A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 234 Unexpected Discovery

There are many mysterious things in the Forbidden Forest. You can see it under the moonlight. In addition to the Yue Chi Beast poop that can be used as fertilizer, there is also a circular pattern of two or three meters in diameter made of stone slabs.

After hearing the shouting, the poop pickers rushed over to watch the excitement, squatting on the ground and studying it carefully.

Hermione looked at it for a while and couldn't figure out what it was, so she said, "Maybe someone built a house here before."

Fred and George were very serious, whispering to each other in low voices, first surprised, then excited.

Ron asked them, "Do you know what this is?"

Fred replied, "I think we know."

George said seriously: "If you read more books, you will know what it is."

Ron's face was very exciting, and he told himself to read more books. If Hermione said it was nothing, it would feel like some strange mutation had occurred in the world if these two people said it.

What made him even more depressed was that Neville knew what it was: "Is this Merlin's trial?"

The Longbottom family is also an old Twenty-Eight Banners family and knows some ancient things, and soon thought of the stories grandma once told.

"It's just that grandma doesn't know much about Merlin's trial." Neville looked a little embarrassed, "No one has met him in many years."

Fred said: "Our old grandmother also recorded this matter. At that time, there was a student who passed many trials."

After he finished speaking, he raised his head and asked: "Charles, do you know about Merlin's trial?"

At this time, the poop pickers discovered that Charles was not squatting here just now, but ran around and was now walking back.

After hearing Fred asking himself, Charles replied: "I'll tell you guys after I finish collecting the fertilizer."

"You actually know?" Harry looked confused. "Hermione didn't see it when she read the book. Fred and Neville were told by the elders in the family, which means that this matter is only circulated within the wizarding family. How did you know about it? ?”

Then he asked in great surprise: "Could it be that Mr. Smith is actually a wizard and he told you this?"

Charles curled his lips and said, "Why don't you say that Mrs. Figg knows Professor Dumbledore."

Ron asked curiously: "Who is Mrs. Figg?"

Harry replied with a black line: "She is an old lady near our home. She has a lot of cats at home. She seems to be interested in Mr. Smith..."

"Ahem..." Charles interrupted Harry's next words, "Harry, if you still want to get pocket money from grandpa, don't mention what you just wanted to say again. I won't be beaten by him for talking nonsense." help you."

This matter was over, and Charles began to shovel the poop. Half of tonight's harvest would be given to Professor Sprout for use in the greenhouse, and the other half would be used in his luminous garden.

Others also got busy. Although Charles did not say where he learned about Merlin's trial, his reputation has always been good, and everyone believed that he would not lie.

Shoveling shit is not an easy job, especially if it's fresh. Hermione has already recited more than a dozen spells to use on Charles to vent his anger.

It was almost early in the morning when we finished our work. Everyone was so tired that they lost interest in listening to Charles' story and just wanted to go back as soon as possible.

"Why is it here?"

Ron was surprised to see his family's flying Ford Anglia 105E luxury sedan falling from the sky and parked in the open space.

Fred asked Charles, "I thought you bought it and fixed it now?"

As soon as Charles nodded, Professor Sprout stretched out from the driver's window and shouted to them: "Children, come on up!"

Everyone was shocked. They didn't see anyone in the car through the car window just now.

"Have you bought a car?" Harry held his chin thoughtfully, "You have a house and a car..."

Hermione continued what he said: "Charles, are you getting married?"

Charles had a black thread and gave these two guys Tianling Gai a sword. He actually used his own words to tease himself that he deserved a beating.

Hermione's face suddenly showed a look of horror, and she asked tremblingly: "Did you wash your hands just now?"

Harry also realized the seriousness of the problem and looked at Charles with an unkind expression, waiting for his answer.

Charles said with a dark face: "How about I ask Seamus to use a cleaning spell on you?"

Seamus immediately agreed: "No problem!"

Harry and Hermione immediately shook their heads, joking, and asked Seamus to do it. If they were lucky, only the hair would be gone, but if they were unlucky, the hair would be intact.

After some joking, Charles opened the trunk of the car and asked them to throw the fertilizer bags in, and then opened the car door to welcome everyone in.

Neville, Ron and the Weasley twins had just been studying the car's glass, and when they entered the car, they were discussing the charm on the car window, which made people outside unable to see the people inside.

But everyone immediately fell silent as soon as they entered the car, with Snape sitting in the passenger seat.

In the Forbidden Forest, there are not only Moon-Crazy Beasts gathered in this place, but also in further places. With a car, you can travel to more places. Overall, tonight was quite fruitful.

Professor Sprout asked Charles: "Is everyone here?"

Charles counted them and replied: "They are all here, not a single one is missing."

It was the first time for Hermione and Neville to ride in this car, and they curiously studied the spacious carriage, which could fit hundreds of people.

Returning to the castle was just a matter of stepping on the accelerator, and it arrived before the two of them had finished their research.

Snape opened the door and left as soon as the car landed. He often needed to use the herbs in the greenhouse, so he was captured to help.

"Severus is very unhappy," Professor Sprout said secretly to Charles. "He has no part in your big project."

Charles just smiled. The oil painting network system really does not require potions. The antiseptic and antifungal materials can be solved in herbalism. Snape can't do anything with fifty thousand galleons. Even Professor Trelawney is involved. After rubbing the crystal ball for several days, and using a lot of tea leaves and incense for divination, I finally came to the conclusion that this project can be finally completed.

Snape seemed to think that this was not a matter of money, but a matter of face, and he felt a sense of isolation. However, he felt depressed but had no choice but to dare to trouble Charles, for fear that Party A's father would cancel the contract and quit.

If that happened, Dumbledore could tie him up and plant him in a greenhouse, and there would be many professors to help dig the hole.

When walking into the castle gate, Charles said: "The midnight snack should be ready. The delicious beef pie should be placed in the common room now."

Harry said hurriedly: "Then we have to go back quickly, otherwise we will be eaten by others!"

"Don't worry, it won't happen," Charles said.

The beef pie was made by Dobby. He watched in the dark, and those who wanted to eat it would feel uncomfortable when they reached out and approached.

Hermione punched Charles in the back dejectedly and said, "I'm going to the bathroom first, don't finish eating."

Ron immediately said: "It's not safe for you to go alone. What if the jellyfish monster appears?"

Charles twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Do you want to go with her?"

Ron had no other thoughts from the beginning, he was just worried about Hermione's safety.

But he mentioned a certain jellyfish, and Charles subconsciously told him something while depressed.

Ron's face turned as red as his hair.

Hermione glared at Charles fiercely. She had been tricked by this guy tonight. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She said angrily to Ron: "Then you stand guard outside the gate."

When the group returned to the common room, there was no one there. There was a large plate on the long table in front of the fireplace, with a mountain of fist-sized pies on it.

Dobby appeared when Charles came forward and reported that there was no loss in the pie except two rubies eating it.

Harry looked at Dobby in surprise, not expecting him to appear here, and asked: "Dobby, why are you here and why are you called Boss Charles?"

Dobby turned his head when he heard someone calling him, and when he saw Harry, his body suddenly froze, and his two long horizontal ears flapped rapidly like the wings of a hummingbird.

The next moment, he was rolling on the ground holding his head, looking very painful.

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