A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 214 Have you seen this notebook?

Many people couldn't sleep well that night. Dumbledore kept talking all night long. Percy and Ginny were restless and restless all night. It was already two o'clock in the morning when Charles got up from the pensieve.

Seamus was very excited when he got up. The magic of the mirror space was so interesting. Although he felt that he couldn't learn it, it didn't stop him from urging Charles to learn. Once he learned it, it wouldn't be much different from him.

Regardless of the late hour, Seamus sat at his desk to start making a study plan for Charles, but was immediately suppressed.

Fortunately, Charles set the alarm clock sent by an owl two days ago. When the time came, the alarm could be heard even by Harry and Neville next door.

On the way to the cafeteria for breakfast, Seamus rubbed his ears and complained: "This clock is actually a Valentine's Day gift. Did you offend that lady?"

After giving Seamus a kick, Charles said, "It's not a Valentine's Day gift. It just so happened that Erica did this as a class assignment not long ago."

This alarm clock was given by Erica. This vampire girl's grades in subjects other than herbalism and pharmacy were mediocre, and she relied on her strength to achieve miracles.

"By the way!" Simo thought of something, "Did Valentina give you wine-filled chocolates? Let me try some of them."

Charles shook his head hastily, not daring, mainly because he was afraid that Seamus would blow up Hogwarts when he was drunk.

Other people's wine-centered chocolate is a piece of chocolate with wine in the middle, but what Valentina sent was only a purple box with the word "chocolate" on it, and inside was a bottle of transparent liquid that can power the engine.

Seamus asked Charles curiously: "Valentine's Day is coming soon, who are you going to give gifts to?"

Charles shook his head and said, "I'm not prepared to give it to anyone."

Seamus put his arm around his shoulders and said with a smirk, "I heard someone is planning to give you a gift."

Charles curled his lips, not interested in this matter, his studies were more important.

The two came to the first floor and saw Malfoy bullying a first-year Hufflepuff student.

Just as Charles was about to take action, Seamus pulled out his wand and said, "Let me try that spell."

After speaking, he waved his wand and chanted a spell, and a faint white light hit Malfoy's back.

It's just that nothing happened to Malfoy. Just like before, he didn't even feel that he was being attacked.

Charles was frightened, because this spell normally has no light, and Seamus went too far.

"Ahem..." Bell suddenly appeared behind the two of them, "Mr. Finnigan, it is not good to cast spells on other students. It is against school rules."

Seamus immediately replied: "Professor, I know I was wrong."

One of the two lectured in a serious tone, while the other admitted his mistake in a serious tone with a playful smile. Professor McGonagall, who was following behind, was unable to interrupt.

Bell and the two students chatted about the Defense Against the Dark Arts class taking a hike in the Forbidden Forest after the weather warmed up, and walked towards the quiet and peaceful cafeteria.


Malfoy's screams sounded at the door of the cafeteria. Just now, his right little toe kicked on the heavy wooden door, which looked very painful.

The corners of Seamus' lips curled up proudly, and when he passed by Malfoy, he asked him what was wrong with great concern.

When he and Charles sat down at the Gryffindor long table, another familiar scream and crash came from the direction of the Slytherin House long table. This time, the little toe of his left foot kicked against the solid table. Legs, everyone around subconsciously retracted their feet.

Of course, some people were happy, and Harry was one of them. He laughed and shouted in a voice that could be heard throughout the castle: "Oh my God, how can there be such a stupid person!"

Malfoy, his face redder than the Weasleys' hair, stood up and gave Harry a hard look.

But he just took two steps and kicked a chair hard again. This time, the front of the calf bone of his right leg hit the chair in a strange way, and the chair flew to the nearby college.

Harry smiled even wider now.

Seamus whispered to Charles, "That's an interesting spell."

Charles nodded. This curse can be said to be a curse that makes people kick the solid things around them. It is secretive and easy to use. It is the first choice for deceiving people.

Seamus asked curiously: "Where did you learn this curse?"

Charles smiled and began to fill his plate with three-finger-thick sandwiches, fried eggs, and grilled sausages.

The first period is the History of Magic class, so I'll be ready for class after eating and drinking.

Ruby was also in position, behind Charles, with her head on his shoulder, her mouth open, waiting to be fed.

Next to him, Neville gave it a large spoonful of tomato stew and beans, and was looked down upon.

Charles' hopes of catching up on his sleep were dashed. As soon as breakfast was over, Professor McGonagall called all the Weasleys, plus Harry, Hermione and Charles, to the Headmaster's office.

Charles knew what was going on at a glance. The person being called was either related to the Horcrux Notebook, or he was present at the parents' fight at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore last year.

Also confused about the situation were the Harry trio and the twin brothers. Among them, the twin brothers were a little nervous. Could it be that something they had done was discovered and they were going to be expelled?

Ron was equally nervous. The principal's office was getting closer and closer, and the cold sweat on his forehead was getting more and more.

What surprised Charles was that Hermione was acting the same as Ron, biting her lip with her teeth and darting her eyes around, looking like she was making excuses.

Harry looked much calmer, at least on his expression, but when he walked his hands seemed to be filled with cement, hanging stiffly at his side and motionless.

Charles sighed inwardly, it seems that these few people have secretly done something terrible recently, and now they feel guilty. They will have some fun later.

Dumbledore looked a little tired, with dark circles around his eyes, something he didn't have when he played games all night.

The Horcrux Notebook was placed on the table of the office desk, and those who had come into contact with it became nervous.

Dumbledore first asked the twin brothers: "Do you still remember whether you saw this notebook when you bought Ginny's textbooks last summer?"

As he spoke, he pushed the Horcrux notebook forward, and everyone focused their attention on it. Many people instantly understood the reason for today's question.

Only Fred and George had questions in their heads. This was the first time they had seen this tattered notebook, and they shook their heads in unison.

Dumbledore confirmed to them again: "Think about it, did you put this notebook into Ginny's textbooks at that time?"

Fred recalled: "Although we didn't have much money at the time, we could still buy new laptops."

George continued: "Notebooks are not as expensive as textbooks. We can definitely buy new ones."

Dumbledore nodded to the two of them and asked Harry if the trio had seen this notebook at that time. Ron and Hermione both said they had never seen it in Diagon Alley.

Harry didn't answer immediately, but looked thoughtful, and the office suddenly became very quiet.

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