A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 208 Unthought of

On the top floor of Nurmengard Castle, Charles was eating hot pot leisurely. From the charcoal to the seasonings on the table, he rode a broomstick to a distant supermarket to buy them. He chopped down a tree and cut the chopsticks to cut the steak. The same goes for cutting boards that cut into slices of meat.

Dumbledore sat in the chair where Grindelwald had been sitting, cold and uncomfortable.

He stared intently at Charles, his hand holding the Elder Wand seemed loose and tight, as if he would do it if he disagreed.

Charles still ate calmly. The soup base was only ginger and green onions. The cooked beef was dipped in chili sauce imported from Mexico and could be sandwiched between slices of bread. Although it was a messy mess, it was quite suitable for a place where the cold wind blew.

"What did you say to him?"

Dumbledore's tone was not very friendly. Grindelwald's departure was a big or small matter.

Charles said while eating: "Nothing, I just told him that he was a fool."

Dumbledore's expression improved, thinking that the two of them had quarreled, and Grindelwald didn't win the argument. He was afraid of being embarrassed when he saw him coming, so he hid outside and waited for him to come back as soon as he left.

He asked again with concern: "He didn't do anything to you, did he?"

Grindelwald was not a good-tempered person. He had tortured people in cruel ways in the past, and it was common for him to beat his subordinates. It was not surprising that he would arrest Charles and beat him when he was angry.

Charles just shook his head. Grindelwald was indeed angry at first and wanted to take action, but he gave up after seeing his wand.

Dumbledore asked curiously: "Why do you think he is an idiot and make him so angry?"

Grindelwald's city is very deep. He has experienced many storms and waves. It is not easy to make him so angry.

Charles replied: "I just let him know that he is an ignorant and empty-headed person."

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment. Grindelwald was also a student at that time. Although he was expelled from school, he couldn't describe it like this. If a child said this, he would definitely be angry.

He was about to say that Grindelwald was still very smart, but Charles continued to say: "He finally realized that his failure stemmed from his ignorance."

There were many question marks on Dumbledore's head. Grindelwald actually admitted that he was a fool. Could it be that he had been locked up here for too long, the environment was too bad, and there was something wrong with his head?

"What did you say about him?" Dumbledore was very curious, "Tell me quickly."

Charles took a sip of beer, put down the glass, looked directly into Dumbledore's eyes, and said slowly: "Grindelwald believed that power is the basis of rule. Wizards have power, so they naturally rule Muggles. The power of Muggles is increasing rapidly. The growth is about to completely crush the wizards, so we need to do it as soon as possible.”

Dumbledore nodded. This was Grindelwald's philosophy at the time. Just in order not to irritate those pure-blood families who had the same idea, some modifications were made during publicity.

Charles continued: "If the strongest wants to be the master forever, he must transform his own strength into power and transform the obedience of others into obligations. This is how the power of the strongest comes."

"The magical power of wizards is no different to the entire human race than the swords, guns, cannons, and nuclear weapons of Muggles. They are the force exerted by one person on another."

"Surrendering to force is a forced act, not an act of initiative. It is at best a prudent choice to protect oneself. How can it become a human responsibility?"

"This kind of power based on force will only bring chaos, because once force creates power, then any force beyond the current force can disobey it and can replace and inherit its power."

"In this system once someone can disobey with impunity because of greater force, then they can legally disobey. Since the strongest is always justified, the point is simply to be the strongest."

"Then once the force disappears, those who were originally forced to obey by force, but not obeyed because of responsibility, will no longer be forced to obey, and they will no longer have the obligation to obey."

"It can be seen from this that force cannot be used as the basis of real power. Obedience under this kind of power does not have much binding force. Attempting to establish rule by force will only cause endless chaos and eventually lead to wizards and Muggles joining forces. Perish."

Charles said as he finished the last bit of beef.

Grindelwald just took two bites and stopped eating. It probably didn't suit his taste, so he finished it based on the principle of not wasting.

Dumbledore was silent for a long time after hearing this. He felt that what he said made sense, but it seemed that something was missing.

"Who taught you this?" Dumbledore felt that this kind of truth was not developed by twelve or thirteen-year-old children, and when he said it, he had many written expressions and was not so colloquial.

Charles replied: "This is from Chapter 3 of The Social Contract by French thinker Jean-Jacques Rousseau."

He left this chapter alone and it was a bit confusing. For example, what is power and why should we obey?

But what he wanted was this effect. There were many issues that had been thought about by predecessors and verified by history. Grindelwald had been isolated from the Muggle world for too long and did not know the "Social Contract Theory", but his own experience could vaguely correspond to it. On, this inspired thinking.

The two of them talked about more than that during the day, and also talked about economy, productivity, academic development and other topics.

Just as Dumbledore thought, Grindelwald was silenced by a junior. When he saw him coming, he was afraid of being ridiculed, so he ran to the nearby woods to enjoy the breeze.

The cold air makes people sober, and the brain that is hundreds of years old is not rusty. The more Grindelwald thinks about it, the more he feels that what Charles said has caused a lot of questions that he has never thought about in his mind. There is a feeling that once he understands it, he can sublimate it. a feeling of.

Grindelwald decided in his mind to accept the suggestion made by Charles just now, but he still had to talk to Dumbledore before leaving, and the most important thing was to have something to eat.

Just now, my point of view was completely refuted, and I was so angry that I couldn't eat anything. Now that I have calmed down, I feel hungry.

But when he returned to the top floor of Nurmengard, he found that it was as cold and sizzling as before. Everyone had left, leaving the pot clean.

Dumbledore came here to take Charles back. Since Grindelwald was walking outside and didn't want to see him, he didn't care about him.

Grindelwald finally left Nurmengard and came to the gate of No. 3 Privet Drive in the dead of night.

The door was unlocked and opened as soon as the door was pushed, but as soon as the person walked in, countless vines appeared on the floor and wrapped around their ankles.

Grindelwald smiled, played a trick, and stamped his feet. The vines turned into ashes in the blue flames.

The lights in the living room were on, and Jack hadn't gone to bed yet. He was sitting on the couch with a fashion magazine studying the popular women's clothing this spring. There were several magazines beside him.

He only raised his head slightly when the uninvited guest walked in, and then continued reading the magazine.

As if he had returned to his own home, Grindelwald sat down on the single sofa and began to give orders: "Give me a cup of coffee."

Jack didn't seem to hear it, and continued to study a hat in the magazine. It was a good style, and the color could be changed to a darker color to suit an older lady.

Seeing that Jack was unmoved, Grindelwald narrowed his eyes slightly, secretly threw a fear spell, and then continued to order: "Give me a cup of coffee, hurry up!"

Jack said calmly: "There is a way to make yourself make coffee, but there is only one way to do it, and that is to order yourself to make coffee. Grab the unwilling person's head and force him to make coffee. If he refuses, beat him. Just knock him down, beat him repeatedly until he obeys, and then order him to make coffee. Whether he wants it or not, just order him like tearing apart a wooden table. In this way, I will not be in the coffee chain. You can make it even with an extra spoonful of sugar."

Grindelwald suddenly stood up. He had never been so despised on both sides of the Atlantic. Just now he was only polite because of Dumbledore, who was behind Charles. Now it seems that being polite to others is rude to yourself!

The next morning, Vernon Dursley yawned and went out after breakfast. Before going to the garage to drive to work, he saw Jack standing on the edge of the lawn in front of the house, so he crossed the street to say hello.

"Good morning, Mr. Smith." He found a topic related to the weather. "There was thunder all night last night, which scared people."

"Good morning." Jack replied calmly, "There was only one minute and twenty seconds of thunder last night. Were you woken up?"

Vernon complained: "I was shocked. I was worried that there would be thunder later, so I couldn't sleep well all night."

At this time, he noticed that someone was picking up the wind-blown garbage into a plastic bag on Jack's lawn. He said with some concern: "Mr. Smith, this person is not an illegal immigrant. It will be very troublesome if the police see him."

Jack said: "He is the gardener for Charles' villa. His status is legal. Let's try it today. If there is no problem, let him come to the island."

Vernon was reassured that although Mr. Smith was an upright gentleman, hiring an illegal immigrant from Africa would cause unrest in the neighborhood, which would be fine in a Scottish villa.

"By the way," Jack took out a note and handed it to Vernon, "I would like to ask Petunia for a favor. Go to London to help buy some books according to the book list."

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