behind also figured out the situation and called Charles to let the train come to their side.

The locomotive was getting closer and closer, and everyone found that they could not make a sound.

Dumbledore was a little anxious, fearing that Charles would let the train go towards Harry, so he shouted even though there was no sound, his face turned red.

I saw Charles pulling the switch lever at the last moment, and the locomotive turned at the fork and headed towards the track where Dumbledore was.

Dumbledore smiled happily.

But his smile instantly froze, because Charles pushed the switch lever again, and the train swerved at the fork, with the front of the car on his side and the rear of the car on Harry's side, traveling on two tracks at the same time.

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